- the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)p
- Peace Corps 平和部隊
- parking
- phosphorusの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/07/09 17:52:50」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- イギリス議会法制局 (Parliamentary Counsel Office)
- (Partido da Causa Operária) - ブラジルの政党
- 光触媒酸化反応 (Photocatalytic Oxidation) - 光触媒による酸化反応。→ 光触媒 を参照。
- 多嚢胞性卵巣症候群 (Polycystic ovary syndrome)
- Professional Congress Organiser
- パブリックコールオフィス(en:Public call office) - インドとパキスタンの公衆電話サービス
- ロンドン公共運送業局(Public Carriage Office)
- 自衛隊地方協力本部(Provincial Cooperation Office)
- ペスト・コントロール・オペレーター(Pest Control Operator)
- ペンギン・カフェ・オーケストラ(Penguin Cafe Orchestra)
- People and Culture in Oceania - 日本オセアニア学会の発行の学術誌
- パワーセンター大津(Power Center Otsu) - 滋賀県大津市のショッピングセンター
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PCO may refer to:
- Orkin PCO Services, a former name for the Canadian unit of Orkin, a pest-control company
- Parliamentary Counsel Office
- Parti communiste ouvrier, the French name of the Workers' Communist Party of Canada
- Partido de la Comunidad y el Orden (Serafín Milo)
- Party of the Working Class's Cause (Brazil)
- Pendrell Corporation – the NASDAQ trading symbol for Pendrell Corporation (formerly ICO Global Communications)
- Penguin Cafe Orchestra, a musical group
- Pennsylvania College of Optometry
- Personal Computer Oscilloscope – a modern type of oscilloscope that connects to a PC
- Pest Control Operator
- Photocatalytic Oxidation, a chemical reaction that occurs when titanium dioxide is exposed to Ultraviolet Light. PCO is also referred to as photocatalysis
- Pierre Carl Ouellette, the professional wrestling persona of Carl Ouellet
- A Pleasure Craft Operator Card or PCO Card in Canada is a proof of competency to steer a recreational or sporting boat (pleasure craft)
- Police Communications Operator, also known as a Police Dispatcher or telecommunications operator in Law Enforcement.
- Posterior capsular opacification, a complication of cataract surgery
- Precinct Committee Officer
- Private Cable Operator
- Privy Council Office (Canada) and Privy Council Office (United Kingdom)
- Primary Care Organisation (United Kingdom), e.g. a National Health Service Primary Care Trust (PCT)
- Principal components analysis
- Professional Conference Organiser
- Proposed Change Order
- Provisional Constitutional Order
- Project Control Officer
- Product Certification Officer
- Prospective Commanding Officer, Naval term
- Public call office – the term that a phone booth provides a local call facility in India and Pakistan
- Public Carriage Office – the regulatory body for the taxi and private hire trade in London
- Punta Colorada Airstrip (ICAO code: PCO), a general aviation airstrip in Punta Colorada, Mexico
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English Journal
- Control of cell attachment on pH-responsive chitosan surface by precise adjustment of medium pH.
- Chen YH, Chung YC, Wang IJ, Young TH.SourceInstitute of Polymer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan.
- Biomaterials.Biomaterials.2012 Feb;33(5):1336-42. Epub 2011 Nov 10.
- The purpose of this study is to demonstrate pH-responsive chitosan is able to control cell behavior in response to small changes in environmental pH, which is at useful pH suitable for recovering cultured cells without additional enzymatic treatment and extensive washing steps. HeLa cells attached a
- PMID 22078808
- How mathematics warp biology: round-off of umbilical cord blood gas case value decimals distorts calculation of metabolic acidosis at birth.
- Olofsson P, Mokarami P, Källén K, Wiberg N.SourceInstitution of Clinical Sciences, Deptartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Skåne University Hospital, Lund University, Malmö Center for Reproductive Epidemiology, Tornblad Institute, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
- Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica.Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand.2012 Jan;91(1):39-43. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0412.2011.01241.x. Epub 2011 Oct 10.
- Objective. To illustrate the impact on settling neonatal metabolic acidosis diagnosis by rounding off pH and base deficit (BD) case value decimals. Design. Comparative study. Setting. University maternity units. Sample. Umbilical cord arterial blood gas values from 18 831 newborns. M
- PMID 21787363
Japanese Journal
- 海底下CO₂地中貯留における海洋工学の応用 : pCO₂を用いた漏出検出 (特集 西日本の海水科学研究(7))
- 日本海水学会誌 = Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan 72(1), 2-8, 2018-02
- NAID 40021461912
- ITでPCOはどう変わるか (PCOの未来を探る 第33回日本ペストロジー学会東京大会シンポジウム要旨)
- Pest control Tokyo : (公社)東京都ペストコントロール協会機関誌 (74), 51-55, 2018-01
- NAID 40021447606
- IPMの問題点と今後の方向 (PCOの未来を探る 第33回日本ペストロジー学会東京大会シンポジウム要旨)
- Pest control Tokyo : (公社)東京都ペストコントロール協会機関誌 (74), 49-51, 2018-01
- NAID 40021447601
Related Links
- 内分泌異常 脳下垂体からはLH(黄体化ホルモン)とFSH(卵胞刺激ホルモン)が出て卵巣に働き、卵胞の発育を促しますが、PCOでは、このうちLHの分泌が増えてFSHとのバランスの乱れがおこり、卵胞がうまく発育できないようです。
- 私たちは会議運営のプロフェッショナルとして、お客様のニーズの実現に向けて、課題を整理し、ともに考え、行動します。株式会社 PCO(Professional congerss organizer)
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- 英
- polycystic ovary, PCO, polycystic ovaries
- 関
- 卵巣嚢胞、産婦人科学
- 英
- posterior capsule opacification、after cataract、PCO, secondary cataract
- 関
- 後嚢混濁、後嚢部混濁、後嚢白内障
多嚢胞性卵巣症候群 polycystic ovarian syndrome polycystic ovary syndrome