- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- carbonの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/12/17 20:51:43」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
CSA, Csa
- アメリカ連合国 (Confederate States of America)
- アメリカ連合陸軍 (Confederate States Army)
- チェコ航空のICAO航空会社コード
- Communication Streaming Architecture - インテルi865/875系チップセットのGigabitEthernetコントローラ専用MCH直結バス
- 規制物質法 (Controlled Substances Act) - アメリカの反麻薬法
- 児童性的虐待 (child sexual abuse)
- 地域で支える農業 (community Supported Agriculture) - アメリカ版「地産地消」
- アメリカ陸軍参謀総長 (Chief of Staff of the United States Army)
- 合同統計地域 (combined statistical areas) - 米国で広域都市圏の目安とされる統計単位
- コンドロイチン硫酸A (chondroitin sulfate A)
- カルタン部分代数 (Cartan subalgebra)
- 10-カンファースルホン酸 (10-camphorsulfonic acid) - 強酸
- 中心単純環 (central simple algebra)
- クレジット・サポート・アネックス(Credit Support Annex) - 金融派生商品(デリバティブ)の担保に関する契約
- 組織名
- クラウド・セキュリティ・アライアンス (Cloud Security Alliance (USA))
- エチオピア中央統計局 (Central Statistical Agency)
- 全米キャスティング協会 (Casting Society of America)
- CBSソニー・アーティスツ - 現在のソニー・ミュージックアーティスツの旧称
- セントロ・スポルチーヴォ・アラゴアーノ (Centro Sportivo Alagoano) - ブラジルのサッカークラブ
- カナダサッカー協会 (Canadian Soccer Association)
- カナダ規格協会 (Canadian Standards Association)
- カナダ宇宙庁 (Canadian Space Agency)
- コンパイルサポートアソシエーション (Compile Support Association)
- コンテンツ・ソフト協同組合 (Contents Soft Association)
- 視聴覚最高評議会 (Conseil superieur de l'audiovisuel) - フランスの官庁
- コンピュータ将棋協会 (Computer Shogi Association)
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up csa in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
CSA may refer to:
- 1 Agriculture, farming, and food
- 2 Politics, administration and military
- 3 Business
- 4 Children
- 5 Education
- 6 Medicine
- 7 Fiction
- 8 Science and technology
- 9 Sports and entertainment
- 10 Transportation
- 11 Psychology
Agriculture, farming, and food
- Community-supported agriculture (or community shared agriculture)
Politics, administration and military
- Canadian Securities Administrators
- Canadian Space Agency
- Canadian Standards Association
- Central Statistical Agency (Ethiopia)
- Autonomous Trade Unions Centre (Central des Syndicats Autonomes du Bénin), a trade union centre in Benin
- Chief of Staff of the United States Army
- Civil Service Association, a former trade union in Trinidad and Tobago
- Civil Services Academy Lahore
- Cloud Security Alliance
- Combined Statistical Area defined by the United States Office of Management and Budget
- Confederate States of America
- Confederate States Army
- Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel, a French public institution which monitors the content of TV and radio networks
- Controlled Substances Act
- The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, an Arkansan white supremacist group prolific in the 1970s and early 1980s
- Canadian Snowbird Association, an association representing the interests of travelling Canadians
- CarSharing Association represents carsharing organizations (CSOs) in North America (and one in Brasil)
- Casting Society of America
- Certified Senders Alliance
- China Southern Airlines, China's largest airline with main base in Guangzhou
- Chief Software Architect in software development
- Commission sharing agreement in financial services
- Credit Support Annex, a legal document which regulates credit support for derivative transactions
- CSA (database company) (formerly Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
- Customer Service Advisor, a generic job title in the service industry
- Czech Society of Actuaries
- Czech Airlines, national flag carrier of the Czech Republic
- Chief Scout's Award (disambiguation)
- Child sexual abuse
- Child Support Agency (UK)
- Child Support Agency Australia
- Cub Scouts of America, a misnomer for Cub Scouting (Boy Scouts of America)
- Central Student Association
- Colegio San Agustin (disambiguation), the name of several Augustinian schools in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, the Philippines, Peru, and Spain
- Colegio San Antonio, a high school in the Cesar Department of Colombia
- The Collegiate Society of America
- Council of School Supervisors & Administrators, a New York City-based trade union
- California Society of Anesthesiologists
- Celiac Sprue Association
- Cationic steroid antibiotics, a family of compounds used to treat diseases
- Central sleep apnea
- Chondroitin sulfate A, a cell surface glycoprotein
- Clinical Skills Assessment exam
- Cockayne syndrome A, a human gene whose mutation causes Cockayne syndrome
- Cyclosporin A, an immunosuppressant drug often abbreviated as CsA
- Commission on Superhuman Activities, a United States government agency appearing in Marvel Comics publications
- Crime Syndicate of America (also spelled Amerika), a team of DC Comics supervillains
- C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America, a 2004 fictional documentary set in an alternate history where the Confederacy won the American Civil War
Science and technology
- CSA (database company), Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
- Camphorsulfonic acid
- Canadian Space Agency
- Cardioid subwoofer array, a pattern of subwoofers for directional radiation of bass
- Carry-save adder, a type of digital adder
- Cartan subalgebra
- Central simple algebra
- Client SMTP Authorization
- Cloud Security Alliance, a non-profit organization to promote best practices for security in cloud computing
- Cognitive Styles Analysis
- Common Scrambling Algorithm
- Common Support Aircraft
- Intel Communication Streaming Architecture
- Cross sectional area
- Csa: hot-summer Mediterranean climate with dry summers, under Köppen climate classification
- CSA Chemical Safety Assessment
- CSA, the ICAO airline designator for Czech Airlines (ČSA)
- Current sense amplifier
Sports and entertainment
- Canadian Screen Awards
- Canadian Soccer Association
- Casting Society of America
- Centro Sportivo Alagoano, a Brazilian football club from Maceió, Alagoas
- Competition Stableford Adjustment, a method to calculate final scores in a golf match
- Cricket South Africa
- Compliance, Safety, and Accountability, a program aiming to improve commercial truck and bus safety
- CernySmith Assessment, an online questionnaire that measures stress
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Proniosome-derived niosomes for tacrolimus topical ocular delivery: In vitro cornea permeation, ocular irritation, and in vivo anti-allograft rejection.
- Li Q1, Li Z2, Zeng W1, Ge S1, Lu H1, Wu C1, Ge L1, Liang D2, Xu Y3.
- European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences.Eur J Pharm Sci.2014 Oct 1;62:115-23. doi: 10.1016/j.ejps.2014.05.020. Epub 2014 Jun 3.
- The objective of this study was to develop proniosome-derived niosomes for topical ophthalmic delivery of Tacrolimus (FK506). The FK506 loaded proniosomes containing poloxamer 188 and lecithin as surfactants, cholesterol as a stabilizer, and minimal amount of ethanol and trace water reconstituted to
- PMID 24905830
- Self-micellizing solid dispersion of cyclosporine A with improved dissolution and oral bioavailability.
- Onoue S1, Suzuki H2, Kojo Y2, Matsunaga S2, Sato H2, Mizumoto T3, Yuminoki K4, Hashimoto N4, Yamada S2.
- European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences.Eur J Pharm Sci.2014 Oct 1;62:16-22. doi: 10.1016/j.ejps.2014.05.006. Epub 2014 May 14.
- The present study aimed to develop a self-micellizing solid dispersion (SMSD) of cyclosporine A (CsA) using an amphiphilic block copolymer, poly[MPC-co-BMA], to improve the biopharmaceutical properties of CsA. The cytotoxicity of poly[MPC-co-BMA] was assessed in rat intestinal IEC-6 cells, and the p
- PMID 24836392
- P53 dependent mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening is required for dexamethasone-induced death of osteoblasts.
- Zhen YF1, Wang GD, Zhu LQ, Tan SP, Zhang FY, Zhou XZ, Wang XD.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2014 Oct;229(10):1475-83. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24589.
- Prolonged or overdose glucocorticoids (GCs) usage is the common cause of osteoporosis. In the present study, we studied the cellular mechanism of dexamethasone (Dex)-induce osteoblast cell death by focusing on the role of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). In cultured osteoblastic MC
- PMID 24615518
Japanese Journal
- CSA SPECIAL 阪食 : 売上高2000億円視野に出店を加速 めざすは「生活のコンシェルジェ」
- CSA SPECIAL ラウンディズ : 高品質な生鮮と、低価格のグロサリーで急成長! マリアノズ・フレッシュ・マーケット
- 症例 顕著な肺高血圧症を伴った肺気腫の1例 : 肺野小血管断面積の評価からみた病態の解析
- 西村 眞樹,山口 悦郎,田中 博之 [他]
- 日本呼吸器学会誌 = Annals of the Japanese Respiratory Society 3(3), 395-400, 2014-05-10
- NAID 40020110582
Related Links
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Related Pictures

- 英
- coronary spastic angina, CSA
- 同
- 冠れん縮性狭心症
- 関
- 狭心症
- 狭心症の発生機序による分類であって、冠攣縮に基づく心筋虚血による狭心症。下位疾患概念として異型狭心症がある(ST elevationがatypical)。
- 冠攣縮に基づく心筋虚血による狭心症であって、心電図変化は問わない(でよろしい? ∵異型狭心症「冠攣縮性狭心症であって、安静時の狭心発作に可逆性一過性のST上昇を伴う狭心症(YN.C-68)」)
- 明け方に起こることが多い。
- あまりよく分かっていない。
- 夜間から早朝にかけての副交感神経亢進時、つまり交感神経と副交感神経の活動が激しく入れ替わるときに多い。(ECGP.175)
- 血管内皮機能の異常(Achにより正常であれば血管が弛緩するところであるが、血管内皮に異常がある場合血管が収縮する) + 種々の程度の冠動脈硬化 → 冠攣縮による冠血流の低下
- 喫煙、精神的ストレス、飲酒(醒めかけ)、運動(早朝から午前に多い。運動誘発性。運動開始時に起こり、運動を続けると消失)
- 喫煙により体内に生じた活性酸素が内皮障害を引き起こしNOの産生障害をきたす。
- 運動誘発性の場合、多枝攣縮が多く、致死性不整脈を生じやすく、突然死の危険が高い。(ECGP.175)
- 心電図:
ST上昇????? YNの定義に基づけば間違っている
- 発作時:ニトログリセリン舌下錠
- 予防 :長時間作用型の硝酸薬、カルシウム拮抗薬
- 1. 冠攣縮性狭心症の診断と治療に関するガイドライン2008
- http://www.j-circ.or.jp/guideline/pdf/JCS2008_ogawah_h.pdf
- 英
- coronary vasospasm、coronary spasm
- 同
- 冠スパスム、冠れん縮、冠動脈攣縮、冠血管攣縮、冠血管れん縮
- 関
- 冠攣縮性狭心症 CSA
膵島細胞膜抗体, islet cell surface antibody