- travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route; "He takes the bus to work"; "She takes Route 1 to Newark"
- the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption
- make use of or accept for some purpose; "take a risk"; "take an opportunity" (同)accept
- get into ones hands, take physically; "Take a cookie!"; "Can you take this bag, please" (同)get hold of
- have sex with; archaic use; "He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable" (同)have
- head into a specified direction; "The escaped convict took to the hills"; "We made for the mountains" (同)make
- require (time or space); "It took three hours to get to work this morning"; "This event occupied a very short time" (同)occupy, use up
- interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression; "I read this address as a satire"; "How should I take this message?"; "You cant take credit for this!" (同)read
- accept or undergo, often unwillingly; "We took a pay cut" (同)submit
- ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial; "take a pulse"; "A reading was taken of the earths tremors"
- be seized or affected in a specified way; "take sick"; "be taken drunk"
- buy, select; "Ill take a pound of that sausage"
- carry out; "take action"; "take steps"; "take vengeance"
- develop a habit; "He took to visiting bars"
- experience or feel or submit to; "Take a test"; "Take the plunge"
- obtain by winning; "Winner takes all"; "He took first prize"
- take by force; "Hitler took the Baltic Republics"; "The army took the fort on the hill"
- take into ones possession; "We are taking an orphan from Romania"; "Ill take three salmon steaks"
- to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort; "take shelter from the storm"
- transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; "I gave her my money"; "can you give me lessons?"; "She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care"
- consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man; "She gave herself to many men"
- occur; "what gives?"
- proffer (a body part); "She gave her hand to her little sister"
- the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length (同)spring, springiness
- give or convey physically; "She gave him First Aid"; "I gave him a punch in the nose" (同)apply
- give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause; "She committed herself to the work of God"; "give ones talents to a good cause"; "consecrate your life to the church" (同)dedicate, consecrate, commit, devote
- give as a present; make a gift of; "What will you give her for her birthday?" (同)gift, present
- convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow; "Dont pay him any mind"; "give the orders"; "Give him my best regards"; "pay attention" (同)pay
- dedicate; "give thought to"; "give priority to"; "pay attention to" (同)pay, devote
- bestow; "give homage"; "render thanks" (同)render
- convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture; "Throw a glance"; "She gave me a dirty look" (同)throw
- be flexible under stress of physical force; "This material doesnt give" (同)yield
- cause to happen or be responsible for; "His two singles gave the team the victory" (同)yield
- accord by verdict; "give a decision for the plaintiff"
- allow to have or take; "I give you two minutes to respond"
- cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense; "She gave him a black eye"; "The draft gave me a cold"
- convey or reveal information; "Give ones name"
- deliver in exchange or recompense; "Ill give you three books for four CDs"
- emit or utter; "Give a gulp"; "give a yelp"
- estimate the duration or outcome of something; "He gave the patient three months to live"; "I gave him a very good chance at success"
- execute and deliver; "Give bond"
- give (as medicine); "I gave him the drug"
- guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion; "You gave me to think that you agreed with me"
- inflict as a punishment; "She gave the boy a good spanking"; "The judge gave me 10 years"
- leave with; give temporarily; "Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?"; "Can I give you the children for the weekend?"
