- 関
- never、not at all
- not at all; certainly not; not in any circumstances; "never fear"; "bringing up children is never easy"; "that will never do"; "what is morally wrong can never be politically right"
- not ever; at no time in the past or future; "I have never been to China"; "I shall never forget this day"; "had never seen a circus"; "never on Sunday"; "I will never marry you!" (同)ne''er
- have a specified degree of importance; "My ex-husband means nothing to me"; "Happiness means everything"
- an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n (同)mean_value
- mean or intend to express or convey; "You never understand what I mean!"; "what do his words intend?" (同)intend
- denote or connote; "`maison means `house in French"; "An example sentence would show what this word means" (同)intend, signify, stand_for
- (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity; "a mean person"; "he left a miserly tip" (同)mingy, miserly, tight
- destine or designate for a certain purpose; "These flowers were meant for you"
- excellent; "famous for a mean backhand"
- used to express refusal or denial or disagreement etc or especially to emphasize a negative statement; "no, you are wrong"
- a negative; "his no was loud and clear"
- referring to the degree to which a certain quality is present; "he was no heavier than a child" (同)no more
- not in any degree or manner; not at all; "he is no better today"
- quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns for indicating a complete or almost complete lack or zero quantity of; "we have no bananas"; "no eggs left and no money to buy any"; "have you no decency?"; "did it with no help"; "Ill get you there in no time"
- sway gently back and forth, as in a nodding motion; "the flowers were nodding in the breeze"
- be almost asleep; "The old man sat nodding by the fireplace"
- let the head fall forward through drowsiness; "The old man was nodding in his chair"
- the act of nodding the head
- a sign of assent or salutation or command
- express or signify by nodding; "He nodded his approval"
- lower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation; "The teacher nodded when the student gave the right answer"
- rich in significance or implication; "a meaning look" (同)pregnant, significant
- the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous" (同)significance, signification, import
- the idea that is intended; "What is the meaning of this proverb?" (同)substance
- so as to pass a given point; "every hour a train goes past" (同)past
- 《文の否定》(1)『かつて』…『ない』,一度も…しない(at no time) / 『全く』…『ない』,『決して』…『ない』(not … at all) / 《次に来る語句の否定》『少しも』…『ない』 / 《驚き》まさか,とんでもない
- 〈人が〉…‘を'『意図する』,‘の'つもりである;…‘を'言おうとある;示そうとする / 〈単語・句・文章などが〉…‘を'『意味を持つ』,‘を'『意味する』 / (人に対して)…‘を'当てる,向ける《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 《受動態で》〈人・物〉‘を'(…)向きにする / 〈物事が〉…‘を'示す,表す / (結果として)〈物事が〉…‘を'もたらす,生じさせる / 《『mean』+『for』+『名』+『to』 do》《米話》(…が…するような)つもりでいる
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(品質・価値・才能などが)『劣った』,つまらない / (人・行為などが)『卑劣な』,さもしい / 《古》(身分・地位などが)卑しい / 《まれ》(身なり・建物などが)みずぼらしい,見るもあわれな / 《米話》(動物が)御しにくい;(一般に)扱いにくい
- 中庸,中道 / (数学で) / 平均[値];(特に)算術平均,相加平均 / (比例式の)中項,内項 / (両極端の)中間の,中央に位置する / (大きさ・品質・程度などが)平均的な,平均の
- 《名詞の前に置いて》『一つも』(『一人も,少しも』)・・・『ない』 / 《補語につけて》『決して・・・でない』 / 《省略文で》・・・なし;・・・お断り / 《話》少ししか(あまり)・・・ない / (肯定の問いに対して)『いいえ』;(否定の問いに対して)はい,ええ / 《not, norの前に挿入して》『いや』,否 / 《形容詞の前に置その形容詞を否定して》…どころではない / 《比較級の前に置いて》ちっとも…でない,…と全く同じ / 《… or no の形で》…であってもなくても / 《驚き・困惑・不信などを表して》とんでもない / 《単数形で》『拒否』,「『いいえ』」という返事 / 《複数形で》反対[投]票
- (承諾・あいさつ・合図などで)『うなずく』,会釈する / (眠くて)『こっくりする』,(油断して)うとうとする《+off》 / 〈草木・穂などが〉揺れる / (承諾・あいさつなどで)〈頭〉‘を'『うなずかせる』 / …‘を'うなずいて示す / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈人〉‘に'うなずいて示す / 《同意・承諾・あいさつ・命令など,また時には拒絶を表して》(…に対する)『うなずき』,『会釈』《+『to』+『名』》;(眠気による)こっくり
- (・・・の)『目的』,意義《+『of』+『名』》 / (吾・文の)『意味』(sense)《+『of』+『名』》 / 意味ありげな様子,意味深長 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》意味ありげな,意味常長な / 《複合吾を作って》・・・するつもりの,の意図をもった
- 《場時・位置》…『のそばに』,の近くに;…の手もとに / 《経路・通過》…を経由して,を通って,のそばを通って / 《期限・期間》…『までに』,『の間に』 / 《根拠・理由》…『によって』,に従って,に基づいて / …『を単位として』 / 《差・程度》…だけ / 《手段・方法》…『で』,『によって』,を使って / …が原因で,…の結果 / 《動作を受ける部分を示して》…を,のところを / 《受動態で動作の主体を表して》『…によって』 / …に関しては,については / …に誓って,の名において,にかけて / …ずつ,ごとに,の順番に / 《寸法・乗除》…で;…を / …に対して,のために / 《訪問場所》…に / 『そばに』,近くに / そばを通って / わきへ,取りのけて / 《時の経過》過ぎて
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English Journal
- In vivo assessment of human burn scars through automated quantification of vascularity using optical coherence tomography.
