- (medicine) an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign; "rejection of the transplanted liver"
- the state of being rejected
- the act of rejecting something; "his proposals were met with rejection"
- the speech act of rejecting
- refuse to recognize or acknowledge; "Peter denied Jesus"
- deny oneself (something); restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure; "She denied herself wine and spirits" (同)abnegate
- refuse to let have; "She denies me every pleasure"; "he denies her her weekly allowance" (同)refuse
- declare untrue; contradict; "He denied the allegations"; "She denied that she had taken money"
- refuse to accept or believe; "He denied his fatal illness"
- refuse to grant, as of a petition or request; "The dean denied the students request for more physics courses"; "the prisoners were denied the right to exercise for more than 2 hours a day"
- refuse to accept or acknowledge; "I reject the idea of starting a war"; "The journal rejected the students paper"
- reject with contempt; "She spurned his advances" (同)spurn, freeze off, scorn, pooh-pooh, disdain, turn_down
- refuse entrance or membership; "They turned away hundreds of fans"; "Black people were often rejected by country clubs" (同)turn_down, turn_away, refuse
- refuse to accept; "He refused my offer of hospitality" (同)reject, pass_up, turn_down, decline
- show unwillingness towards; "he declined to join the group on a hike" (同)decline
- a message refusing to accept something that is offered
- the act of refusing
- 〈U〉〈C〉断ること,拒絶;却下 / 〈C〉廃棄物
- …‘を'『否定する』,否認する / 《『deny』+『名』+『名』=『deny』+『名』+『to』+『名』》〈人・自分〉‘に'…‘を'与えない(許さない)
- …‘を'『断る』,『拒絶する』,はねつける / (役に立たないものとして)…‘を'捨てる,取り除く / 断られた人(事)
- …‘を'『断る』,拒む / 拒絶する,断る
- 廃物,くず,ごみ
- 〈U〉〈C〉『拒否』,拒絶 / 〈U〉《しばしばthe~》(諾否を決める)優先権,取捨選択権
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Rejection, or the verb Reject, meaning "to throw" or "to throw back", may refer to:
- Social rejection, in psychology, an interpersonal situation that occurs when a person or group of people exclude an individual from a social relationship
- Transplant rejection, in medicine, the immune reaction of a host organism to a foreign biological tissue, such as in a transplantation
- In telecommunications, rejection is the receiving of the desired signal without interference from another undesired one.
- In basketball, rejection is a slang term for a block
- In mathematics, the rejection of a vector a from a vector b is the component of a perpendicular to b, as opposed to its projection, which is parallel to b.
- In statistics, rejection of a null hypothesis in favour of an alternative hypothesis when doing a hypothesis test.
- In statistics, rejection sampling is a technique used to generate observations from a distribution
- In zoology, the shunning of one or more animals in a litter
- A song by Martin Solveig
- Perfection, Nevada, a fictional town in the Tremors film and T.V. series, originally named Rejection
See also
- Accept (disambiguation), the opposite, or negation, of rejection
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English Journal
- Integration of the Anammox process to the rejection water and main stream lines of WWTPs.
- Morales N1, Val Del Río Á2, Vázquez-Padín JR3, Méndez R4, Mosquera-Corral A5, Campos JL6.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2015 Dec;140:99-105. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.03.058. Epub 2015 Apr 15.
- Nowadays the application of Anammox based processes in the wastewater treatment plants has given a step forward. The new goal consists of removing the nitrogen present in the main stream of the WWTPs to improve their energetic efficiencies. This new approach aims to remove not only the nitrogen but
- PMID 25890586
- Integrating electrochemical oxidation into forward osmosis process for removal of trace antibiotics in wastewater.
- Liu P1, Zhang H2, Feng Y3, Shen C4, Yang F4.
- Journal of hazardous materials.J Hazard Mater.2015 Oct 15;296:248-55. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.04.048. Epub 2015 Apr 18.
- During the rejection of trace pharmaceutical contaminants from wastewater by forward osmosis (FO), disposal of the FO concentrate was still an unsolved issue. In this study, by integrating the advantages of forward osmosis and electrochemical oxidation, a forward osmosis process with the function of
- PMID 25966924
- The role of forward osmosis and microfiltration in an integrated osmotic-microfiltration membrane bioreactor system.
