- 英
- bury
- 関
- 埋葬
- place in the earth and cover with soil; "They buried the stolen goods"
- place in a grave or tomb; "Stalin was buried behind the Kremlin wall on Red Square"; "The pharaohs were entombed in the pyramids"; "My grandfather was laid to rest last Sunday" (同)entomb, inhume, inter, lay to rest
- embed deeply; "She sank her fingers into the soft sand"; "He buried his head in her lap" (同)sink
- cover from sight; "Afghani women buried under their burkas"
- 〈死体〉'を'『埋葬する』,土葬する,水葬する / (見えないように)…'を'『おおい隠す』 / …'を'深く突っ込む / (…に)〈人〉'を'没頭させる《+『名』〈人〉+『in』+『名』》
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Japanese Journal
- 商法から 説明義務違反・適合性原則 (特集 民・商法の溝を埋める(Part.2))
- 民法から 説明義務違反・適合性原則 (特集 民・商法の溝を埋める(Part.2))
- 商法から 取締役の第三者に対する責任と不法行為責任 (特集 民・商法の溝を埋める(Part.2))
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- 英
- bury
- 関
- 埋める