- 同
- cytokine-inducible SH2 protein
- cytokine-inducible SH2 domain-containing protein
- cytokine inducible SH2 domain protein
- cytokine inducible SH2-containing protein
- 関
- サイトカイン、サイトカイン受容体
- サイトカイン/サイトカイン受容体から遺伝子発現に至る経路で、サイトカイン受容体やJAKを標的としたネガティブフィードバックの経路が考えられるが、これに関与するタンパク質のファミリーがCISファミリーとされている。
- 同
- 上皮内癌
- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- carbonの化学記号
- Channel Islands
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2018/03/31 10:37:56」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 政府系機関の略称
- 独立国家共同体 (Commonwealth of Independent States)
- 学術系機関の略称
- 情報コミュニケーション学会 (Japan Association for Communication, Information and Society)
- 千葉科学大学 (Chiba Institute of Science)
- 企業の略称
- CompuServe (CompuServe Information Service)
- 中国情報システムサービス (Chugoku Information System Services) - エネルギア・コミュニケーションズの前身会社
- その他
- チス。イタリア共和国トレンティーノ=アルト・アディジェ州トレント県のコムーネ。
- 嬰ハ。音名の一つ。
- シス (化学)。幾何異性体の一つ。
- cis (投資家)。個人投資家。
- cis関数
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[Wiki en表示]
CIS may refer to:
- 1 Computing
- 2 Education
- 3 Health
- 4 Organizations
- 5 Other uses
- 6 See also
- Card information structure, formatting and organization data stored on a PC card
- Center for Internet Security, cybersecurity benchmarks, controls, practices and tools
- Center for Internet and Society (disambiguation)
- Comodo Internet Security suite
- CompuServe Information Service, a US commercial online service
- Computer information systems, technologies which process data to solve business problems
- Configuration interaction singles, a quantum-chemical method for computing electronic states
- Contact image sensor, a technology developed for optical flatbed scanners
- Continuous ink system, for ink-jet printers
- Calcutta International School, in India
- Canadian International School Vietnam
- Canadian International School of Sanya, in China
- Cayman International School in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
- Cebu International School, Philippines
- Chinese International School, Hong Kong
- Clifford International School, Guangzhou, China
- College in the Schools, a program for high school students run by the University of Minnesota, U.S.
- Colombo International School, in Sri Lanka
- Communities In Schools, a U.S. federation of organizations combating educational dropout
- Copenhagen International School, in Hellerup
- MIT Center for International Studies
- Cancer Information Service, a program of the US National Institutes of Health
- Carcinoma in situ, group of abnormal cells which may be cancer
- Clinically isolated syndrome, an initial neurological episode related to nerve tissue
- Combined intracavernous injection and stimulation test, a diagnostic procedure for erectile dysfunction
- Canadian Ice Service, a division of the Meteorological Service of Canada
- Canadian Interuniversity Sport, the national governing body of university sport
- Center for Immigration Studies, a research organization in Washington, DC
- Centre for Independent Studies, a libertarian think tank in Australia
- Christians in Science, a UK organization
- Commonwealth of Independent States, a geopolitical region comprising a number of former Soviet Republics
- United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
Other uses
- Canadian Identification Society, of police and civilians in crime scene investigation
- Canton Island Airport, Kanton Island, Phoenix Islands, Kiribati, IATA code
- Case Information Statement, a document used in US civil lawsuits
- CIS Corps (Ireland), Communications and Information Services Corps, Irish combat support corps
- CIS (mathematics) (cis(θ)), a trigonometric mathematical function
- CIS Tower, a building in Manchester, England
- Cisalpino, Switzerland-Italy railway company, CIS in timetables
- Common Intelligibility Scale, for speech intelligibility
- Commonwealth Police (Commonwealth Investigation Service), an Australian security service, 1945 to 1960
- Community Innovation Survey, a series of surveys throughout the European Union
- Confederacy of Independent Systems, a fictional entity in the Star Wars universe
- Co-operative Insurance Society, a British insurance company
- Continuous Injection System, a fuel injection system developed by the Robert Bosch Group
- Copper indium selenide (CuInSe2), used in solar cells and semiconductors
See also
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English Journal
- Biodetection of potential genotoxic pollutants entering the human food chain through ashes used in livestock diets.
- Sanchez-Vicente L1, Herraez E2, Briz O2, Nogales R3, Molina-Alcaide E3, Marin JJ4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Aug 15;205:81-8. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.02.160. Epub 2016 Mar 3.
- Ash derived from energy generation is used as a source of minerals in livestock feeds. The microbial biosensor recApr-Luc2 was built to detect genotoxic hazard in recycled ash. Escherichia coli SOS gene (recA, lexA, dinI and umuC) expression in response to cisplatin-induced DNA damage led to the sel
- PMID 27006217
- Inline roasting hyphenated with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as an innovative approach for assessment of cocoa fermentation quality and aroma formation potential.
- Van Durme J1, Ingels I2, De Winne A2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Aug 15;205:66-72. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.03.004. Epub 2016 Mar 2.