- Luo W1, Hai FI1, Kang J2, Price WE2, Nghiem LD3, Elimelech M4.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2015 Oct;136:125-32. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.04.082. Epub 2015 May 15.
- This study investigates the performance of an integrated osmotic and microfiltration membrane bioreactor (O/MF-MBR) system for wastewater treatment and reclamation. The O/MF-MBR system simultaneously used microfiltration (MF) and forward osmosis (FO) membranes to extract water from the mixed liquor
- PMID 25966331
- Targeted delivery of interleukin-10 to chronic cardiac allograft rejection using a human antibody specific to the extra domain A of fibronectin.
- Franz M1, Doll F2, Grün K3, Richter P4, Köse N4, Ziffels B3, Schubert H5, Figulla HR3, Jung C3, Gummert J6, Renner A6, Neri D2, Berndt A4.
- International journal of cardiology.Int J Cardiol.2015 Sep 15;195:311-22. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2015.05.144. Epub 2015 May 29.
- BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Management of chronic rejection is challenging since there are not sufficient preventive or therapeutic strategies. The rejection process leads to overexpression of ED-A(+) fibronectin (ED-A(+) Fn). The human antibody F8, specific to ED-A(+) Fn, may serve as a vehicle for target
- PMID 26056964
Japanese Journal
- GaN metal–semiconductor–metal UV sensor with multi-layer graphene as Schottky electrodes
- Lee Chang-Ju,Kang Sang-Bum,Cha Hyeon-Gu,Won Chul-Ho,Hong Seul-Ki,Cho Byung-Jin,Park Hongsik,Lee Jung-Hee,Hahm Sung-Ho
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(6S1), 06FF08, 2015-05-08
- … 10<sup>5</sup>and a UV-to-visible rejection ratio of 1.8 × …
- NAID 150000110831
- 質の悪い経営者の増加と監査人の損害賠償責任が監査拒否と投資判断に及ぼす影響
- 幼児における自己制御と要求判断との関連性-拒否された後の要求変化に焦点を当てて-
- 鈴木 智子,Suzuki Tomoko
- 仁愛大学研究紀要. 人間生活学部篇 6, 83-91, 2015-03-31
- … children tendedto decide on their demanding behavior by relying on the situation more than 5-year-old children did.(2) Children who scored high on self-inhibition and low on self-assertion decided what to do with theirrequest by relying on both the intensity of the rejection and the size of the reward.( 3) Children whoscored low on self-inhibition and high on self-assertion decided what to do with their request by relyingonly on the size of the reward.( 4) Children who scored high on both self-assertion and self-inhibitiondecided their …
- NAID 120005604564
- Low-frequency noise properties of metal–organic–metal ultraviolet sensors
- Su Peng-Yin,Chuang Ricky-Wenkuei,Chen Chin-Hsiang,Kao Tsung-Hsien
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(4S), 04DK12, 2015-03-24
- … The findings revealed that the UV-to-visible rejection ratio of the fabricated 80-nm-thick m-MTDATA UV sensor was approximately 7.81 when biased at 5 V, with a cutoff at 220 nm. …
- NAID 150000110430
Related Links
- Cultural Dictionary rejection definition A process in which the immune system of a body attacks an organ or tissue, either its own or tissue transplanted into it from another organism. (See xenotransplantation.) Note: Rejection is the ...
- rejectionとは。意味や和訳。[名][U][C]1 拒絶[却下, 否認, 排除]する[される]こと.2 嘔吐(おうと);[C]廃棄物, 排出物.3 [U]《医学》拒絶反応. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービス ...
- rejectionの意味は?goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書サービスです。国語辞典、英和辞典、和英辞典、類語辞典、中国語辞典、百科事典などを提供しています。
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- 英
- rejection、allograft rejection, graft rejection, rejection reaction RR
- 同
- 拒否反応
- 関
- 臓器移植
- 関
- denial、negate、refusal、refuse、reject、rejection
- 英
- rejection、refusal、reject、refuse、deny
- 関
- 拒絶、拒絶反応、拒む、否定
- 関
- antabuse、deny、disulfiram、refuse、reject、rejection
- 関
- deny、refusal、reject、rejection