- 関
- aseptic、sterile、sterility
- deficient in originality or creativity; lacking powers of invention; "a sterile ideology lacking in originality"; "unimaginative development of a musical theme"; "uninspired writing" (同)unimaginative, uninspired, uninventive
- incapable of reproducing; "an infertile couple" (同)unfertile, infertile
- free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms; "a sterile operating area"; "aseptic surgical instruments"; "aseptic surgical techniques" (同)sterile
- the state of being unable to produce offspring; in a woman it is an inability to conceive; in a man it is an inability to impregnate (同)infertility
- unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion; "free expansion"; "free oxygen"; "a free electron"
- people who are free; "the home of the free and the brave" (同)free people
- free from obligations or duties (同)discharge
- free or remove obstruction from; "free a path across the cluttered floor" (同)disengage
- grant freedom to; free from confinement (同)liberate, release, unloose, unloosen, loose
- not literal; "a loose interpretation of what she had been told"; "a free translation of the poem" (同)loose, liberal
- make (information) available for publication; "release the list with the names of the prisoners" (同)release
- able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint; "free enterprise"; "a free port"; "a free country"; "I have an hour free"; "free will"; "free of racism"; "feel free to stay as long as you wish"; "a free choice"
- not held in servitude; "after the Civil War he was a free man"
- not occupied or in use; "a free locker"; "a free lane"
- a small apparently simple structure (as a fertilized egg) from which new tissue can develop into a complete organism
- 不妊の,子を生まない(barren) / (土地が)不毛の,やせた(barren) / 無菌の,殺菌した / (考え方・話などが)想像力に乏しい,ありきたりの,陳腐な
- (傷が)病原(腐敗)菌がついていない,無菌の;(包帯・ガーゼなどが)防腐処置をした
- 不毛,不作;不妊 / 無菌 / 無味乾燥
- (束縛された状態になく)『自由な』,自由の身の / (国家・国民などが)『独立している』 / (思想・行為などが)強制されない,自発的な / (動作が)拘束されない,無理のない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(苦痛・制約などを)『免れている』,(誤り・偏見などの)ない《+『from』(『of』)+『名』》 / 《補語にのみ用いて》《『be free to』do》『自由に』…『できる』 / (仕事から)解放された,暇になった;(部屋などが)使用されていない,空いた / 『無料の』;無税の / 出し惜しみしない / 遠慮のない,慎みがない / (道路などが)障害のない,自由に通れる / 固定していない,離れた / 無料で / 自由に,妨げられずに(freely) / (…から)〈人・国など〉‘を'『自由にする』,解放する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (困難などから)〈人〉‘を'救う《+『名』+『form』+『名』》 / (障害などを)〈人・物〉‘から'取り除く《+『名』+『of』(『from』)+『名』》 / (物を)…‘から'片付ける,外す《+『名』+『of』+『名』》
- 細菌,ばい菌 / (植物の)胚(はい),幼芽;(動物の)卵子 / 原因;(発達の)初期
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- 1. 縦隔および後腹膜を含む性腺外胚細胞腫瘍 extragonadal germ cell tumors involving the mediastinum and retroperitoneum
- 2. 初回治療後の精巣胚細胞腫瘍に対する外科的アプローチ approach to surgery following primary treatment for advanced testicular germ cell tumors
- 3. 肺転移の外科的切除:利益、適応、術前評価および手技 surgical resection of pulmonary metastases benefits indications preoperative evaluation and techniques
- 4. 卵巣の悪性胚細胞腫瘍の治療 treatment of malignant germ cell tumors of the ovary
- 5. 頭蓋内胚細胞腫瘍 intracranial germ cell tumors
English Journal
- O-006 Expansion of Immunologically-Relevant E. Coli in the Intestinal Microbiota of Patients with IBD-Associated Spondyloarthritis Promotes Mucosal RORgt-Dependent Immunity.
- Kivolowitz C1, Abdulhamid A, Victorio D, Castellanos J, Simpson K, Scherl E, Longman R.
