- ラ
- brachialgia paresthetica nocturna
- 関
- 上肢痛
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- 1. 腕神経叢症候群brachial plexus syndromes [show details]
… unilateral shoulder girdle and lateral arm pain, often awakening the individual in the night.… Sensory symptoms occur in a majority of patients, most commonly manifesting as hypesthesia and/or paresthesia, and usually involving the lateral shoulder and arm and/or the hand. The time to onset of weakness …
- 2. 活動的な小児や骨格発達の未成熟な青年の肘関節障害:アプローチelbow injuries in active children or skeletally immature adolescents approach [show details]
…AOIN syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome is rare in children and is associated with night-time paresthesias, paresthesia with wrist compression, and thenar atrophy. Interphalangeal joint pathology and …
- 3. 急性の手首の疼痛を有する成人患者の評価evaluation of the adult with acute wrist pain [show details]
…disorders . Patients commonly experience pain and paresthesia, and less commonly weakness, in the median nerve distribution. Symptoms are typically worse at night. Positive Phalen or Tinel tests suggest the …
- 4. 頸部神経根障害の臨床的特徴および診断clinical features and diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy [show details]
… suggest noncompressive etiologies for cervical radiculopathy: Lhermitte phenomenon, a shock-like paresthesia occurring with neck flexion, may be present if there is compression of the cervical cord by a midline … or arm pain; muscle weakness; sensory symptoms; or diminished deep tendon reflexes,…
- 5. 胸郭出口症候群の概要overview of thoracic outlet syndromes [show details]
… Swelling can be accompanied by pain and cyanosis of the affected extremity; paresthesias in the fingers are common but are a manifestation of… Other presentations include upper extremity pain with activity due to subclavian artery stenosis or occlusion.…
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- 手根管症候群 中年以降の女性に多い。手首のところで正中神経が圧迫されて母指示指中指と薬指の親指側半分の知覚障害や痺れや痛みがでてくる。痺れや痛みは夜間あるいは明け方に強い傾向があり、手を振ると楽になる。
- ・からだの全部または一部の正常な感覚が 失われ、自由がきかなくなる状態。 ・末梢神経および中枢神経脳と脊髄の 障害によっておこる一種の異常知覚。 感覚障害:痛み、触れた感じが鈍い、わからない 運動障害:麻痺、筋力低下
- ※このページは、大腿の前面の「感覚異常性大腿痛」を引用しています。 大腿前面から外側にかけて焼けつくような痛みやしびれと知覚鈍麻(どんま)をきたす病気で、股関節の位置や格好で症状が生じたり治まったりすることもあり ...
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- 英
- upper limb, upper extremity, superior limb
- ラ
- membrum superius
- 関
- 下肢
- aberrance, aberration, abnormity, anomalia, anomalo, anomaly, bad condition, defect, glitch, malfunction, trouble, uniqueness, vitium
- 英
- nighttime、nocturnal、nocturnally
- 関
- 夜行性
- 英
- perception, sensory perception, sense
- 関
- 英
- sensory
- 関
- 感覚、感覚性