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ASLO or Aslo may refer to:
- Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
- Anti-streptolysin O
- Australian Scientific Liaison Office
- Aslo, a character in the film Epic Movie
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English Journal
- Clinical practice guideline: tonsillitis I. Diagnostics and nonsurgical management.
- Windfuhr JP1, Toepfner N2, Steffen G3, Waldfahrer F4, Berner R2.
- European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol.2016 Apr;273(4):973-87. doi: 10.1007/s00405-015-3872-6. Epub 2016 Jan 11.
- More than 120,000 patients are treated annually in Germany to resolve repeated episodes of acute tonsillitis. Therapy is aiming at symptom regression, avoidance of complications, reduction in the number of disease-related absences in school or at work, increased cost-effectiveness and improved quali
- PMID 26755048
- The formation and design of the TRIAGE study--baseline data on 6005 consecutive patients admitted to hospital from the emergency department.
- Plesner LL1,2, Iversen AK3,4, Langkjær S5,6, Nielsen TL7,8, Østervig R9,10, Warming PE11,12, Salam IA13,14, Kristensen M15,16, Schou M17,18, Eugen-Olsen J19, Forberg JL20, Køber L21, Rasmussen LS22, Sölétormos G23, Pedersen BK24, Iversen K25,26.
- Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine.Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med.2015 Dec 1;23:106. doi: 10.1186/s13049-015-0184-1.
- BACKGROUND: Patient crowding in emergency departments (ED) is a common challenge and associated with worsened outcome for the patients. Previous studies on biomarkers in the ED setting has focused on identification of high risk patients, and and the ability to use biomarkers to identify low-risk pat
- PMID 26626588
- Nanoscale monitoring of drug actions on cell membrane using atomic force microscopy.
- Li M1, Liu LQ1, Xi N2, Wang YC1.
- Acta pharmacologica Sinica.Acta Pharmacol Sin.2015 Jul;36(7):769-82. doi: 10.1038/aps.2015.28. Epub 2015 Jun 1.
- Knowledge of the nanoscale changes that take place in individual cells in response to a drug is useful for understanding the drug action. However, due to the lack of adequate techniques, such knowledge was scarce until the advent of atomic force microscopy (AFM), which is a multifunctional tool for
- PMID 26027658
Japanese Journal
- ニュース記事に関連するツイート収集手法の提案とその評価
- 邱 起仁,櫨山 淳雄
- 研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI) 2014-HCI-157(57), 1-6, 2014-03-06
- … Moreover, we take not only the contents similarity between tweets and news articles, but aslo the time similarity into consideration to improve accuracy of the association. …
- NAID 170000081735
- ニュース記事に関連するツイート収集手法の提案とその評価
- 邱 起仁,櫨山 淳雄
- 研究報告エンタテインメントコンピューティング(EC) 2014-EC-31(57), 1-6, 2014-03-06
- … Moreover, we take not only the contents similarity between tweets and news articles, but aslo the time similarity into consideration to improve accuracy of the association. …
- NAID 170000081655
- ニュース記事に関連するツイート収集手法の提案とその評価
- 邱 起仁,櫨山 淳雄
- 研究報告グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN) 2014-GN-91(57), 1-6, 2014-03-06
- … Moreover, we take not only the contents similarity between tweets and news articles, but aslo the time similarity into consideration to improve accuracy of the association. …
- NAID 170000081575
Related Links
- The purposes of ASLO are to promote the interests of limnology, oceanography and related sciences, to foster the exchange of information across the range of aquatic science, and to further investigations dealing with these subjects. ASLO is ...
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- 60歳の男性。腎機能の低下について他科からのコンサルテーションを受けた。5年前から年に数回胸痛を訴えており、最近頻度が増加したので、1週前に精査のため入院した。6日前に心臓カテーテル検査で1枝病変が確認された。3日前から血清クレアチニンの上昇が認められ、徐々に悪化している。昨日から第2趾先端部に疼痛を伴う紫色の変色が認められた。30歳から高血圧で降圧薬の投与を受けている。40歳から糖尿病で経口糖尿病薬の投与を受けている。喫煙は30本/日を30年間。飲酒はビール大瓶2本/日を25年間。意識は清明。身長170cm、体重95kg。体温37.2℃。脈拍72/分、整。血圧 160/90mmHg。尿所見:蛋白1+、糖1+、潜血3+。血液所見:赤血球420万、Hb 14g/dl、Ht 42%、白血球 7,000、血小板 14万。血液生化学所見:血糖 180mg/dl、HbA1C 7.5%、総蛋白 7.0g/dl、アルブミン 4.5g/dl、尿素窒素 70mg/dl、クレアチニン5.2mg/dl、尿酸 8.0mg/dl、総コレステロール 310mg/dl、トリグリセリド 220mg/dl、総ビリルビン 1.0mg/dl、直接ビリルビン 0.5mg/dl、AST 32IU/l、ALT 25IU/l、LD <LDH> 480IU/l(基準176~353)、ALP 250IU/l(基準115~359)、Na 141mEq/l、K 5.2mEq/l、Cl 102mEq/l、Ca 9.0mg/dl、P 5.1mg/dl。CRP 1.2mg/dl。
※国試ナビ4※ [103A049]←[国試_103]→[103A051]
- 英
- anti streptolysin O antibody ASO ASLO, antistreptolysin O
- 同
- ストレプトリジンO抗体 streptolysin O antibody
- 関
- ストレプトリジン