- Inflammatory bowel diseases.Inflamm Bowel Dis.2016 Mar;22 Suppl 1:S3. doi: 10.1097/01.MIB.0000480044.73384.2d.
- BACKGROUND: Spondyloarthritis (SpA) is the most common extra-intestinal manifestation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but the underlying pathogenesis that links IBD and SpA is unknown. Since IBD involves a dysregulated intestinal immune response to luminal microbial antigens and t
- PMID 26849724
- Antioxidant Drug Tempol Promotes Functional Metabolic Changes in the Gut Microbiota.
- Cai J1, Zhang L1,2, Jones RA1, Correll JB1, Hatzakis E3, Smith PB4, Gonzalez FJ5, Patterson AD1.
- Journal of proteome research.J Proteome Res.2016 Feb 5;15(2):563-71. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00957. Epub 2016 Jan 12.
- Recent studies have identified the important role of the gut microbiota in the pathogenesis and progression of obesity and related metabolic disorders. The antioxidant tempol was shown to prevent or reduce weight gain and modulate the gut microbiota community in mice; however, the mechanism by which
- PMID 26696396
- Human oral isolate Lactobacillus fermentum AGR1487 induces a pro-inflammatory response in germ-free rat colons.
- Anderson RC1, Ulluwishewa D1,2, Young W1, Ryan LJ1, Henderson G3, Meijerink M4, Maier E1,2, Wells JM4, Roy NC1,2,5.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2016 Feb 4;6:20318. doi: 10.1038/srep20318.
- Lactobacilli are thought to be beneficial for human health, with lactobacilli-associated infections being confined to immune-compromised individuals. However, Lactobacillus fermentum AGR1487 negatively affects barrier integrity in vitro so we hypothesized that it caused a pro-inflammatory response i
- PMID 26843130
Japanese Journal
- 新 幸二
- 腸内細菌学雑誌 29(1), 1-7, 2015
- 消化管粘膜は常に病原性微生物の侵入の危険にさらされている.同時に腸管内腔には多くの腸内常在細菌が生息している.そのため腸管は高度に発達した免疫システムを備え,免疫細胞は病原性微生物を迅速に排除するとともに有益無害な腸内細菌に対しては過度な応答をしないように制御されている.この高度な腸管免疫システムの形成には腸内細菌の存在が重要であることが知られていたが,その詳細なメカニズムについてはあまりよくわか …
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- Screening for Intestinal Microflora Influencing Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Mouse Cecal Mucosa
- DOBASHI Yuu,ITOH Kikuji,TOHEI Atsushi [他]
- The journal of veterinary medical science 76(3), 453-456, 2014-03
- NAID 40020035466
- 腸内細菌叢が異なるマウスの代謝プロファイル解析 (第47回 日本無菌生物ノートバイオロジー学会総会)
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- Germ-free animals are animals that have no microorganisms living in or on it. Such animals are raised within germ-free isolators in order to control their exposure to viral, bacterial or parasitic agents. When known strains of bacteria or ...
- 2007年1月10日 ... 無菌動物(germ-free animal). 微生物感染が全くない実験動物。無菌動物は帝王切開 で母動物から無菌的に取り出され、無菌室内で殺菌した試料で飼育される、1種の純粋 培養である。ゆえに微生物に対する免疫はない。 (株)先端医学生物 ...
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- 関
- aseptic、germ-free、infecundity、infertile、infertility、sterile
- 英
- sterility、sterile、aseptic、germ-free
- 関
- 生殖不能、繁殖不能、不妊、不稔性、無菌性、無菌的、不稔、防腐、不毛
- 同
- gnotobiotic animal studies&commensal bacteria/microorganisms
- 関
- sterile cupboard
- 遊離の、遊離型の、自由な、無料の、フリーの、取り除く、(接尾辞的に用いて;~を)含まない
- 関
- ad lib、ad libitum、deprive、disengage、free form、free of charge、freedom、freely、liberate、liberation、obviate、omit、release、remove、strip、withdraw
- 関
- anlage、anlagen、embryo、embryonic、germinal、microbe、microbial、microorganism、placode、primordia、primordium