- a family of tropical monocotyledonous plants of order Musales (同)family Zingiberaceae, ginger family
- tropical Asiatic and Polynesian perennial plants: ginger (同)genus Zingiber
- a castrated tomcat
- (人・行為などを)ばかにする,あざける《+『at』+『名』〈人〉,+『about』+『名』〈行為など〉》 / …‘を'ばかにする,あざける / (人・行為への)あざけり,からかい《+『at』+『名』〈人〉,+『about』+『名』〈行為など〉》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/05/18 20:53:08」(JST)
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Not to be confused with jibe (disambiguation) or gybe (disambiguation).
Look up gibe in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Gibe may refer to:
- Gibe River, located in southwestern Ethiopia
- Gibe region, the drainage area south of this river
- Sneer, to deride or tease with taunting words, also spelt "gybe" or "jibe"
- Gilberto Fernandes (1935–2010) Brazilian actor, comedian, producer and redactor.
See also
English Journal
- Primates karyological diagnosis and management programs applications.
- Steinberg ER1, Nieves M, Fantini L, Mudry MD.
- Journal of medical primatology.J Med Primatol.2014 Dec;43(6):455-67. doi: 10.1111/jmp.12131. Epub 2014 May 28.
- BACKGROUND: Captive primates are often maintained in groups without geographic origin or genetic heritage information. This could lead to an incorrect assignment of species, which could result in an inadequate management of the colonies.METHODS: We present a cytogenetic protocol adapted to be succes
- PMID 24866059
- Dynamics of Plasmodium falciparium and Plasmodium vivax in a micro-ecological setting, southwest Ethiopia: effects of altitude and proximity to a dam.
- Sena L, Deressa W, Ali A.
- BMC infectious diseases.BMC Infect Dis.2014 Nov 19;14(1):625. [Epub ahead of print]
- BackgroundRefining the spatial and temporal data on malaria transmissions at a defined ecological setting has practical implications for targeted malaria control and enhancing efficient allocation of resources. Spatial and temporal distribution of P. falciparium and P. vivax were explored around the
- PMID 25407982
- Induction of microtubule damage in Allium cepa meristematic cells by pharmaceutical formulations of thiabendazole and griseofulvin.
- Andrioli NB1, Soloneski S2, Larramendy ML2, Mudry MD3.
- Mutation research. Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis.Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen.2014 Sep 15;772:1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2014.06.009. Epub 2014 Jul 15.
- Microtubules (MT) are formed by the assembly of α- and β-tubulins and MT-associated proteins. We characterized the effects of pharmaceutical formulations containing the microtubule disruptors thiabendazole (TBZ) and griseofulvin (GF) on the mitotic machinery of plant (A. cepa) meristematic cells.
- PMID 25308540
Japanese Journal
- 大規模開発プロジェクトと周縁社会 --ーエチオピア西南部のダム/農場建設と地域住民の初期対応--
- Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies: G-COE Series 99, 1-34, 2010-07
- NAID 120004108253
- Back and Neck Pain and Psychopathology in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa : Evidence From the Gilgel Gibe Growth and Development Study, Ethiopia
- 21 結核菌細胞壁成分アラビナンの22糖の合成(口頭発表の部)
Related Links
- gibeとは。意味や和訳。[動](自)(人を;…のことで)あざける愚弄(ぐろう)する((at ...;for, about ...)). (他)…をあざける, 愚弄する. [名](…に対する)からかい, 愚弄((about, at ...)).gib・er[名] - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英 ...
- 幅広く活動する人気サークル【PLUM】より待望の最新刊が登場です! フリーゲームの「Ib」本に恋愛表現などが入った『GIBE』を とらのあな専売 でご紹介いたします まず初めに注意していただきたいことが何点かあります!
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- 関
- ginger、Zingiber officinale、Zingiberales
- 関
- ginger、Zingiber officinale、Zingiberaceae
- 関
- ginger、Zingiberaceae、Zingiberales