- Liew YM, McLaughlin RA, Gong P, Wood FM, Sampson DD.SourceThe University of Western Australia, School of Electrical, Electronic & Computer Engineering, Optical and Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Crawley, Perth, Australia. liewy08@student.uwa.edu.au
- Journal of biomedical optics.J Biomed Opt.2013 Jun;18(6):061213. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.6.061213.
- In scars arising from burns, objective assessment of vascularity is important in the early identification of pathological scarring, and in the assessment of progression and treatment response. We demonstrate the first clinical assessment and automated quantification of vascularity in cutaneous burn
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- Raman spectroscopic analysis of human skin tissue sections ex-vivo: evaluation of the effects of tissue processing and dewaxing.
- Ali SM, Bonnier F, Tfayli A, Lambkin H, Flynn K, McDonagh V, Healy C, Clive Lee T, Lyng FM, Byrne HJ.SourceDublin Institute of Technology, Radiation and Environmental Science Centre, Focas Research Institute, Ireland. Mehmood.ali@dit.ie
- Journal of biomedical optics.J Biomed Opt.2013 Jun;18(6):061202. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.18.6.061202.
- Raman spectroscopy coupled with K-means clustering analysis (KMCA) is employed to elucidate the biochemical structure of human skin tissue sections and the effects of tissue processing. Both hand and thigh sections of human cadavers were analyzed in their unprocessed and formalin-fixed, paraffin-pro
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Japanese Journal
- クリエイティブ人材の創造はいかにあるべきか-西新宿一丁目プロジェクト-
- 椎塚 久雄,市野 潤子,矢野 絵美,勝瀬 典雄,杉原 広宣,布川 博士,中島 淳,大谷 毅
- 工学院大学研究報告 (112), 73-84, 2012-04-30
- … This means that Nishishinjuku 1-Chome is so-called" artificialcity". … These people despite thefact that in a key position to support the Japanese society, which has previously been pointed out that there is no fixing.In addition, it also discussed measures to have been, to obtain a definitive solution of the situation is not reached. …
- NAID 110009001969
- 「沈黙の声」にみる身体的志向性 : わざ研究へのメルロ= ポンティ現象学からの接近
- 奥井 遼
- 京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 58, 183-193, 2012-04-27
- … This paper proposes that the theory of phenomenology constructed by Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) represents an effective method to analyze body-knowledge. … In recent years, many educational researchers have paid attention to body-knowledge or tacit knowledge because it differs from intellectual knowledge, which modern educational studies have regarded as useful means to improve children's abilities in school. …
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- 関
- by no means、not at all
- never as ~ as … …のように~ではない
- In all severe congenital forms of HA, skeletal changes may be noted due to over-activity of the bone marrow (although they are never as severe as in thalassemia).(HIM.652)(サラセミアのようにひどくはないけれども)
- 英
- never、by no means、not at all
- 関
- by no means、never
- (過去-過去分詞meant)
- 関
- avenue、average、even、gateway、implication、imply、instrumental、mean value、meaning、means、policy、purport、represent、semantic、sense、tool
- 関
- avenue、fashion、gateway、instrumental、manner、mean、method、mode、policy、procedure、process、tool、way
- 関
- consequence、implication、imply、mean、purport、represent、semantic、sense、significance
- 関
- number of experiment、sample size
- pの前の[n]はmと記載する。synptom→symptom
一酸化窒素 nitrogen oxide nitric oxide