- 関
- clinical diagnostic criteria、criteria、criterion、diagnostic criteria
- concerned with diagnosis; used for furthering diagnosis; "a diagnostic reading test"
- characteristic or indicative of a disease; "a diagnostic sign of yellow fever"; "a rash symptomatic of scarlet fever"; "symptomatic of insanity"; "a rise in crime symptomatic of social breakdown" (同)symptomatic
- the ideal in terms of which something can be judged; "they live by the standards of their community" (同)standard
- criterionの複数形
- 診断の,診断のために役立つ
- (価値判断の)規準,尺度
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English Journal
- Spiritual Well-Being for Increasing Life Expectancy in Palliative Radiotherapy Patients: A Questionnaire-Based Study.
- Hematti S1, Baradaran-Ghahfarokhi M, Khajooei-Fard R, Mohammadi-Bertiani Z.
- Journal of religion and health.J Relig Health.2015 Oct;54(5):1563-72. doi: 10.1007/s10943-014-9872-9.
- Spiritual well-being in patients with an advanced cancer has been found to positively correlate with subjective well-being, lower pain levels, hope and positive mood states, high self-esteem, social competence, purpose in life, and overall quality of life. In this regard, Quran recitation is stated
- PMID 24797156
- Impact of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging on eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis outcomes: A long-term retrospective study on 42 patients.
- Dunogué B1, Terrier B2, Cohen P2, Marmursztejn J3, Legmann P4, Mouthon L2, Duboc D3, Vignaux O4, Guillevin L2; French Vasculitis Study Group.
- Autoimmunity reviews.Autoimmun Rev.2015 Sep;14(9):774-80. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2015.04.013. Epub 2015 May 8.
- OBJECTIVE: To determine the diagnostic and prognostic significance of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) in a cohort of patients with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA).METHODS: We conducted a monocentric retrospective study including 42 EGPA patients who had consecutively u
- PMID 25960167
- The MRI features of placental adhesion disorder and their diagnostic significance: systematic review.
- Rahaim NS1, Whitby EH2.
- Clinical radiology.Clin Radiol.2015 Sep;70(9):917-925. doi: 10.1016/j.crad.2015.04.010. Epub 2015 Jun 6.
- AIM: To identify the most frequently used MRI features in the diagnosis of placenta adhesion disorder (PAD) in the antenatal period and their significance.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The online databases Medline via PubMed and Ovid, Google Scholar, and Scopus were searched using the keywords and subject
- PMID 26059268
Japanese Journal
- 大腿骨頸部骨折・人工骨頭置換術後の脂肪塞栓による多発性脳梗塞の1例
- 紺谷 智,中村 彰伸,徳海 裕史,廣瀬 源二郎
- 臨床神経学 54(8), 648-652, 2014
- 症例は83歳女性である.2013年某月下旬に転倒して右大腿骨頸部骨折を受傷した.受傷から3日後に当院整形外科で人工骨頭置換術が施行されたが,術直後より胸部不快感・嘔吐が出現しSpO2が低下した.胸部造影CTで肺塞栓症は否定され心不全の診断で加療がおこなわれたが,血圧は低下し昏睡状態となった.翌日も昏睡状態が持続していたため当科依頼となり,頭部MRI拡散強調像にて両側半球・脳幹に多発性の微小高信号域 …
- NAID 130004679007
- 油入ケーブル接続部の線形サポートカーネルマシンによる異常判定
- 篠原 靖志,嘉屋 健,松谷 悠司
- 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) 134(8), 1138-1147, 2014
- … Japanese electric power companies widely use the gas-in-oil based diagnostic criterion, which was developed in 1999, for determining the anomaly ranking of intermediate joint boxes of single-core cables during the maintenance of oil-filled cable joint boxes. … In addition, several joint boxes that are determined as normal using this criterion have recently been found to be anomalous in the overhaul. …
- NAID 130004678021
- Clinical Characteristics of Biopsy-proven Allergic Bronchopulmonary Mycosis: Variety in Causative Fungi and Laboratory Findings
- Ishiguro Takashi,Takayanagi Noboru,Kagiyama Naho,Shimizu Yoshihiko,Yanagisawa Tsutomu,Sugita Yutaka
- Internal Medicine 53(13), 1407-1411, 2014
- … Objective The diagnosis of allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis (ABPM) has traditionally relied widely on Rosenberg's criteria, which emphasize immunologic responses while overlooking the investigation of mucous plugs as a primary criterion. … Further studies are needed to establish more elaborate diagnostic criteria for ABPM. …
- NAID 130004466377
- criterion
- (pl.)判断基準、診断基準、判定基準、基準、目安、クライテリア
- 関
- bench mark、benchmark、canonical、clinical diagnostic criteria、criterion、diagnostic criteria、diagnostic criterion、measure、reference、standard
- 英
- diagnostic criteria
- 関
- 基準、クライテリア、判定基準、臨床診断基準、目安、判断基準
- 関
- criteria、criterion、diagnostic criteria、diagnostic criterion
- 関
- clinical diagnostic criteria、criteria、criterion、diagnostic criterion
- 関
- assessment、characteristic、characteristically、diagnose、diagnoses、diagnosis、diagnostically、discriminatory、distinct、distinctive、distinctively、pathognomonic
- 関
- bench mark、benchmark、canonical、clinical diagnostic criteria、criteria、diagnostic criteria、diagnostic criterion、measure、reference、standard