- 英
- certificate of burial
- 関
- 墓地、埋葬等に関する法律
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- 1. 小児における低体温:マネージメントhypothermia in children management [show details]
… severe hypothermia may permit remarkable survival despite apparent signs of death,… avalanche victims have survived prolonged burial despite asystole upon extrication .…
- 2. マールブルグウイルスmarburg virus [show details]
…variation, suggesting that Marburg virus has been present in the bat population for a long time, permitting significant diversification to take place. Studies in captive R. aegyptiacus have found that chronically … direct contact with the blood or other body fluids of a patient or during preparation of a body for burial. As an example, treatment of the 25 patients during the outbreak in Germany and Yugoslavia resulted …
- 3. 学会が公開する診療ガイドラインのリンク:植込み型心臓治療デバイスsociety guideline links cardiac implantable electronic devices [show details]
…standards – Prevention of accidental exposure to high voltage electric shocks during the preparation for burial of deceased persons with implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) (2014) CSANZ: Statement…
- 4. エボラウイルス病の疫学および病因epidemiology and pathogenesis of ebola virus disease [show details]
…none of the patients survived . The index case was a five-year-old boy who had just attended the burial of his grandfather in the DRC. His grandfather had confirmed Ebola virus disease. More detailed discussions …
- 5. 妊娠後期の胎児死亡と死産:母親へのケアlate fetal death and stillbirth maternal care [show details]
…elect to have a full burial, while others may choose to dispose of the newborn body through the hospital usual mechanisms. In the United States, state law governs the process of burial and disposition, which …
Japanese Journal
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- 英
- permission、permit、authorization、permit
- 関
- 許す、許容、承認、可能にする、認可、容認、公認
- 英
- bury
- 関
- 埋める