- without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition; "the clarity and resonance of an open tone"; "her natural and open response"
- a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water; "finally broke out of the forest into the open" (同)clear
- information that has become public; "all the reports were out in the open"; "the facts had been brought to the surface" (同)surface
- a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play
- become available; "an opportunity opened up" (同)open_up
- become open; "The door opened" (同)open_up
- cause to open or to become open; "Mary opened the car door" (同)open_up
- make available; "This opens up new possibilities" (同)open_up
- start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning; "open a business" (同)open_up
- not sealed or having been unsealed; "the letter was already open"; "the opened package lay on the table" (同)opened
- used of mouth or eyes; "keep your eyes open"; "his mouth slightly opened" (同)opened
- not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought; "an open question"; "our position on this bill is still undecided"; "our lawsuit is still undetermined" (同)undecided, undetermined, unresolved
- affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed; "an open door"; "they left the door open" (同)unfastened
- (set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints
- accessible to all; "open season"; "an open economy"
- affording free passage or access; "open drains"; "the road is open to traffic"; "open ranks"
- begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.; "He opened the meeting with a long speech"
- display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer
- have an opening or passage or outlet; "The bedrooms open into the hall"
- having no protecting cover or enclosure; "an open boat"; "an open fire"; "open sports cars"
- make the opening move; "Kasparov opened with a standard opening"
- not having been filled; "the job is still open"
- not requiring union membership; "an open shop employs nonunion workers"
- open to or in view of all; "an open protest"; "an open letter to the editor"
- ready for business; "the stores are open"
- first or beginning; "the memorable opening bars of Beethovens Fifth"; "the plays opening scene"
- opportunity especially for employment or promotion; "there is an opening in the sales department"
- a recognized sequence of moves at the beginning of a game of chess; "he memorized all the important chess openings" (同)chess opening
- a vacant or unobstructed space that is man-made; "they left a small opening for the cat at the bottom of the door"
- becoming open or being made open; "the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for"
- the act of opening something; "the ray of light revealed his cautious opening of the door"
- an open or empty space in or between things; "there was a small opening between the trees"; "the explosion made a gap in the wall" (同)gap
- the first performance (as of a theatrical production); "the opening received good critical reviews" (同)opening_night, curtain raising
- a ceremony accompanying the start of some enterprise
- the initial part of the introduction; "the opening established the basic theme"
- of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary; "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest"
- a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen (同)primary_election
- one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a birds wing (同)primary feather, primary quill
- (astronomy) a celestial body (especially a star) relative to other objects in orbit around it
- not derived from or reducible to something else; basic; "a primary instinct"
- move or proceed at an angle; "he angled his way into the room"
- the space between two lines or planes that intersect; the inclination of one line to another; measured in degrees or radians
- fish with a hook
- an eye disease that damages the optic nerve and impairs vision (sometimes progressing to blindness); "contrary to popular belief, glaucoma is not always caused by elevated intraocular pressure"
- …‘を'『開く』,開ける;…‘の'ふた(おおい)をとる / …‘を'『切り開いて作る』,開拓する;…‘を'全開通させる《+『名』+『up,』+『名』+『up』》 / …‘を'『広げる』《+『up』+(『out』)+『名,』+『名』+『up』(『out』)》 / …‘を'『始める』 / …‘を'開業する,開店する,開場する / (人に)〈心など〉‘を'打ち明ける,〈秘密など〉‘を'漏らす《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / (新思想などに)〈心・目〉‘を'開く《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈戸などが〉『開く』,あく / 〈花・つぼみが〉開く《+『out』》 / 〈学校などが〉『始まる』;〈店などが〉開く / 〈道路などが〉開通する / (…に)向かって開いている,(…に)通じている《+『out』『on』(『upon,to,onto』)+『名』》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈風景などが〉広がる,ひらける / 本を開く;(…)ページを開く《+『to』(《英》『at』)+『名』》 / (窓・口などが)『開いた』,開いている;(包みなどが)広げられて / (花が)咲いた / (店などが)『開いている』,開業している;(催し物が)『公開の』,だれでも入れる / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》ふたのしてない,屋根のない,おおいのない / 広く開いた,さえぎるものがない / 公然の / 率直な,遠慮しない / さらされている,無防備の / 《補語にのみ用いて》(職・地位などが)空位の;(時間などが)あいている / (問題・議事などが)未解決の / 凍結しない,雪や霜の降らない;温和な / (漁・猟が)解禁の / (音声が)開口音の;開音節の / 《the~》戸外,野外 / 空き地;(樹木のない)開けた場所,平野
- 〈C〉(森・垣根・壁などの)空いている所;空き地;すき間,穴 / 〈C〉(物語・会議などの)始め,出だし,冒頭(beginning) / 〈C〉(…の地位の)空き,就職口《+『for』(『at, in』)+『名』》(vacant) / 〈C〉(劇などの)初演 / 〈U〉(…が)開くこと,あくこと《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)よい機会,好機《+『for』+『名』》 / 初めの,開始の
- 『第一の』,『主要な』 / 『初期の』,『初等の』,初級の / 『根本的な』,基本的な,本来の,直接的な / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(回路・コイル・巻き・電流などが)一次の / 原色(三原色の一つ) / 《米》=primary election
- 『かど』,すみ(corner) / 『角』,角度 / 《話》(ものを見る)角度,観点(point of view) / …'を'ある角度に動かす(向ける,曲げる) / …'を'ある角度から見る
- (楽しみとして)魚釣りをする;(魚を)釣る《+『for』+『名』》
- あおそこひ,緑内障(視力が減退する眼病)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- The dysfunction of the trabecular meshwork during glaucoma course.
