- with head or back bent low; "a deep bow"
- the central and most intense or profound part; "in the deep of night"; "in the deep of winter"
- literary term for an ocean; "denizens of the deep"
- to an advanced time; "deep into the night"; "talked late into the evening" (同)late
- strong; intense; "deep purple"; "a rich red" (同)rich
- exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy; "deep political machinations"; "a deep plot"
- extending relatively far inward; "a deep border"
- extreme; "in deep trouble"; "deep happiness"
- having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination; "a deep well"; "a deep dive"; "deep water"; "a deep casserole"; "a deep gash"; "deep massage"; "deep pressure receptors in muscles"; "deep shelves"; "a deep closet"; "surrounded by a deep yard"; "hit the ball to deep center field"; "in deep space"; "waist-deep"
- large in quantity or size; "deep cuts in the budget"
- marked by depth of thinking; "deep thoughts"; "a deep allegory"
- relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply; "a deep breath"; "a deep sigh"; "deep concentration"; "deep emotion"; "a deep trance"; "in a deep sleep"
- relatively thick from top to bottom; "deep carpets"; "deep snow"
- to a great distance; "penetrated deep into enemy territory"; "went deep into the woods"
- very distant in time or space; "deep in the past"; "deep in enemy territory"; "deep in the woods"; "a deep space probe"
- of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary; "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest"
- a preliminary election where delegates or nominees are chosen (同)primary_election
- one of the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a birds wing (同)primary feather, primary quill
- (astronomy) a celestial body (especially a star) relative to other objects in orbit around it
- not derived from or reducible to something else; basic; "a primary instinct"
- control consisting of a mechanical device for controlling the flow of a fluid
- device in a brass wind instrument for varying the length of the air column to alter the pitch of a tone
- one of the paired hinged shells of certain molluscs and of brachiopods
- the entire one-piece shell of a snail and certain other molluscs
- a structure in a hollow organ (like the heart) with a flap to insure one-way flow of fluid through it
- inability of a part or organ to function properly
- lack of physical or intellectual ability or qualifications (同)incompetency
- of or contained in or performing the function of the veins; "venous inflammation"; "venous blood as contrasted with arterial blood"; "venous circulation"
- (表面から下方または内部へ)『深い』 / (程度が)非常な,深い / 奥行きの深い,奥まった / 奥深くて測りしれない,深遠な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…の)奥深いところにいる(ある)《+『in』+『名』》 / (思想・感情などが)深い,強い / (色が)濃い / (音・声が)低い,太い / 『深く』 / 〈C〉(特に海洋の)『深い所』;海溝 / 《the~》《文》海 / 《the~》《古》(冬などの)さなか
- 『第一の』,『主要な』 / 『初期の』,『初等の』,初級の / 『根本的な』,基本的な,本来の,直接的な / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(回路・コイル・巻き・電流などが)一次の / 原色(三原色の一つ) / 《米》=primary election
- (液体・ガスなどの流れを調節する)『バルブ』,弁 / (血液の流れを調節する)弁,弁膜 / (管楽器の)バルブ / (2枚貝の)から,貝がら / 《英》真空管
- 無能,無力;不適当,無答格
- 静脈[血]の / 葉脈の多い
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- 1. 下肢慢性静脈疾患の分類 classification of lower extremity chronic venous disorders
- 2. 慢性静脈疾患の病態生理 pathophysiology of chronic venous disease
- 3. 血栓後(静脈炎後)症候群 post thrombotic postphlebitic syndrome
- 4. 労作性頭痛 exertional headache
- 5. 下肢深部静脈血栓症の治療の概要 overview of the treatment of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis dvt
English Journal
- Venous ulcers of the lower limb: Where do we stand?
- Chatterjee SS.Author information Department of Plastic Surgery, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.AbstractVenous ulcers are the most common ulcers of the lower limb. It has a high morbidity and results in economic strain both at a personal and at a state level. Chronic venous hypertension either due to primary or secondary venous disease with perforator paucity, destruction or incompetence resulting in reflux is the underlying pathology, but inflammatory reactions mediated through leucocytes, platelet adhesion, formation of pericapillary fibrin cuff, growth factors and macromolecules trapped in tissue result in tissue hypoxia, cell death and ulceration. Duplex scan with colour flow is the most useful investigation for venous disease supplying information about patency, reflux, effects of proximal and distal compression, Valsalva maneuver and effects of muscle contraction. Most venous disease can be managed conservatively by leg elevation and compression bandaging. Drugs of proven benefit in venous disease are pentoxifylline and aspirin, but they work best in conjunction with compression therapy. Once ulceration is chronic or the patient does not respond to or cannot maintain conservative regime, surgical intervention treating the underlying venous hypertension and cover for the ulcer is necessary. The different modalities like sclerotherapy, ligation and stripping of superficial varicose veins, endoscopic subfascial perforator ligation, endovenous laser or radiofrequency ablation have similar long-term results, although short-term recovery is best with radiofrequency and foam sclerotherapy. For deep venous reflux, surgical modalities include repair of incompetent venous valves or transplant or transposition of a competent vein segment with normal valves to replace a post-thrombotic destroyed portion of the deep vein.
- Indian journal of plastic surgery : official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India.Indian J Plast Surg.2012 May;45(2):266-74. doi: 10.4103/0970-0358.101294.
- Venous ulcers are the most common ulcers of the lower limb. It has a high morbidity and results in economic strain both at a personal and at a state level. Chronic venous hypertension either due to primary or secondary venous disease with perforator paucity, destruction or incompetence resulting in
- PMID 23162226
- Reconstructive surgery for deep vein reflux in the lower limbs: techniques, results and indications.
- Maleti O, Perrin M.Author information Hesperia Hospital, Via Arquà 80/A, 41124 Modena, Italy.AbstractDeep venous reflux (DVR) is defined as a reflux affecting the deep venous system. DVR essentially arises from two aetiologies, primary deep valve incompetence (PDVI) and post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS), and it is correlated with severe chronic venous insufficiency. DVR correction aims at reducing the increased ambulatory venous pressure, which results from reflux in deep veins in orthodynamic conditions. The results of DVR surgery are not easy to assess, as it is mostly associated with surgery for insufficiency in the superficial venous system and/or perforators. In cases of primary insufficiency, valvuloplasty, the operation of choice, is credited at 5 years follow-up with a 70% success rate in terms of clinical outcome and improved haemodynamic performance. In PTS, a meta-analysis of transpositions and transplants at more than 5 years estimates successful clinical outcome and improved haemodynamic performance at 50%. The Maleti neovalve construction technique has achieved better results. Indications for DVR surgery are based on clinical, haemodynamic and imaging data. Aetiology is a decisive factor in the choice of the technique.
- European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery.Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg.2011 Jun;41(6):837-48. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2011.02.013. Epub 2011 Mar 30.
- Deep venous reflux (DVR) is defined as a reflux affecting the deep venous system. DVR essentially arises from two aetiologies, primary deep valve incompetence (PDVI) and post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS), and it is correlated with severe chronic venous insufficiency. DVR correction aims at reducing the
- PMID 21454106
- Deep venous reconstructions: long-term outcome in patients with primary or post-thrombotic deep venous incompetence.
- Lehtola A, Oinonen A, Sugano N, Albäck A, Lepäntalo M.Author information Department of Vascular Surgery, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.AbstractOBJECTIVES: To evaluate long-term durability and clinical success of deep venous reconstruction for severe chronic venous insufficiency as a part of routine workload at a university vascular surgery department.
- European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery.Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg.2008 Apr;35(4):487-93. Epub 2007 Nov 5.
- OBJECTIVES: To evaluate long-term durability and clinical success of deep venous reconstruction for severe chronic venous insufficiency as a part of routine workload at a university vascular surgery department.STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of clinical series.PATIENTS: Between 1996 and 2000, 4
- PMID 17983771
Japanese Journal
- 原発性深部静脈弁不全(一次性静脈瘤を含む)に対する external banding 法による深部静脈弁形成術の成績
- 林田 直樹,平野 雅生,鬼頭 浩之,浅野 宗一,大場 正直,相馬 裕介,田村 友作,松尾 浩三,村山 博和
- 静脈学 20(3), 251-255, 2009-08-25
- NAID 10025589650
- 原発性下肢静脈りゅうにおける大伏在静脈逆流部の同定 術中下行性大伏在静脈造影法による (第1報):術中下行性大伏在静脈造影法による (第1報)
- 諸星 保憲,大内 博,上沖 修三,大熊 恒郎,森 昌造
- 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 20(9), 1470-1475, 1991
- 原発性下肢静脈瘤症例20肢(17名)を対象として,大伏在静脈逆流部(弁不全部)の同定を目的に,術中下行性大伏在静脈造影を試みた.その結果,本法は深部静脈系と表在静脈系の圧格差を作り出した条件下で大伏在静脈弁不全部の描出が可能であった.逆流の様相は複雑であり,とくに本幹の弁不全部から静脈瘤化した枝に逆流した後再度末梢で本幹に流入してくるもの(3肢)や,拡張を伴わぬ逆流部(5肢)も存在した.逆流範囲に …
- NAID 130003628487
Related Links
- Primary Venous Valve Incompetence of the Leg Robert L. Kistner, MD, Honolulu, Hawaii Primary valve incompetence is a condition in which the venous valve cusps become incompetent without a recognizable inciting cause for ...
- External banding valvuloplasty for deep vein with additional procedures (high ligation and stripping of saphenous vein etc.) were performed in 8 limbs of 8 patients with deep venous valve incompetence between June 2004 and November ...
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- 英
- primary deep venous valve incompetence
- 一次の、第一次の、主要な、(化学)第一級の、一級の、初生の、(病名)原発性の、原発の、プライマリーの
- 関
- cardinal、chief、first-order、foremost、main、mainly、major、master、primarily、principal、principally
- 関
- cripple、dysfunction、failing、failure、hypofunction、inability、incapacitate、incompetent、inefficiency、insufficiency、malfunction、stun
- 関
- deep-seated、profound
- 関
- vein、vena