- Today, the cocoa industry is in great need of faster and robust analytical techniques to objectively assess incoming cocoa quality. In this work, inline roasting hyphenated with a cooled injection system coupled to a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (ILR-CIS-GC-MS) has been explored for the first
- PMID 27006215
- Physical and antimicrobial properties of anise oil loaded nanoemulsions on the survival of foodborne pathogens.
- Topuz OK1, Özvural EB2, Zhao Q3, Huang Q3, Chikindas M3, Gölükçü M4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Jul 15;203:117-23. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.02.051. Epub 2016 Feb 9.
- The purpose of this research was to investigate antimicrobial effects of nano emulsions of anise oil (AO) on the survival of common food borne pathogens, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Series of emulsions containing different level of anise oil as potential antimicrobial delive
- PMID 26948596
- Quantification of megastigmatrienone, a potential contributor to tobacco aroma in spirits.
- Slaghenaufi D1, Perello MC2, Marchand S2, de Revel G2.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Jul 15;203:41-8. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.02.034. Epub 2016 Feb 4.
- A SPME-GC-MS method was adapted and validated in order to quantify 5 megastigmatrienones and related odorous compounds from oak wood: guaiacol, cis-whisky lactone, trans-whisky lactone, γ-nonalactone, eugenol, vanillin, and acetovanillone in a single run. The five megastigmatrienone isomers (tabano
- PMID 26948587
Japanese Journal
- GC Separation of cis-Eicosenoic Acid Positional Isomers on an Ionic Liquid SLB-IL100 Stationary Phase
- Ando Yasuhiro,Sasaki Tsubasa
- Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 88(6), 743-748, 2011-06
- … Gas chromatography (GC) of cis-eicosenoic acid (20:1) positional isomers has been investigated on a capillary column of ionic liquid 1,9-di(3-vinyl-imidazolium)nonane bis(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylimidate stationary phase (SLB-IL100). …
- NAID 120002695780
- Open-chain derivatives of nitromethylene with cis-configuration : Synthesis and unique bioactivities(New Chemistry,Poster,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control)
- cis-Jasmone as an activator of plant defence : Understanding underlying mechanisms and towards field deployment(Chemical Ecology and Crop Protection,1) Pest Management, Crop Protection and Vector Control)
Related Links
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Related Pictures

- 英
- 腎盂癌 renal pelvic cancer
- 尿管癌 ureter cancer, ureteric cancer
- 関
- 腎 尿路の腫瘍
- 50-70歳に多
- 男女比は2-4:1と男性に多い
- 腎盂腫瘍は腎腫瘍の約10%を占める
- 尿路上皮癌の4-5%
- 2-naphthylamine
- benzidine
- 移行上皮癌(90%)、扁平上皮癌(3-10%)、腺癌や未分化癌(1%以下)
- 2. 多中心性で膀胱にも発生する (2割程度の症例で膀胱に併発)
- 無症候性血尿
- 側腹部痛(血塊や腫瘍組織による尿路閉塞のため)
- 側腹部腫瘤形成
- :陽性率は40-60%なので、腫瘍を疑った場合しつこくやる
- 1. 根治的手術療法:腎尿管全摘除兼膀胱部分切除術
- 2. 保存的手術療法:開放手術、内視鏡手術
- 再発するので、結局1.をやらざるを得ないことが多いらしい
- 表在性腫瘍は予後良好で、浸潤性腫瘍は予後不良
- 扁平上皮癌は予後不良
- 異型度、浸潤度どちらも5年生存率に影響する。
- 尿管は筋層が薄く、浸潤しやすいので、尿管癌が見つかった場合、浸潤度はT2以降である。
- 英
- carcinoma in situ CIS, intraepithelial carcinoma
- ラ
- carcinoma intraepitheliale
- 同
- 非浸潤癌、粘膜癌 mucosal carcinoma、粘膜内癌 intramucosal carcinoma、前浸潤癌 preinvasive carcinoma、
- 関
- 上皮内にとどまっている癌。特に粘膜について述べるならば粘膜内癌
- 欧米ではこれを癌とは呼ばない→転移し得ないから
- 基底板を破ると浸潤癌となる
- Tis:腫瘍が粘膜に留まっている。異型度の高いガン細胞からなる。組織学的には乳頭状増殖を示さず、flat carcinomaの像を呈する。
- 同
- 英
- primary carcinoma in situ primary CIS
- 関
- 上皮内癌 carcinoma in situ CIS
- 初めて経尿道的膀胱癌切除を施行する段階で、乳頭腫瘍あるいは先行する腫瘍がない孤発性(isolated)の高悪性度上皮内癌(病期はcTis)
- 先行するpapillary cTa tumorを伴うか発生した後に診断された高悪性度上皮内癌(病期はcTis)
- 英
- secondary carcinoma in situ secondary CIS
- 関
- 上皮内癌 carcinoma in situ CIS
- 関
- ductal carcinoma in situ、intraductal carcinoma、noninfiltrating intraductal carcinoma
- 同
- ductal carcinoma in situ
続発性上皮内癌 secondary carcinoma in situ
- 同
- lobular carcinoma in situ