- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- carbonの化学記号
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/10 16:52:38」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- cmd.exe - Windows NT系 (Windows NT/2000以降)・OS/2 などのコマンドインタプリタ。
- 拡張子 .cmd/.CMD
- Windows NT系・OS/2 などのバッチファイル。
- CMD file - CP/M-86の実行ファイル。
- カムデン・ロード駅 (Camden Road railway station) の駅コード。
- おおいぬ座矮小銀河 (Canis Major Dwarf)
- 先天性筋ジストロフィー (congenital muscular dystrophy)
- 色等級図 (color-magnitude diagram)
- シンシナティ・マイティダックス (Cincinnati Mighty Ducks) - アメリカシンシナティのホッケーチーム。
- 司令部 (command)
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[Wiki en表示]
CMD may refer to:
- Camden Road railway station, a station in London, England (National Rail code: CMD)
- Canis Major Dwarf, a small galaxy orbiting the Milky Way
- Catastrophe à moyens dépassé, a French phrase meaning "disaster without sufficient rescue means"
- Center for Media and Democracy, an American media research group
- Central meridian distance, a geographical term
- Chairman and managing director, a managing director who is also the chairman of the same company
- Cincinnati Mighty Ducks, an American ice hockey team
- Congenital muscular dystrophy, a form of muscular dystrophy that is present from birth
- Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, a college in Gwynedd, Wales
- Color-magnitude diagram, a scatter-graph of stars used by astronomers
- Creative Micro Designs, a computer hardware company
CMD is commonly used to mean "command":
- Command (computing), an abbreviation commonly used in computing
- Command key, a modifier key present on Apple Keyboards
- Command Prompt, the command-line interpreter on Windows operating systems
- CMD file (CP/M), the filename extension used by executable programs
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English Journal
- Immobilized carboxymethylated dextran coatings for enhanced ELISA.
- Liberelle B, Merzouki A, Crescenzo GD.SourceDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Bio-P(2) Research Unit, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, P.O. Box 6079, Station Centre-Ville, Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3A7; Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Groupe de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies Biomédicales (GRSTB), Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, P.O. Box 6079, Station Centre-Ville, Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3A7.
- Journal of immunological methods.J Immunol Methods.2013 Mar 29;389(1-2):38-44. doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2012.12.007. Epub 2012 Dec 29.
- We here report the development of a new generation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that takes advantage of a low-fouling carboxymethylated dextran (CMD) layer chemically grafted on ELISA wells. In our approach, the overnight capture antibody adsorption step found in classical ELISA was
- PMID 23279947
- The Cellular Memory Disc of Reprogrammed Cells.
- Anjamrooz SH.SourceCellular and Molecular Research Center, School of Medicine, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Sanandaj, Iran, Hadi-Anjamrooz@muk.ac.ir.
- Stem cell reviews.Stem Cell Rev.2013 Feb 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- The crucial facts underlying the low efficiency of cellular reprogramming are poorly understood. Cellular reprogramming occurs in nuclear transfer, induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) formation, cell fusion, and lineage-switching experiments. Despite these advances, there are three fundamental prob
- PMID 23412894
- Common mental disorder severity and its association with treatment contact and treatment intensity for mental health problems.
- Ten Have M, Nuyen J, Beekman A, de Graaf R.SourceNetherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- Psychological medicine.Psychol Med.2013 Feb 7:1-11. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Detailed population-based survey information on the relationship between the severity of common mental disorders (CMDs) and treatment for mental health problems is heavily based on North American research. The aim of this study was to replicate and expand existing knowledge by studying C
- PMID 23388154
Japanese Journal
- Reflectometric interference spectroscopy-based immunosensing using immobilized antibody via His-tagged recombinant protein A(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- Choi Hyung Woo,Sakata Yasuhiko,Ooya Tooru [他],Takeuchi Toshifumi
- Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 119(2), 195-199, 2015-02
- … Carboxymethyldextran (CMD) was immobilized on a 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane-treated a silicon nitride-coated silicon wafer, followed by chelating histidine-tagged recombinant protein A with copper (II) ions. … The CMD-layer was found to be advantageous in terms of not only immobilization of histidine-tagged recombinant protein A-mediated an antibody against myoglobin (anti-Myo) but also prevention of non-specific binding of myoglobin. …
- NAID 110009922581
- Pseudonormal Corticomedullary Differentiation of the Kidney Assessed on T1-weighted Imaging for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients with Cirrhosis
- YAMADA Fumi,AMANO Yasuo,HIDAKA Fumitaka,FUKUSHIMA Yoshimitsu,KUMITA Shinichiro
- Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences 14(3), 165-171, 2015
- … Purpose: We investigated whether corticomedullary differentiation (CMD) increased to a pseudonormal appearance on T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) with cirrhosis compared with patients with CKD without chronic liver disease.<br/>Methods: We assessed CMD on T1-weighted MR images of 32 patients with CKD with liver cirrhosis and 32 age-matched patients with CKD without liver cirrhosis, grading CMD visualization as good, moderate, or poor. …
- NAID 130005093240
- Pseudonormal Corticomedullary Differentiation of the Kidney Assessed on T1-weighted Imaging for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients with Cirrhosis
- YAMADA Fumi,AMANO Yasuo,HIDAKA Fumitaka,FUKUSHIMA Yoshimitsu,KUMITA Shinichiro
- Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences advpub(0), 2015
- … Purpose: We investigated whether corticomedullary differentiation (CMD) increased to a pseudonormal appearance on T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) with cirrhosis compared with patients with CKD without chronic liver disease.<br/>Methods: We assessed CMD on T1-weighted MR images of 32 patients with CKD with liver cirrhosis and 32 age-matched patients with CKD without liver cirrhosis, grading CMD visualization as good, moderate, or poor. …
- NAID 130004935528
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- 英
- muscular dystrophy MD
- 同
- 筋異栄養症
- 関
- 筋ジストロフィー症、筋ジストロフィ、筋ジス、進行性筋ジストロフィー
- 英
- cystic medial degeneration CMD
- 関
- [[]]
[show details]
- 英
- congenital muscular dystrophy CMD
先天性筋ジストロフィー CMD
嚢胞性中膜変性? CMD
多血球系異形成を伴う不応性血球減少症 refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia
- 同
- Fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy