- 〈U〉意味,意義 / 〈U〉〈C〉表示,表明
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For the Wikipedia policy about signatures, see Wikipedia:Sign.
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A sign is an entity which indicates another entity.
Sign may also refer to:
- Signage
- Signature
- Sign (semiotics)
- Sign (linguistics)
- Sign language
- Sign (mathematics), an indication of negative and positive numbers
- Sign function, also known as the signum function
- Sign of a permutation
- Astrological sign
- Medical sign
- Project Sign, a project by the U.S. Air Force to investigate unidentified flying objects (UFOs)
- Servicio de Inteligencia de la Gendarmería Nacional or Inteligencia de la Gendarmería Nacional Argentina, the Argentine intelligence service
- Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network, a Scottish group that develops evidence based medical guidelines
- Sign (band), an Icelandic band
- "Sign" (Mr. Children song) (2004)
- "Sign" (Beni Arashiro song) (2010)
- "Sign" (Marcella Detroit song), from Dancing Madly Sideways (2001)
- "Sign", a song by Susumu Hirasawa
- "Sign-2", a different version of "Sign" from Berserk: Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shō
- "The Sign" (song), a 1993 song by Ace of Base
- "Sign" (Flow song), a 2010 song by Flow from Japan, also as Naruto Shippudden's Opening 6
See also
- .hack//Sign, an anime series
- Signs (disambiguation)
- Signing (disambiguation)
English Journal
- Clinicopathological significance of c-MYC in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
- Lian Y1, Niu X2, Cai H3, Yang X3, Ma H3, Ma S3, Zhang Y4, Chen Y4.
- Tumour biology : the journal of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine.Tumour Biol.2017 Jul;39(7):1010428317715804. doi: 10.1177/1010428317715804.
- PMID 28671049
- An Existential Perspective on Death Anxiety, Retirement, and Related Research Problems.
- Osborne JW1.
- Canadian journal on aging = La revue canadienne du vieillissement.Can J Aging.2017 Jun;36(2):246-255. doi: 10.1017/S0714980816000465. Epub 2016 Nov 3.
- PMID 27806738
- A crisis of meaning: can 'schizophrenia' survive in the 21st century?
- Tew J.
- Medical humanities.Med Humanit.2017 Jun;43(2):111-117. doi: 10.1136/medhum-2016-011077.
- Both within clinical and wider societal discourses, the term 'schizophrenia' has achieved considerable potency as a signifier, privileging particular conceptual frames for understanding and responding to mental distress. However, its status has been subject to instability, as it has lacked indisputa
- PMID 28559368
Japanese Journal
- 日本近代文学にみる「トスカ」 : 文学概念、そして、文学表現の軌跡を辿って
- 清瀬 みさを,キヨセ ミサオ,Kiyose Misao
- 人文學 (195), 1-37, 2015-03-15
- … the courtier's conversations about art will be pointed out, such as the acknowledgement of Pliny's idea of the shared roots in drawing(disegno) for painting and sculpture, the need for the courtier to possess the grazia distinctive of Raffaello's paintings, as well as the signification of art as true and principal ornament of the soul (il vero e principal ornamento dell'animo).Le présent article se propose de reconsidérer le débat sur la comparaison des arts, i.e. il paragone, typique de la Renaissance italienne, du point de vue de l'ouvrage de …
- NAID 120005622050
- Derrida on Signification, Writing, and Difference
- Farrugia Adrian
- 徳島文理大学比較文化研究所年報 = Annual report (31), 11-24, 2015-03
- NAID 40020522938
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