- the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)d
- deuteriumの化学記号
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DOB, Dob
- ドーブ(Dob) - ヘブライ人に見られる姓。
- ドブタミンの略。
- 2,5-ジメトキシ-4-ブロモアンフェタミン(英語版)(2,5-Dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine)の略。
- ドブソニアン望遠鏡の略。
- ベルリン・ドイツ・オペラ(Deutsche Oper Berlin) - ドイツの歌劇場。
- DOB君 - 村上隆が発表したキャラクター。
- 誕生日(Date Of Birth)の略称。
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[Wiki en表示]
DOB or Dob may refer to:
Date of Birth.
- 2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine, Bromo-DMA, a psychedelic drug
- Meta-DOB, related substance
- Methyl-DOB, related substance
- HLA-DOB, human gene
- In astronomy, slang for a Dobsonian telescope
- Daughters of Bilitis, an international lesbian and feminist organization
- New York City Transit Department of Buses, known as MTA New York City Transit buses
- Dykes on Bikes, international network of motorcycle clubs
- Dob, Domžale, village in Slovenia
- Dob, a hamlet of Slovenska Vas with a pear tree avenue and a prison
- Mounir Dob (born 1974), Algerian football referee
- Date of birth or birthday (often DoB)
- Division of Banks, an Australian Electoral Division in New South Wales
- Dust of Basement, an electronic music band originally from Berlin
- Deutsche Oper Berlin, opera company in the Charlottenburg district of Berlin
- NATO Dispersed Operating Bases (DOBs)
- A slang or colloquial term for a kick in Australian Rules Football
- Daniel O'Brien (comedian), writer for Cracked.com
- Dobo Airport, Indonesia (IATA code DOB)
See also[edit]
- Dob-dob, Tibetan monk
- Dob's Linn, geologically significant location in Scotland
English Journal
- Highly sensitive synchronous fluorescence determination of mercury (II) based on the denatured ovalbumin coated CdTe QDs.
- Wang YQ, Liu Y, He XW, Li WY, Zhang YK.SourceState Key Laboratory of Medicinal Chemical Biology, and Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China.
- Talanta.Talanta.2012 Sep 15;99:69-74. Epub 2012 May 22.
- Chemically denatured ovalbumin (dOB) was used to modify the surface of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) stabilized CdTe quantum dots (QDs), which resulted in a great enhancement of the synchronous fluorescence intensity. Moreover, dOB shell layer can effectively prevent the binding of other cations on
- PMID 22967523
- Novel system identification method and multi-objective-optimal multivariable disturbance observer for electric wheelchair.
- Nasser Saadatzi M, Poshtan J, Sadegh Saadatzi M, Tafazzoli F.SourceIran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
- ISA transactions.ISA Trans.2012 Sep 5. [Epub ahead of print]
- Electric wheelchair (EW) is subject to diverse types of terrains and slopes, but also to occupants of various weights, which causes the EW to suffer from highly perturbed dynamics. A precise multivariable dynamics of the EW is obtained using Lagrange equations of motion which models effects of slope
- PMID 22959528
Japanese Journal
- 捕食動物に由来する刺激がヤギの生理学的・行動学的反応に及ぼす影響
- 青山 真人,夏目 悠多,福井 えみ子,小金澤 正昭,杉田 昭栄
- Animal behaviour and management : 日本家畜管理学会誌・応用動物行動学会誌 : official journal of Japanese Society of Livestock Management and Japanese Society for Applied Animal Behaviour 46(4), 109-118, 2010-12-25
- … 実験1においては、7つの刺激-CDプレイヤーで再生したチェーンソーの運転音(ChS)、イヌの吠え声(DoB)、オオカミの遠吠え(WoH)、ライオンのうなり声(LiG)、トラのうなり声(TiG)、テレビモニターに映したオオカミの映像(WoV)、実物のイヌの毛皮(DoS)-をそれぞれ4頭のメスシバヤギに提示し、その反応を観察した。 …
- NAID 110008006540
- A Combined Simple Adaptive Control with Disturbance Observer for a Class of Time-Delay Systems
- SON Young Ik,JEONG Goo-Jong,KIM In Hyuk
- IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences 93(2), 553-556, 2010-02-01
- … Disturbance attenuation for a class of time-delay systems is performed by a combined simple adaptive control (SAC) with a new configuration of disturbance observer (DOB). … For the implementation of SAC and DOB, two parallel feedforward compensators (PFC) are designed with the inverses of PD- and PID-controller, respectively. …
- NAID 10026863406
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- 英
- dobutamine DOB
- 化
- 塩酸ドブタミン ドブタミン塩酸塩 dobutamine hydrochloride
- 商
- ドブトレックス Dobutrex、ドブックス、ドブポン、ドプミン、レタメックス
- 関
- アドレナリン受容体、強心剤
- 比較的選択的なβ1受容体アゴニスト
- 心拍出量↑、利尿作用なし
- (-)isomer→α1受容体アゴニスト→昇圧
- (+)isomer→α1拮抗薬
- β受容体刺激作用は(+)の方が(-)より10倍高い
- ラセミ体として使用することで、昇圧が軽度
- 強いβ1刺激作用→陽性変力作用、陽性変時作用。弱いβ2受容体刺激作用→末梢血管拡張。総じて、一回拍出量増加。心充満圧低:ICU.258
- ICU.258
- 収縮期機能不全による非代償性心不全 + 血圧正常
- 好ましくない:不全心筋(新仕事量やエネルギー必要量が既に高い)。非代償性心不全の急性期(→血管拡張薬の方がよい)
- ICU.258
- ICU.258
骨格筋・内臓 末梢血管拡張