English Journal
- Role for ventral pallidal GABAergic mechanisms in the regulation of ethanol self-administration.
- Kemppainen H, Raivio N, Kiianmaa K.SourceDepartment of Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction, National Institute for Health and Welfare, POB 30, 00271, Helsinki, Finland.
- Psychopharmacology.Psychopharmacology (Berl).2012 May 3. [Epub ahead of print]
- RATIONALE: The striatopallidal medium spiny neurons have been viewed as a final common path for drug reward, and the ventral pallidum (VP) as a convergent point for hedonic and motivational signaling. The medium spiny neurons are GABAergic, but they colocalize enkephalin.OBJECTIVE: The present study
- PMID 22552756
- A critical period in the supraspinal control of pain: opioid-dependent changes in brainstem rostroventral medulla function in preadolescence.
- Hathway GJ, Vega-Avelaira D, Fitzgerald M.SourceUCL Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology, University College London, London, UK. Gareth.Hathway@nottingham.ac.uk
- Pain.Pain.2012 Apr;153(4):775-83. Epub 2012 Feb 9.
- We have previously shown that the balance of electrically evoked descending brainstem control of spinal nociceptive reflexes undergoes a switch from excitation to inhibition in preadolescent rats. Here we show that the same developmental switch occurs when μ-opioid receptor agonists are microinject
- PMID 22325744
Japanese Journal
- Children’s Computation of Scalar Implicatures Induced by Universal Quantifiers in Negative Sentences
- Terunuma Akiko
- Linguistic research : working papers in English linguistics 25, 71-84, 2009-07
- … Based on the results of an experiment, Terunuma(2008) has claimed that Japanese-speaking children assign non-adultlike interpretation tonegative sentences containing a universal quantifier marked by the contrastive topic particlewa ‘CTop’ because they fail to compute SIs induced by universal quantifiers. …
- NAID 120002220569
- 特集 クリエイティビティを俯瞰 クリエイティブなCTOP創生に向けて
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