- manifest or show; "This student gives promise of real creativity"; "The office gave evidence of tampering"
- offer in good faith; "He gave her his word"
- perform for an audience; "Pollini is giving another concert in New York"
- present to view; "He gave the sign to start"
- propose; "He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party"
- submit for consideration, judgment, or use; "give ones opinion"; "give an excuse"
- the act of giving (同)gift
- disposing of property by voluntary transfer without receiving value in return; "the alumni followed a program of annual giving"
- the imparting of news or promises etc.; "he gave us the news and made a great show of the giving"; "giving his word of honor seemed to come too easily"
- 譲り合い,歩み寄り,妥協 / (言葉・意見の悪意のない)やりとり,応酬
- …‘を'『手に取る』,つかむ,握る / (…から)…‘を'(力づくで)『取り上げる』,奪い取る,占領する《+名+from+名》・〈人〉‘を'『捕らえる』,〈魚・獲物〉‘を'捕獲する・(いくつかある物の中から)…‘を'『選んで取る』,選ぶ・〈賞など〉‘を'『勝ち取る』;〈試合〉‘に'勝つ・〈贈り物・金など〉‘を'『受け取る』,もらう・〈忠告など〉‘を'受け入れる,に従う;〈非難など〉‘を'甘受する・《副詞[句]を伴って》(…な気持ちで)…‘を'受け取る,‘に'反応する・〈人〉‘を'迎える,預かる,引き受ける;〈婿など〉‘を'とる・…‘を'予約する,借り入れる:(定期的に)…‘を'購読する,購入する・(元となるものから)…‘を'取ってくる,(本などから)…‘を'引用する《+名+from+名》・(体内に)…‘を'『取り入れる』,食べる飲む;〈休日など〉‘を'取る・〈外力・影響〉‘を'受ける;〈病気〉‘に'かかる:〈色〉‘に'染まる;〈におい〉‘が'移る;〈火〉‘が'付く・〈物〉‘を'『持って行く』,〈人〉‘を'『連れて行く』・…‘を'連れ去る;〈人の命〉‘を'奮う・(…から)…‘を'減じる,引く《+名+from(off)+名》・(…で)〈人〉‘の'心を奮う,〈注意など〉‘を'引く《+名+with+名》・(…へ)〈乗り物が〉…‘を'『運ぶ』,〈道などが〉…‘を'導く,〈仕事などが〉…‘を'行かせる《+名+to(into)+名》・〈乗り物〉‘に'『乗る』・〈物事が〉・〈時間・空間・労力など〉‘を'『必要とする』,要する・〈人が〉〈場所・位置〉‘を'『占める』・《動作を表す名詞を目的語にして》〈その名詞が表す行動・動作など〉‘を'『する』,とる,実行する・〈手段〉‘を'とる;〈道具など〉‘を'用いる・〈時間・機会など〉‘を'利用する・〈授業〉‘を'受ける・〈道〉‘を'行く,とる・…‘を'書き取る;〈絵画〉‘を'描く;〈写真〉‘を'撮る・…‘を'取り扱う,考慮する・責任・義務〉‘を'負う;〈役目・職務など〉‘に'就く・…‘を'計る,測定する;…‘を'調査する・〈ある感情・決意・見解など〉・‘を'持つ,抱く・…‘を'『理解する』,分かる・…‘に'当たる(hit) ・〈男が〉〈女〉‘と'性交する・〈機械装置などが〉かかる;〈歯車などが〉かみ合う・〈根が〉つく;〈種が〉芽を出す・〈薬が〉効く;〈接種が〉つく / 〈インキ・染料・絵の具などが〉付く,乗る / 人気を博す,受ける・《副詞[句]を伴って》写真に写る・(1回の)捕獲高,漁獲高 / (映画で,連続して撮った)1シーン;(連続撮影の)1ショット・反応・見解:「What is your take on何々?」で「何々をどう思いますか」
- (無償で)〈物〉‘を'『与える』,あげる,贈る,提供する / 〈物〉‘を'『渡す』,手渡す(hand over) / 〈代金〉‘を'『支払う』 / 《抽象的なことを目的語にして》…‘を'『与える』,授ける,出す / 《『give』+『名』〈間〉+『名』〈直〉》…‘に'〈体の一部〉‘を'差し出す / …‘を'供給する;…‘を'生ずる,もたらす / 〈数量・兆候など〉‘を'示す / 《特に短い動作を表す名詞を目的語にしてgive a~の形で》…する / 〈会など〉‘を'催す,開く;〈劇など〉‘を'上演する / (…のために)…‘を'ささげる《+『名』+『for』(『to』)+『名』》 / (…に)〈努力・注意など〉‘を'向ける,注ぐ《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 《『give』+『名』+『to』do》…‘に'(…)させる / (…に)『物を与える』,寄付する《+『to』+『名』》 / 力に屈する,妥協する / (力を受けて)へこむ,たわむ;つぶれる / (材料などの)弾力性;(性格などの)順応性,協調性
