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- 1. 合併症の発症リスクの高い中等症から重症のクローン病を患う成人患者に行う治療の概要overview of medical management of high risk adult patients with moderate to severe crohn disease [show details]
… few data to support this concern for increased complications in patients who receive glucocorticoids; one case-control study did find an increased risk of developing an intraabdominal… prednisone is initiated at a dose of 40 mg orally daily with a 10 mg or 5 mg taper on a weekly basis for a total duration of four to eight weeks of therapy.…
- 2. Opioid tapering for patients with chronic painopioid tapering for patients with chronic pain [show details]
…necessary. Increased pain or distress – Patients may report increased pain during LOT taper. This may be related to stress, anxiety, or depression that are increased or unmasked by the taper, or may be …
- 3. 成人の軽症クローン病(低リスク)への内科的マネージメントの概要overview of the medical management of mild low risk crohn disease in adults [show details]
… corticosteroid with a high first-pass hepatic metabolism. Budesonide is started at 9 mg per day for at least four weeks, but not more than eight weeks. Budesonide is then tapered by 3 mg increments every …
- 4. 小児における中枢神経系腫瘍のマネージメントに関する概要overview of the management of central nervous system tumors in children [show details]
… complications have to be addressed: Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) including obstructive hydrocephalus; Seizures; Endocrine abnormalities; Elevated ICP is a common finding… concomitantly with dexamethasone (particularly during tapering and after discontinuation) because dexamethasone…
- 5. 冠動脈ステントを用いる経皮的冠動脈形成術:概要percutaneous coronary intervention with intracoronary stents overview [show details]
… (8 to 14 atm) is indicated when there is significant vessel tapering or when proximal edge injury is a concern. In most cases, we perform high-pressure post-dilation with an appropriately sized noncompliant …
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- 漸増漸減性の駆出性雑音が特徴である。診断は身体診察および心エコー検査による。成人の無症候性ASは通常,治療を必要としない。症状が発生したら,外科的または経皮的な弁置換術が必要となる。小児の重症または症候性ASには
- 雑音の特徴は、Ⅰ音からやや遅れて始まりⅡ音まで続く荒々しい 漸増漸減 型雑音です。 左室圧と大動脈圧の差によって、ダイヤモンド型と呼ばれる形になっていますが、 重症になるほど、収縮期後半が強くなって、Ⅱ音がわかりにくなります。
- この雑音は、頸部に放散し、漸増漸減性 (だんだん大きく、だんだん小さくなる)に聞こえる。
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- diamond-shaped murmur
- 関
- 漸増漸減性雑音
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- noise
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- ノイズ、心雑音、部分音
- 英
- tone、sound
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- 緊張、緊張度、トーン、響く、健全
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- ぜんぞう
- 英
- waxing, recruitment
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- 漸増現象 waxing phenomenon、レクルートメント、補充
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- ランバート・イートン症候群。漸減
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- waning
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