- 英
- markedly、remarkably、strikingly、notably、unusually、conspicuously
- 関
- 異常、顕著、特に、著明、著しいことに
- in a clearly noticeable manner; "sales of luxury cars dropped markedly"
- with respect to material aspects; "psychologically similar but materially different"
- to a significant degree; "it aided him materially in winning the argument"
- to a remarkable degree or extent; "she was unusually tall" (同)remarkably, outstandingly, unco
- in a manner tending to attract attention; "there have been plenty of general declarations about willingness to meet and talk, but conspicuously no mention of time and place"
- especially; in particular; "notably in the social sciences, the professors teach too much"
- in a striking manner; "this was strikingly demonstrated"; "the evidence was strikingly absent"
- 著しく,きわだって,明良に
- 物質的に,物理的に;肉体的に / 実質的に / 大いに,著しく
- 『異常に』,一風変わって / 《話》非常に,ひどく
- 著しく,際立って / 特に
- 著しく,目立って
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Japanese Journal
- 人事異動の法律ルールと実務Q&A(第5回)企業内人事異動(3)配転命令権濫用法理による制限(1)労働者に通常甘受すべき程度を著しく超える不利益を負わせる配転は無効
- 会社法判例速報 著しく不公正な方法による募集株式の発行[山口地裁宇部支部平成26.12.4決定]
- 大学生の運動習慣がメンタルヘルスに与える影響;Correlation between habitual workouts and mental health among university students
- 川尻 達也;Tatsuya KAWASHIRI,佐藤 進;Susumu SATO,鈴木 貴士;Takashi SUZUKI,山口 真史;Masafumi YAMAGUCHI
- 工学教育研究;KIT progress (22), 33-40, 2015-03-31
- … また、運動習慣のない学生に比べ、運動習慣のある学生は意欲低下や活力低下等の項目において、著しく低い値を示す結果となった。 …
- NAID 120005600654
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- Since most events occurred in a small number of recent trials that used secure randomisation methods and treatment blinding, sensitivity analyses (available on request) indicated that our results were not materially influenced by uncertainties about the quality of older trials.
- 関
- substantial、substantially、virtual、virtually
- 関
- aberrant、aberrantly、aberration、abnormal、abnormality、abnormally、anomalous、anomalously、anomaly、conspicuously、defect、deviant、extraordinarily、extraordinary、markedly、notably、remarkably、strikingly、unusual
- 英
- marked、prominent、remarkable、noteworthy、conspicuous、salient、markedly、prominently、conspicuously
- 関
- 著しい、著明、突出、目立つ、著しく、注目すべき、卓越
- 英
- marked、outstanding、manifest、profound、markedly
- 関
- 著しい、明らかにする、顕性、顕著、深在性、目立つ、著しく、根深い、顕在化、現す、深刻
- 関
- conspicuous、marked、markedly、notably、noteworthy、prominent、prominently、remarkable、remarkably、salient、strikingly、unusually