- Saccà SC1, Pulliero A, Izzotti A.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2015 Mar;230(3):510-25. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24826.
- Primary open angle glaucoma is a multi-tissue disease that targets, in an ascending order, the trabecular meshwork, the optic nerve head, the lateral geniculate nuclei, and the visual cortex. Oxidative stress and vascular damage play major roles in triggering apoptotic cell loss in these tissues. Mo
- PMID 25216121
- The Primary Open-Angle African American Glaucoma Genetics Study: Baseline Demographics.
- Charlson ES1, Sankar PS1, Miller-Ellis E1, Regina M1, Fertig R1, Salinas J1, Pistilli M1, Salowe RJ1, Rhodes AL1, Merritt WT 3rd1, Chua M1, Trachtman BT1, Gudiseva HV1, Collins DW1, Chavali VR1, Nichols C1, Henderer J2, Ying GS1, Varma R3, Jorgenson E4, O'Brien JM5.
- Ophthalmology.Ophthalmology.2015 Jan 8. pii: S0161-6420(14)01088-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2014.11.015. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: To describe the baseline characteristics of the Primary Open-Angle African American Glaucoma Genetics (POAAGG) study cohort, the largest African American population with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) recruited at a single institution (University of Pennsylvania [UPenn], Department of O
- PMID 25576993
- Inducible and endothelial nitric synthetase expression and nitrotyrosine accumulation in iris vasculature of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma: a pilot study.
- Rokicki W1, Żaba M2, Wyględowska-Promieńska D1, Kabiesz A1, Reichman-Warmusz E2, Brzozowa M2, Majewski W3, Wojnicz R2.
- Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research.Med Sci Monit.2015 Jan 7;21:76-81. doi: 10.12659/MSM.891177.
- Background The "double-faced" effect of nitric oxide (NO) is thought to play an important role in triggering and progression of glaucoma. Material and Methods Iris samples were obtained during iridectomy in 35 patients (mean age of 65.4±5.3 years) with diagnosed primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).
- PMID 25564962
Japanese Journal
- 下方で行ったサイヌソトミー併用トラベクロトミーの白内障同時手術の長期成績
- 臨床報告 原発開放隅角緑内障に対する漢方治療の有用性 : 眼科漢方30年の経験から
- 臨床報告 多剤併用中の原発開放隅角緑内障に対するブリモニジン酒石酸塩点眼液追加投与の短期成績
Related Links
- ... rises because the correct amount of fluid can’t drain out of the eye. With open-angle glaucoma, the entrances to the drainage canals are clear and should be working correctly. The clogging problem occurs further inside the ...
- PRIMARY OPEN-ANGLE GLAUCOMA (POAG) Approximately one percent of all Americans have this form of glaucoma, making it the most common form of glaucoma in our country. It occurs mainly in the over 50 age group. There ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- primary open-angle glaucoma, POAG
- 同
- 原発性開放隅角緑内障、慢性単性緑内障 chronic simple glaucoma
- 関
- 緑内障
- 年齢、黒人、家族歴、眼圧、その他(近視、偽落屑、拡張期低灌流圧(low diastolic perfusion pressure), 心血管疾患、高血圧([[systemic hypertension)、糖尿病、甲状腺機能低下症)
- 前眼房は正常であるが、視神経乳頭や視野に緑内障性視神経症の所見が認められる。
- 初期には乳頭から耳上側、耳下側に弓状、楔状のやや暗赤色に見える部分が出現し、その部分お神経線維が消失し網膜神経線維層欠損を来す。これにより視野欠損(傍中心暗点、ザイデル暗点、ブエルム暗点)が認められるようになる。
- 両側性に発症
- 初期には症状なく、視野狭窄が初発症状となる。
- 疼痛(眼痛)、充血は認められない。
- 緑内障性の変化:傍中心暗点 → Seidel暗点 → Bjerrum暗点 → Roenne鼻側階段 → 中心視野のみreserve
- http://www.nichigan.or.jp/member/guideline/glaucoma2.jsp
- 2. [charged] Open-angle glaucoma: Epidemiology, clinical presentation, and diagnosis - uptodate [1]
- 英
- primary open-angle glaucoma
- 関
- 原発開放隅角緑内障
- 関
- primary open-angle glaucoma
- 一次の、第一次の、主要な、(化学)第一級の、一級の、初生の、(病名)原発性の、原発の、プライマリーの
- 関
- cardinal、chief、first-order、foremost、main、mainly、major、master、primarily、principal、principally
- 関
- aperture、liberal、opening、orificial
- 関
- aperture、open、orificial
- 関
- angular、corner、horn