- brought into existence; "he was a child born of adultery"
- move while holding up or supporting; "Bear gifts"; "bear a heavy load"; "bear news"; "bearing orders"
- massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws
- an investor with a pessimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower price
- have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices; "She bears the title of Duchess"; "He held the governorship for almost a decade" (同)hold
- take on as ones own the expenses or debts of another person; "Ill accept the charges"; "She agreed to bear the responsibility" (同)take_over, accept, assume
- bring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"; "The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers" (同)turn_out
- have; "bear a resemblance"; "bear a signature"
- so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness; "a boring evening with uninteresting people"; "the deadening effect of some routine tasks"; "a dull play"; "his competent but dull performance"; "a ho-hum speaker who couldnt capture their attention"; "what an irksome task the writing of long letters is"- Edmund Burke; "tedious days on the train"; "the tiresome chirping of a cricket"- Mark Twain; "other peoples dreams are dreadfully wearisome" (同)deadening, dull, ho-hum, irksome, slow, tedious, tiresome, wearisome
- the act of drilling a hole in the earth in the hope of producing petroleum (同)drilling, oil production
- British nuclear physicist (born in Germany) honored for his contributions to quantum mechanics (1882-1970) (同)Max Born
- bear〈他〉1の過去分詞(受動態にのみ用いる) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『生まれながらの』,先天的な(innate) / 『生まれた』;生じた
- 〈C〉『クマ』 / 〈C〉乱暴者 / 〈C〉(株式で)売り方 / 《the B-》クマ座
- 《しばしば受動態で》〈子〉'を'『産む』 / 〈花〉'を'『つける』,〈実〉'を'『結ぶ』;〈利子など〉'を'生む / 〈重さ〉'を'『支える』,‘に'耐える;〈物〉'を'載せている / 《通例否定構文で》〈人が〉…'を'『がまんする』,こらえる / 《通例否定構文で》〈物事が〉…‘に'ふさわしい,‘の'価値がある / 〈義務・責任など〉'を'負う,負担する;〈罰など〉'を'受ける,こうむる / 《文》…'を'『運ぶ』,持って行く,連れて行く / 〈情報・うわさなど〉'を'伝える,広める / 〈力など〉'を'与える,提供する / 〈武器・紋章など〉'を'身につけている,帯びている / 〈ある性質・特徴〉'を'示す,持っている / 〈ある感情〉…'を'心にいだく,持つ / 《副詞[句]を伴って》…'を'押す,突く / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(…の方に)向く,進む《+『toward』+『名』》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(…の)方向(位置)にある / 子を産む;実を結ぶ / …に向かって努力する / …にぐっと押し寄せる
- bearの過去分詞
- 退屈な,うんざりする
- 穴をあけること,穿孔(‘せんこう');(鉱山の)ボーリング
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/02/19 11:35:33」(JST)
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Born may refer to:
- Childbirth
- Born (crater), a lunar crater
- Born, Netherlands, a town in the Netherlands
- Born, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a municipality in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
- Born, Luxembourg, a village in Luxembourg
- Born, Saxony-Anhalt, a municipality in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
- Adolf Born (born 1930), Czech painter and illustrator, caricaturist and film-maker
- Brooksley Born (born 1940), American and chairperson of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- Ignaz von Born (1742–1791), Austrian mineralogist and metallurgist
- Max Born (1882–1970), German mathematician and physicist
- Georgina Born (born 1955), British anthropologist and musician
In music
- Born (album), a 2001 album by string quartet Bond
- Born (EP), a 2004 EP by D'espairsRay
- "Born", a song by the Japanese singer Miwako Okuda
- "Born", a song by the Ohio-based band Over the Rhine
- "Born", a song by the metal band Nevermore
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English Journal
- fMRI evidence for dorsal stream processing abnormality in adults born preterm.
- Chaminade T, Leutcher RH, Millet V, Deruelle C.SourceInstitut de Neurosciences de la Timone, CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France. Electronic address: tchamina@gmail.com.
- Brain and cognition.Brain Cogn.2013 Feb;81(1):67-72. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2012.10.006. Epub 2012 Nov 20.
- We investigated the consequences of premature birth on the functional neuroanatomy of the dorsal stream of visual processing. fMRI was recorded while sixteen healthy participants, 8 (two men) adults (19years 6months old, SD 10months) born premature (mean gestational age 30weeks), referred to as Prem
- PMID 23174430
- The epidemiology of chronic hepatitis C and one-time hepatitis C virus testing of persons born during 1945 to 1965 in the United States.
- Ward JW.SourceDivision of Viral Hepatitis, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30333, MS G-37, USA. Electronic address: jww4@cdc.gov.
- Clinics in liver disease.Clin Liver Dis.2013 Feb;17(1):1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.cld.2012.09.011.
- Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the most common blood-borne infection in the United States. HCV infection is a leading cause of chronic liver disease, end-stage liver disease, and liver transplantation. Newly available therapies can clear HCV in most infected persons who receive treatment. However, many
- PMID 23177279
Japanese Journal
- 臨床研究・症例報告 甲状腺疾患のある母体から出生した新生児例のまとめ
- はじめての子どもをもつ両親の子どもへの思いに関する質的研究
- Hiraba Seiji
- Osaka Journal of Mathematics 51(2), 337-358, 2014-04
- … In general, for a Markov process which does not have an invariant measure, it is possible to realize a stationary Markov process with the same transition probability by extending the probability space and by adding new paths which are born at random times. …
- NAID 120005422640
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- BORN,ボーン,猟牙,K,TOMO,Ray,KIFUMI. ... BORN Official Site. (c)copyright PS COMPANY Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 掲載されているすべてのコンテンツ(記事、 画像、音声データ、映像データ等)の無断転載を禁じます。 PS Company Official Site PS ...
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- bear-bore-born
- 運ぶ、持って/連れて行く
- (重さ・物などを)支える。(義務・責任などを)負う
- (検査・比較など)に耐える
- (利子を)生む。(花を)つける
- (子を)もうける
- An infant born to an alcoholic mother had microcephaly and cardiac abnormalities and died despite resuscitative efforts.
- 持ちこたえる。耐える
- 圧迫する(on, against)。(支持物に)もたれかかる(on)
- 効き目がある(on)。関係/影響がある(on)
- 押し進む。(ある方向を)とる。向く、曲がる