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- 1. LSDおよび他の一般的な幻覚剤による中毒intoxication from lsd and other common hallucinogens [show details]
… "Hallucinogen" describes substances whose primary effects include the alteration of sensory perception, mood, and thought patterns. Naturally occurring hallucinogens have been used for millennia as part …
- 2. 物質使用障害の臨床評価clinical assessment of substance use disorders [show details]
…cannabis use disorder. Illicit drugs – Stimulants including cocaine, opioids including heroin, hallucinogens, and inhalants. For each substance, a few questions that determine ever used, pattern of use …
- 3. 小児や青年のフェンシクリジン(PCP)中毒phencyclidine pcp intoxication in children and adolescents [show details]
…discussed separately. PCP, ie, 1-(1-phenylcyclohexyl) piperidine hydrochloride, is a synthetic hallucinogen that has a variety of street names, including "angel dust," "dust," and "sherms" These names…
- 4. 大麻の使用と障害:疫学、併存症、健康に及ぼす影響、法医学的な位置付けcannabis use and disorder epidemiology comorbidity health consequences and medico legal status [show details]
…followed by cannabis use, and then use of more harmful illegal drugs such as stimulants, opiates, or hallucinogens. The model assumes a causal relationship across the sequence, so that prevention of cannabis use …
- 5. 統合失調症および物質使用障害の併発:疫学、病因、臨床症状、経過、評価および診断co occurring schizophrenia and substance use disorder epidemiology pathogenesis clinical manifestations course assessment and diagnosis [show details]
…chronic use, or withdrawal : Intoxication with stimulants, marijuana, or hallucinogens Chronic use of stimulants or hallucinogens Withdrawal from alcohol and sedative hypnotics Links to society …
Japanese Journal
- Brill Henry,Jaffe Jerome H.
- 臨床薬理 9(4), 445-460, 1978
- … に始まり, 年齢を経るにしたがって使用頻度は増加する.その過程において最初害の少ない薬物から次第に害の大きな薬物に移行していく傾向がある.たとえば大麻の使用からamphetamine類やbarbituratesあるいは幻覚発現薬などの使用に移行している.Cocaineとheroinの乱用は最も常軌を逸したものとされている.またこれらの薬物を乱用している人たちは大抵amphetamine類, barbituratesあるいはもう少し程度のよい薬物などを一緒に用い …
- NAID 130004749578
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- 英
- hallucinogen, hallucinogens, hallucinogenic, hallucinogenic agent hallucinogenic agents, hallucinogenic drug psychotomimetic drugs
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- 幻覚発現物質、幻覚発現薬、幻覚薬、幻覚誘発薬、精神異常誘発物質?、催幻覚薬 psychedelic、幻覚発動物質、幻覚誘起物質
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幻覚薬 : 約 3,850 件
幻覚剤 : 約 40,800 件
- 英
- hallucination
- 関
- 錯覚
- 実際にはない音を聞いたり、ものを見たり、感じたりする体験で
- 対象なき知覚への確信
- 幻聴、幻視、幻味、幻嗅、幻触
- KPS改変
- 英
- drug, agent
- 同
- 薬物
- 関
- 作用薬、剤、ドラッグ、媒介物、病原体、麻薬、薬剤、薬物、代理人、薬品