- sing with closed lips; "She hummed a melody"
- a humming noise; "the hum of distant traffic" (同)humming
- be noisy with activity; "This office is buzzing with activity" (同)buzz, seethe
- sound with a monotonous hum (同)thrum
- make a low continuous sound; "The refrigerator is humming"
- the gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle (同)transmission system
- the act of sending a message; causing a message to be transmitted (同)transmittal, transmitting
- communication by means of transmitted signals
- relating to a person; "the experiment was conducted on 6 monkeys and 2 human subjects"
- characteristic of humanity; "human nature"
- having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings; "human beings"; "the human body"; "human kindness"; "human frailty"
- a harmful or corrupting agency; "bigotry is a virus that must not be allowed to spread"; "the virus of jealousy is latent in everyone"
- (virology) ultramicroscopic infectious agent that replicates itself only within cells of living hosts; many are pathogenic; a piece of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) wrapped in a thin coat of protein
- a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer; "a true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance" (同)computer virus
- immunological disorder in which some part of the bodys immune system is inadequate and resistance to infectious diseases is reduced
- 〈ハチ・機械などが〉『ブンブンいう』,ブーンと鳴る / 『鼻歌を歌う』,ハミングスル / (ちゅうちょ・当惑で)ふむふむいう / 《話》〈雰囲気・事業などが〉活気がある,活発に動く;(…で)活気づく《+『with』+『名』》 / …‘を'『ハミングで歌う』,鼻歌を歌って…‘を'(ある状熊に)する / (ハチ・機械などの)『ブンブン』[『うなる音』];鼻歌 / (雑踏などの)ガヤガヤ]いう音],騒音 / ふ‐む,う‐ん(ちゅうちょ・当惑・黙考・疑惑・不快などの声)
- (また transmittal)〈U〉(…を)伝える(送る)こと,(…が)伝えられる(送られる)こし,(…の)伝達,伝送《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(ラジオ・テレビなどで)送られたもの(画面・番組など) / 〈C〉伝動装置,(車の)変速装置,ギヤ
- (動物・神に対して)『人間の』,人の / 『人間らいし』,人間的な,人情味のある / 〈C〉《複数形》(動物に怠して)人間(human being) / 〈U〉《the human》人類
- ビールス,ろ過性病原体
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English Journal
- Mediating effects of social support on depression and quality of life among patients with HIV infection in Taiwan.
- Hou WL1, Chen CE, Liu HY, Lai YY, Lee HC, Lee NY, Chang CM, Chen PL, Ko WC, Shu BC, Ko NY.
- AIDS care.AIDS Care.2014 Aug;26(8):996-1003. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2013.873764. Epub 2014 Jan 15.
- Few empirical studies have evaluated the mediating effects of quality of life (QoL) among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). The purposes of this study were to identify the predictors of QoL and to test the mediating effects of social support on depression and QoL among patients enrolled in an HIV
- PMID 24423628
- Phylogenetic analysis accounting for age-dependent death and sampling with applications to epidemics.
- Lambert A1, Alexander HK2, Stadler T3.
- Journal of theoretical biology.J Theor Biol.2014 Jul 7;352:60-70. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.02.031. Epub 2014 Mar 4.
- The reconstruction of phylogenetic trees based on viral genetic sequence data sequentially sampled from an epidemic provides estimates of the past transmission dynamics, by fitting epidemiological models to these trees. To our knowledge, none of the epidemiological models currently used in phylogene
- PMID 24607743
- Discordances with HIV-1 RNA quantitative determinations by three commercial assays in Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo.
- Bruzzone B1, Bisio F2, Caligiuri P3, Mayinda Mboungou FA4, Nigro N5, Sticchi L6, Ventura A3, Saladini F7, Zazzi M7, Icardi G8, Viscoli C2.
- Journal of virological methods.J Virol Methods.2014 Jul;203:102-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2014.02.030. Epub 2014 Mar 30.
- Accurate HIV-1 RNA quantitation is required to support the scale up of antiretroviral therapy in African countries. Extreme HIV-1 genetic variability in Africa may affect the ability of commercially available assays to detect and quantify HIV-1 RNA accurately. The aim of this study was to compare th
- PMID 24694776
Japanese Journal
- 細川 真一,赤平 百絵,國方 徹也 [他]
- 日本小児科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japan Pediatric Society 118(3), 481-486, 2014-03
- NAID 40020028451
- 診療所と病院における妊婦HIVスクリーニング検査の比較
- 吉野 直人,高橋 尚子,伊藤 由子 [他]
- 日本エイズ学会誌 = The journal of AIDS research 16(1), 12-17, 2014
- NAID 40019999282
- Relative Importance of Demographic, Socioeconomic and Health Factors on Life Expectancy in Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries
- Mondal Md. Nazrul Islam,Shitan Mahendran
- Journal of Epidemiology, 2014
- … The response variable was life expectancy, and the determinant factors were demographic events (total fertility rate and adolescent fertility rate), socioeconomic status (mean years of schooling and gross national income per capita), and health factors (physician density and human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] prevalence rate). … The findings suggest that policies should concentrate on improving reproductive decisions, increasing education, and reducing HIV transmission. …
- NAID 130003383384
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- Page 1 3 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Transmission Goselle Obed Nanjul1, 2 1School of Biological Sciences, Bangor University 2Applied Entomology and Parasitology Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Jos, 1UK 2Nigeria
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- communication、contagion、convey、infect、infection、infestation、penetrate、penetration、permeate、transduce、transduction、transductional、transfer、transmit
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