- 英
- false knot of umbilical cord, pseudoknot of cord
- 関
- 臍帯
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- 1. 臍帯異常:出生前診断とマネージメントumbilical cord abnormalities prenatal diagnosis and management [show details]
…differentiated from umbilical cord teratomas by the following criteria: Acardiac twins always have an independent, although rudimentary, umbilical cord, whereas teratomas are located within the umbilical cord; they …
- 2. 臍帯卵膜付着と前置血管velamentous umbilical cord insertion and vasa previa [show details]
…discuss issues related to a velamentous umbilical cord and vasa previa. Other umbilical cord abnormalities are reviewed separately. In a velamentous umbilical cord insertion, the placental end of the …
- 3. 臍帯脱出umbilical cord prolapse [show details]
…"cord prolapse" refers to an umbilical cord that has prolapsed past the fetal presenting part and beyond the internal cervical os, "cord presentation" refers to an umbilical cord ahead of the fetal presenting …
- 4. 出産時の臍帯血酸塩基分析umbilical cord blood acid base analysis at delivery [show details]
…number of ways: Antepartum, by percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling. Intrapartum, by fetal scalp blood sampling. Immediately after birth, by umbilical cord blood sampling. This is by far the most common …
- 5. 造血細胞移植のための臍帯血の収集および保存collection and storage of umbilical cord blood for hematopoietic cell transplantation [show details]
…HCT, alternative sources of hematopoietic stem cells have been sought. Umbilical cord blood, the blood remaining in the umbilical cord and placenta following the birth of an infant, has emerged as a potential …
Related Links
- ②臍帯偽結節 false knots 臍帯静脈は臍帯 動脈 よりも長いため、静脈が動脈に巻きついて塊を形成する( 図7 )。 この周囲に、臍帯の組織であるワルトン膠様質(こうようしつ)が集まって肥厚したものを偽結節という。
- 32. 臍帯巻絡・真結節. 32. 臍帯巻絡・真結節. 臍帯巻絡は、全分娩の約3割に認められる。. 体幹や四肢などの巻絡の診断は難しいことや、臨床的な判断ができないことから、通常頸部の巻絡のみが超音波検査の対象となることが多い。. 臍帯巻絡がない ...
- 世界大百科事典 第2版 - 偽結節の用語解説 - 臍帯は胎盤の中央・側方または辺縁に付着するが,まれには卵膜に付着する。また,臍帯が結ばれるのを真結節,膠質または血管の捻転により一見結節状に肥厚しているものを偽結節という
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Japan Pharmaceutical Reference
- 英
- nodule, node
- 関
- 発疹
- 英
- ganglion、ganglia、node、knot、(分類学)section、(文章)clause、nodal、ganglionic
- 関
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- umbilical cord (KH)
- 関
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- 胎児臍輪と胎盤胎児面を繋ぐ乳白色でラセン状に捻転した紐状組織
- 英
- pseudotubercle, false tubercle, false knot, pseudoknot