- 英
- conditioned tasteaversion
- 関
- 味覚嫌悪学習
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- 1. 成人の味覚および臭覚障害の概要overview of taste and olfactory disorders in adults [show details]
… tastants; Ageusia – Absent taste function; Dysgeusia – Altered (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, or metallic) perception of taste in response to a tastant stimulus; Aliageusia – Taste disturbance in which a typically …
- 2. 味覚および嗅覚障害の評価および治療evaluation and treatment of taste and smell disorders [show details]
… the distribution of taste papillae are all important features of the physical examination. Many oral conditions such as fungal infections and glossitis are associated with taste dysfunction. A variety …
- 3. 頭頸部癌の初期治療中の合併症のマネージメントおよび予防management and prevention of complications during initial treatment of head and neck cancer [show details]
… Impaired oral intake due to mucositis or altered sensation of taste may also contribute to decreased saliva production. Comorbid conditions and the medications used to treat them may contribute significantly …
- 4. 正常な加齢normal aging [show details]
… Loss of taste in older patients is in large part due to decreased olfaction rather than taste itself. Decreased taste and smell sensation may result… in lighting conditions; the pupil becomes rigid and the lens more opaque. The rate of synthesis of photopigment slows with age, adding to slowed adaptation to lower light conditions .…
- 5. 妊娠への母体の適応:消化管maternal adaptations to pregnancy gastrointestinal tract [show details]
… Most studies suggest that taste perception changes during pregnancy . The etiology is unknown and the direction of taste change varies among studies.… some pathologic conditions are exacerbated or arise during pregnancy and may require expert consultation from a GI health care expert. Conditions such as gallstone pancreatitis,…
Japanese Journal
- 条件づけ味覚嫌悪反応における単一神経細胞活動の解析
- 藤原 寛太郎,藤原 浩樹,塚田 稔 [他],合原 一幸
- 情報処理学会研究報告. BIO, バイオ情報学 5, 23-28, 2006-06-15
- … 本研究では、ラット大脳皮質味覚野の単一神経細胞における条件づけ味覚嫌悪反応中のバースト発火活動の解析を行った。 …
- NAID 110004823179
- 条件づけ味覚嫌悪反応における単一神経細胞活動の解析
- 藤原 寛太郎,藤原 浩樹,塚田 稔 [他],合原 一幸
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング 106(101), 19-24, 2006-06-08
- … 本研究では、ラット大脳皮質味覚野の単一神経細胞における条件づけ味覚嫌悪反応中のバースト発火活動の解析を行った。 …
- NAID 110004751552
- Effects of transection of the greater superficial petrosal and te chorda tympani nerves on conditioned taste aversion to sucrose in the hamster.:Effects of transection of the greater superficial petrosal and the chorda tympani nerves on conditioned taste aversion to sucrose in the hamster
- Harada Shuitsu
- 歯科基礎医学会雑誌 34(6), 690-700, 1992
- … 甘味識別における大錐体神経 (GSP) の機能をさらに深く理解するために, ハムスタ-GSPおよび鼓索神経 (CT) の両方もしくは片方を両側性に切断した場合の, 庶糖に対する条件づけ味覚嫌悪行動の変化を調べた。 …
- NAID 130004001749
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- 同
- 条件づけ味覚嫌悪 conditioned tasteaversion
- 英
- gustatory sensation (SP), gustation, degustation, taste sense, sensation of taste
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- 英
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- 状況、状態
- 英
- taste aversion
- 関
- 味覚
- 英
- conditioning
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- 順化