- 《語・句・節を対等に結んで》…『と』…,…や…,および / 《数詞を結合して》…『足す』…,…に加えて / …『しかも』…,…して,同時に… / 《時間的に》『そして』,それから,すると(and then) / 《当然の帰結として》…『ので』,…だから(and so) / 《おもに話》《命令文などの後で》『そうすれば』,そうしたら / 《追加・強調して》それに,しかも / 《対照的な内容を導いて》ところが,しかし(but) / 《譲歩的に》それなのに,それでいながら / 《A and Bで一体の関係を表して》《単数扱い》 / 《同一語を反復して多数・継続などを表して》 / 《同一の複数名詞を結合して変化・種類などを表して》 / 《話》《「形容詞+and+形容詞」の形で前の形容詞が後に副詞的に働く》 / 《話》《「動詞come, goなど+and+動詞」の形でandとその後の動詞が不定詞の働きをして》 / 《「動詞+and+動詞」の形で後の動詞が現在分詞の意を表して》 / 《話》《文頭において前の質問・意見などに同意を示して》そうとも,そして(Yes!and) / 《話》《文頭に置いて驚き・疑念・非難などを表して》ほんとうに;…なのに
- (次にくる語の発音が母音で始まるときに用いる) / (子音[h]で始まり第1音節に強勢のない語の場合はanを用いることがある.ただし,この場合は[h]を発音しない)
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English Journal
- The rat-a-gorical imperative: Moral intuition and the limits of affective learning.
- Greene JD1.
- Cognition.Cognition.2017 Oct;167:66-77. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2017.03.004. Epub 2017 Mar 23.
- PMID 28343626
- Musings on mechanism: quest for a quark theory of proteins?
- Phillips R1.
- FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.FASEB J.2017 Oct;31(10):4207-4215. doi: 10.1096/fj.201700594.
- PMID 28963318
- You cannot speak and listen at the same time: a probabilistic model of turn-taking.
- Donnarumma F1, Dindo H2, Iodice P1, Pezzulo G3.
- Biological cybernetics.Biol Cybern.2017 Apr;111(2):165-183. doi: 10.1007/s00422-017-0714-1. Epub 2017 Mar 6.
- PMID 28265753
Japanese Journal
- 染谷 臣道,Yoshimich Someya
- 比較文明研究 = Journal for the Comparative Study of Civilizations 18, 27-45, 2013-06-25
- … the reliefs of men and women who give and take alms and preaches depicted in the two thirds of the 160 panels of the hidden foot and those of Jataka,Avadana,Lalitavistara and Gandavyuha in the main walls and balustrades together with the Budda statues sitting on the top of balustrades and the central large stupa on the top of Borobudur we can …
- NAID 120005305818
- Give-and-Take 期待に応え続けたい NTTドコモ法務部勤務 武井徹さん
- 松瀬 憲司,マツセ ケンジ,Matsuse Kenji
- 熊本大学教育学部紀要. 人文科学 60, 81-90, 2011-12-12
- … Lots of Old Norse words have flowed into English through the contact between Anglo-Saxons and Vikings which took place about 1,200 years ago, and through the situation in which the two peoples lived side by in northern and eastern England. … As the (loan) words that seem to have been imposed via the source language agentivity, we have get, give, and take, which form very central items in the English vocabulary. …
- NAID 110008748930
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- (利益・被害などを)受けさせる。(感情などを)起こさせる。(病気などを)うつす
- A 12-year-old child who is having difficulty in school is given an intelligence test.(behavioral science 4th ed p.64)
- 関
- accept、get、ingest、ingestion、intake、receive