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- 1. 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD):定義、臨床症状、診断、および病期分類chronic obstructive pulmonary disease definition clinical manifestations diagnosis and staging [show details]
…center of secondary pulmonary lobules. The walls of emphysematous spaces are usually imperceptible, but central vessels may be visible In contrast, the walls of cysts in pulmonary Langerhans histiocytosis …
- 2. 胸壁疾患とそれによる機能の低下chest wall diseases and restrictive physiology [show details]
…compliance of the chest wall and pulmonary function. This section will focus on the chest wall effects of obesity and ascites. Obesity is associated with restrictive physiology on pulmonary function testing …
- 3. 胸壁腫瘍の外科治療surgical management of chest wall tumors [show details]
…involve the chest wall. Chest wall tumor resections are some of the most challenging surgeries for thoracic and reconstructive surgeons and can lead to significant postoperative pulmonary dysfunction. Such …
- 4. 成人における胸壁外傷の初期評価およびマネージメント initial evaluation and management of chest wall trauma in adults [show details]
… rib fractures, pulmonary contusions, pneumothoraces, and thoracolumbar vertebral fractures . Sternal fractures are an isolated injury in approximately one quarter of patients . Chest wall injuries that …
- 5. 呼吸リハビリテーションpulmonary rehabilitation [show details]
… to severe dyspnea or oxygen desaturation may derive benefit from interval exercise training . Regimens of interval training in pulmonary rehabilitation typically achieve a similar total work amount compared …
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- 英
- Kerley's line, Kerley line, Kerley lines
- 同
- Kerley線
- 下肺野の胸側部に胸膜面に接して存在し、1cm程度の水平に走る影
- 小葉間隔壁の肥厚 ← 間質性肺水腫など
- 英
- lobule (Z)
- 英
- pulmonary lobule, lobule of lung
- ラ
- lobulus pulmonis
- 同
- 二次肺小葉 secondary pulmonary lobule
- 関
- 肺の小葉、小葉、細葉
- 数個の細葉から構成される
- 境界:小葉間結合組織
- 肺の放射線学的最小単位
- 1-2cm大
- 英
- interlobular septa、interlobular septum
- 関
- 肺小葉間隔壁
- 英
- septum, septa, dissepiment
- 英
- interval
- 関
- 間欠期