- make into a puddle; "puddled mire" (同)puddle
- …‘を'ごちゃ混ぜにする,混ぜ合わせる;…‘を'混同させる《+『名』+『up』(『together』),+『up』(『together』)+『名』》 / 混乱,めちゃくちゃ
- 物事を台なしにする人 / マドラー(飲み物を混ざ合わせる棒)
- (人・議論などが)混乱した
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Muddle may refer to:
- Mr. Muddle, one of the Mr. Men from the children's book series by Richard Hargreaves
- MDL (programming language), the Lisp-derived language that Zork was first written in
- MUDDL, a programming language originally created for the first Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) by Richard Bartle and Roy Trubshaw
- Mudlle, a programming language originally created for the MUD MUME by David Gay and Gustav Hållberg
- Muddle (Kent cricketer)
See also
- Muddler, a bartender's tool
- Muddle Earth, a children's book by Paul Stewart
- Muddle Earth (John Brunner)
- Muddling spoon
English Journal
- Emotions and Decisions: Beyond Conceptual Vagueness and the Rationality Muddle.
- Volz KG1, Hertwig R2.
- Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.Perspect Psychol Sci.2016 Jan;11(1):101-16. doi: 10.1177/1745691615619608.
- For centuries, decision scholars paid little attention to emotions: Decisions were modeled in normative and descriptive frameworks with little regard for affective processes. Recently, however, an "emotions revolution" has taken place, particularly in the neuroscientific study of decision making, pu
- PMID 26817728
- Putting flexible animal prospection into context: escaping the theoretical box.
- Osvath M1.
- Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Cognitive science.Wiley Interdiscip Rev Cogn Sci.2016 Jan;7(1):5-18. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1372. Epub 2015 Nov 5.
- The debate on non-human future-oriented cognition has long revolved around the question whether such cognition at all occurs. Closer inspection reveals just how much cognition in general-down to its simplest forms-is geared toward predicting the future in a bid to maintain homeostasis and fend off e
- PMID 26537868
- Interaction of Formulation and Device Factors Determine the In Vitro Performance of Salbutamol Sulphate Dry Powders for Inhalation.
- Muddle J1,2, Murnane D3, Parisini I3, Brown M3,4, Page C2, Forbes B1.
- Journal of pharmaceutical sciences.J Pharm Sci.2015 Nov;104(11):3861-9. doi: 10.1002/jps.24599. Epub 2015 Jul 28.
- A variety of capsule-based dry powder inhalers were used to evaluate formulation-device interaction. The in vitro deposition of salbutamol sulphate (SS) was compared directly to published data for salmeterol xinafoate (SX). A 3(2) factorial design was used to assess the effect of SS formulations wit
- PMID 26220184
Japanese Journal
- E.M. フォースター : 『インドへの道』 : 融合の模索
- 寺本 明子
- 東京農業大学農学集報 53(2), 120-129, 2008-09-16
- E.M. フォースター(E.M. FORSTER 1879-1970)の代表作『インドへの道』(A Passage to India, 1924)は,彼が若い頃のインド滞在経験を踏まえて書かれた作品である。それはインドの自然環境(気候や風土),20世紀初頭のインド駐在英国人の生活実態,更に,彼が不思議な魅惑を覚えたヒンズー教の思想を背景に,「東洋人と西洋人の共存は可能であるのか」という深刻な課題に …
- NAID 110006954698
- 明治後期における金融当局検査の考察--金融行政当局者の演説を通して見る銀行検査に対する認識
- マニラ上下水道事業の外資参加・民営化の功罪--貧困層に安全な水をどう供給するか
- 毛利 良一,Ryoichi Mohri
- 日本福祉大学経済論集 (32), 1-25, 2006-02
- … The third section focuses on the charge hike-up muddle of the two concessionaires and pull-out plan of French water giant Suez from Manila.The final part draws some assessments and lessons from both the promoting side and critical side of water privatization in Manila. …
- NAID 120005599534
Related Links
- muddleとは。意味や和訳。[名]((通例a ~))1 (特に精神的な)混乱状態,まごつき.2 (事態の)混乱,雑念,乱雑,ごたごた.be in a muddle(1)〈物が〉雑然としている.(2)〈人が〉(することが多すぎて)混乱状態である.make a muddle ...
- Peel the lemons and muddle the peels with the sugar. Somehow, however, he has managed to shine a veneer of impartiality on the entire muddle. The coalition government is in a muddle about taxing wealth. Using the heel of a ...
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