- 分別のある、思慮のある、賢い。(話など)気の利いた、実際的な。(衣服が)虚飾がない
- (古)感づいて(of)。気づいて、分かって(of)。(口)意識して(conscious)
- 感じられる、知覚できる、実体的な。(変化など)目立つほどの、かなりの、相当の
- 感じやすい(sensitive)(to light)、~を感ずる(to pain)
- 関
- advisable、judicious、judiciously、sensibly、wise
- readily perceived by the senses; "the sensible universe"; "a sensible odor"
- able to feel or perceive; "even amoeba are sensible creatures"; "the more sensible parts of the skin" (同)sensitive
- aware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed; "made sensible of his mistakes"; "I am sensible that the mention of such a circumstance may appear trifling"- Henry Hallam; "sensible that a good deal more is still to be done"- Edmund Burke
- having or prompted by wisdom or discernment; "a wise leader"; "a wise and perceptive comment"
- a way of doing or being; "in no wise"; "in this wise"
- worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise; "such action is neither necessary nor advisable"; "extreme caution is advisable"; "it is advisable to telephone first"
- in a judicious manner; "lets use these intelligence tests judiciously"
- incapable of physical sensation; "insensible to pain"; "insensible earth"
- unresponsive to stimulation; "he lay insensible where he had fallen"; "drugged and senseless" (同)senseless
- unaware of or indifferent to; "insensible to the suffering around him" (同)unaffected
- the quality of showing good sense or practical judgment
- 『分別』(『良識』)『がある』,ものの分かる / (心・五感によって,容易に)感じられる,感覚できる / 《文》《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)気づいている(…を)意識している(aware, conscious)《+『of』+『名』》
- (人・行為などが)『賢い』,賢明な,思慮分別のある / 『博識な』,学識豊かな;事情に詳しい,物事が分かっている / 《俗》生意気な / …‘を'気づかせる,…‘に'教える《+up+『名』,+『名』+up》 / (…に)気づく,(…を)知る《+up to+『名』》
- やり方(way),方法,流儀(manner)
- 勧めることができる,得策の
- 感じられるほどに,相当に / 賢明に,分別をもって
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(痛みなどに)無感覚の《+『to+名』》 / 意識を失った,人事不省の / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)無感動な,無関心な《+『to+名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)気づかない《+『of+名』》 / 気がづかないほどの
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/07/26 12:05:11」(JST)
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Sensible may refer to:
- Captain Sensible (born 1954), English rock guitarist
- French frigate Sensible (1788), a 32-gun Magicienne-class frigate
- Sensible Sentencing Trust, a lobby group
- Sensible Software, a defunct video game company
See also
- Sense (disambiguation)
- Sensibility
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English Journal
- Assessing the effects of price regulation and freedom of choice on quality: evidence from the physiotherapy market.
- Pekola P1, Linnosmaa I2, Mikkola H3.
- Health economics review.Health Econ Rev.2017 Dec;7(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s13561-017-0158-2. Epub 2017 Jun 23.
- PMID 28646287
- Developing a statistically powerful measure for quartet tree inference using phylogenetic identities and Markov invariants.
- Sumner JG1, Taylor A2, Holland BR3, Jarvis PD3.
- Journal of mathematical biology.J Math Biol.2017 Dec;75(6-7):1619-1654. doi: 10.1007/s00285-017-1129-2. Epub 2017 Apr 22.
- PMID 28434023
- A paradigm shift for bone quality in dentistry: A literature review.
- Kuroshima S1, Kaku M2, Ishimoto T3, Sasaki M4, Nakano T3, Sawase T4.
- Journal of prosthodontic research.J Prosthodont Res.2017 Dec;61(4):353-362. doi: 10.1016/j.jpor.2017.05.006. Epub 2017 Jun 17.
- PMID 28633987
- The sensible health care professional: a care ethical perspective on the role of caregivers in emotionally turbulent practices.
- Baur V1, van Nistelrooij I2, Vanlaere L3.
- Medicine, health care, and philosophy.Med Health Care Philos.2017 Dec;20(4):483-493. doi: 10.1007/s11019-017-9770-5.
- PMID 28432482
Japanese Journal
- デジタル副教材の社会的コスト:公的サービスとデジタル市場のギャップ
- スピーキング・ペアワークにおける 有効なツール活用
- 大規模地下駅における冷房負荷の推定と潜顕分離空調の適用可能性について (特集 身近のちょっと気になる冷凍空調技術) -- (交通系)
- 農林水産省経営局長賞 乳牛に及ぼす暑熱の影響と暑熱ストレス指標による客観的評価方法 (平成26年度家畜診療等技術全国研究集会・入賞論文)
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- sen·si·ble (sĕn′sə-bəl) adj. 1. a. Acting with or exhibiting good judgment; reasonable: a sensible person; a sensible choice. b. Not ornate or impractical: a sensible hairdo; sensible shoes. 2. Having a perception of something ...
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- 関
- advisability、judicious、judiciously、sensible、wise
- 英
- judicious、advisable、wise、sensible、judiciously
- 関
- 感覚的、得策
- 関
- advisable、judicious、judiciously、sensible
- 関
- advisable、judicious、sensible、wise
- 英
- sensible、sensibly
- 関
- 賢明
- 感じない、無感覚な(to)。意識がない、人事不省の。気がつかない。無頓着な、神経質な。目に見えない/気づかないほどの
- 関
- anesthesia、numb、unaware、unawareness、unconscious、unconscious state、unconsciousness
- insensibly、insensiblness、insensitive、insensitivity
- 関
- transpiration