- 関
- FR schedule
- set or place definitely; "Lets fix the date for the party!"
- informal terms for a difficult situation; "he got into a terrible fix"; "he made a muddle of his marriage" (同)hole, jam, mess, muddle, pickle, kettle of fish
- an exemption granted after influence (e.g., money) is brought to bear; "collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers"
- something craved, especially an intravenous injection of a narcotic drug; "she needed a fix of chocolate"
- make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc; "Get the children ready for school!"; "prepare for war"; "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill" (同)prepare, set_up, ready, gear up, set
- influence an event or its outcome by illegal means; "fix a race"
- kill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic study
- give (hair) the appearance of being fuller by using a rat
- a pad (usually made of hair) worn as part of a womans coiffure
- any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse
- catch rats, especially with dogs
- desert ones party or group of friends, for example, for ones personal advantage
- employ scabs or strike breakers in
- securely placed or fastened or set; "a fixed piece of wood"; "a fixed resistor"
- incapable of being changed or moved or undone; e.g. "frozen prices"; "living on fixed incomes" (同)frozen
- fixed and unmoving; "with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare"; "his bearded face already has a set hollow look"- Connor Cruise OBrien; "a face rigid with pain" (同)set, rigid
- (of a number) having a fixed and unchanging value
- plan for an activity or event; "Ive scheduled a concert next week"
- an ordered list of times at which things are planned to occur
- make a schedule; plan the time and place for events; "I scheduled an exam for this afternoon"
- the relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient)
- (…に)…‘を'『固定する』,取り付ける《+『名』+『in』(『on, to』)+『名』》 / …‘を'『決める』,定める / (…に)…‘を'向ける《+『名』+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》 / (…に)…‘を'置く,据える《+『名』+『in』(『on』)+『名』》 / 《米》…‘を'『修理する』,直す / 《話》…‘を'整とんするも,きちんと整える / 〈流行・型など〉‘を'定着させる;〈写真のネガ〉‘を'定着する / 《話》〈試合〉‘を'八百長に仕組む / 《米》〈食事〉‘を'用意する,〈食べ物・飲み物〉‘を'作る / 《俗》…‘に'仕返しする / 《話》苦境,窮地 / (船舶・航空機の)位置の決定 / 《俗》麻薬の注射する;注射する麻薬[の量]
- 『ネズミ』 / ひきょう者,裏切り者 / ネズミをつかまえる / 《話》(人を)裏切る,密告する《+『on』+『名』〈人〉》
- 『固定した』,据え付けの / (視線などが)動かない / 確定した,変動しない / 八百長の
- 《おもに米》(列車などの)『時間表』,時刻表;(授業などの)時間割り / (時間によって定めた)『予定』,計画,スケジュール / (料金などの)一覧表,細目表 / …‘の'スケジュール(時間表,一覧表)を作る;…‘を'スケジュールに入れる / 《しばしば受動態で》…‘を'予定する
- 『比』,比率,『割合』;『比例』
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English Journal
- Diminished role of dopamine d1-receptor signaling with the development of an addicted phenotype in rats.
- Ramôa CP1, Doyle SE1, Lycas MD1, Chernau AK1, Lynch WJ2.
- Biological psychiatry.Biol Psychiatry.2014 Jul 1;76(1):8-14. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.09.028. Epub 2013 Oct 4.
- BACKGROUND: Although considerable evidence implicates dopamine D1-receptor signaling in the nucleus accumbens in motivation for cocaine during early stages of addiction, less is known with regard to its role after the development of addiction. Here, we examined its role in the development of an addi
- PMID 24199666
- Lipopolysaccharide Reduces Incentive Motivation While Boosting Preference for High Reward in Mice.
- Vichaya EG, Hunt SC, Dantzer R.
- Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.Neuropsychopharmacology.2014 Jun 11. doi: 10.1038/npp.2014.141. [Epub ahead of print]
- Inflammation has been implicated in the development of various psychiatric disorders, including depression. However, the neurobehavioral mechanism involved in this relationship remains elusive. This gap in knowledge may best be filled by evaluating elementary neurobehavioral units affected by inflam
- PMID 24917202
- Acupuncture at HT7 suppresses morphine self-administration at high dose through GABA system.
- Lee BH1, Ku JY2, Zhao RJ3, Kim HY4, Yang CH4, Gwak YS4, Chang SC4, Kim NJ2, Kim JS2, Lee YK2, Lee HJ2, Lim SC5.
- Neuroscience letters.Neurosci Lett.2014 Jun 4;576C:34-39. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2014.05.050. [Epub ahead of print]
- In the previous study, acupuncture at HT7 has shown to attenuate the self-administration of morphine at a low dose (0.1mg/kg). In this study, it was further investigated whether acupuncture at HT7 could attenuate the morphine self-administration at a high dose (0.5mg/kg). Male Sprague-Dawley rats we
- PMID 24905174
Japanese Journal
- 枯渇する餌場におけるデンショバト(Columba livia)の採餌行動と限界値定理の適用可能性
- 枯渇する餌場におけるデンショバト(Columba livia)の採餌行動と限界値定理の適用可能性
- 古野 公紀,小美野 喬
- 動物心理学研究 58(2), 123-132, 2008
- … In the new procedure, travel between patches (fixed ratio schedule; … FR) was only observed in the case of arrival at the new depleting patch (progressive ratio schedule; …
- NAID 130000079846
- ユールの関連係数および系列分析を用いた機能アセスメント法の検討
- 青木 千帆子
- 行動分析学研究 21(2), 93-105, 2007-07-30
- 研究の目的 本研究ではユールの関連係数が随伴関係やスケジュールごとに異なる特徴を示すのか否かを確認し、ユールの関連係数を指標とした系列分析が生活場面での人の行動の随伴性やスケジュールを分析する手がかりとなるのかについて検討するため、2つの実験を行い、系列分析の手法を用いて分析した。場面・被験者 実験1では大学生30人を観察対象とし、キー入力ゲームを行う過程で強化・罰・弱化を受ける様子を記録した。実 …
- NAID 110006366622
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Related Pictures

- 英
- fixed-ratio schedule、FR schedule
- 関
- FRスケジュール
- 英
- fixed-ratio schedule
- 関
- 定率強化スケジュール
- 関
- fixed-ratio schedule
- (げっ歯類)ラット、(マウスも含めての総称)ネズミ、ラットの
- 関
- laboratory rat、mouse、Norway rat、Rattus、Rattus norvegicus
- 関
- clamp、consolidation、fixation、fixed、repair、reparative、restoration、restore、retrieval
- 関
- appointment、destine、plan、predetermine、prospective
- 関
- clamp、consolidation、fix、fixation、regular、typical
- 関
- fraction、percentage、proportion、rate、specific