- 関
- dorsal horn、spinal cord posterior horn
- stab or pierce with a horn or tusk; "the rhino horned the explorer" (同)tusk
- the material (mostly keratin) that covers the horns of ungulates and forms hooves and claws and nails
- a high pommel of a Western saddle (usually metal covered with leather) (同)saddle horn
- a device having the shape of a horn; "horns at the ends of a new moon"; "the hornof an anvil"; "the cleat had two horns"
- a noisemaker (as at parties or games) that makes a loud noise when you blow through it
- an alarm device that makes a loud warning sound
- any hard protuberance from the head of an organism that is similar to or suggestive of a horn
- one of the bony outgrowths on the heads of certain ungulates
- a noise made by the driver of an automobile to give warning;
- located at or near or behind a part or near the end of a structure
- having a horn or horns or hornlike parts or horns of a particular kind; "horned viper"; "great horned owl"; "the unicorn--a mythical horned beast"; "long-horned cattle"
- 〈C〉(牛・羊・ヤギ・シカなどの)『角』;(カタツムリの)触角;(ミミズクの)耳 / 〈U〉(細工の材料としての)角 / 〈C〉角製の物,角笛 / 〈C〉『警笛』 / 〈C〉ホルン(金管楽器で,初めは動物の角で作ったが,現在は金属やプラスチックで作る);フレンチホルモン(French horn);《俗》トランペット / 〈C〉角状のもの;新月(三日月)のとがった先端 / …‘を'角で突く / 角でできた,角製の
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(生物学的に,位置が)後ろの,後部の / (時間・順序が)後の;(…より)後の《+『to』+『名』》(later) / しり(buttocks)
- 《しばしば複合語を作って》「…のある」の意を表す / 《古》三日月形をした
- ほう(驚き・賞賛・冷笑などの発声);お‐い(呼びかけ・注意などの発声)
- 娼婦・売春婦:(whoreの発音をくずしたもの)
- ホーン岬(みさき)(『Cape~』;南米の南端にある)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/11/06 15:20:30」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
The term posterior horn (also dorsal horn, posterior cornu, dorsal cornu) may refer to either of two separate anatomical structures within the central nervous system and one on the thyroid gland:
- posterior horn of lateral ventricle in the brain, which passes forward, laterally and slightly downward, from the corpus callosum into the occiptal lobe
- posterior horn of spinal cord, the dorsal (towards the back) grey matter section of the spinal cord that receives several types of sensory information from the body including light touch, proprioception, and vibration
- posterior horn of the thyroid (or Zuckerkandl's tubercle), a pyramidal extension of the thyroid gland
See also
- Anterior horn (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Hidden Lesions of the Posterior Horn of the Medial Meniscus: A Systematic Arthroscopic Exploration of the Concealed Portion of the Knee.
- Sonnery-Cottet B1, Conteduca J, Thaunat M, Gunepin FX, Seil R.Author information 1Centre Orthopédique Santy and Hôpital Privé Jean Mermoz, Lyon, France.AbstractBACKGROUND:Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are frequently associated with meniscal lesions. Despite improvements in meniscal repair techniques, failure rates remain significant, especially for the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. PURPOSE:To determine whether a systematic arthroscopic exploration of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus with an additional posteromedial portal is useful to identify otherwise unrecognized lesions. STUDY DESIGN:Case series; Level of evidence, 4. METHODS:In a consecutive series of 302 ACL reconstructions, a systematic arthroscopic exploration of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus was performed. The first stage of the exploration was achieved through anterior visualization via a standard anterolateral portal. In the second stage, the posterior horn of the medial meniscus was visualized posteriorly via the anterolateral portal with the scope positioned deep in the notch. In the third stage, the posterior horn was probed through an additional posteromedial portal. A χ2 test and logistic regression analysis were performed to determine if the time from injury to surgery was associated with the meniscal tear pattern. RESULTS:A medial meniscal tear was diagnosed in 125 of the 302 patients (41.4%). Seventy-five lesions (60%) located in the meniscal body were diagnosed at the first stage of the arthroscopic exploration. Fifty lesions located in the ramp area were diagnosed: 29 (23.2%) at the second stage and 21 lesions (16.8%) at the third stage after minimal debridement of the superficial soft tissue layer. The latter type of lesion is called a "hidden lesion." Altogether, the prevalence of ramp lesions in this population was 40%. Meniscal body lesions (odds ratio, 2.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.18-5.18; P < .02) were found to be significantly correlated with a longer delay between injury and surgery. CONCLUSION:Posterior visualization and posteromedial probing of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus can help in discovering a higher rate of lesions that could be easily missed through a standard anterior exploration. In numerous cases, these lesions were "hidden" under a membrane-like tissue and were discovered after minimal debridement through a posteromedial portal.
- The American journal of sports medicine.Am J Sports Med.2014 Feb 24. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND:Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are frequently associated with meniscal lesions. Despite improvements in meniscal repair techniques, failure rates remain significant, especially for the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. PURPOSE:To determine whether a systematic arthroscopic ex
- PMID 24567252
- Posterior horn medial meniscal root tear: the prequel.
- Umans H1, Morrison W, Difelice GS, Vaidya N, Winalski CS.Author information 1Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1300 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx, NY, 10461, USA.AbstractOBJECTIVE: To determine whether subarticular marrow changes deep to the posterior horn medial meniscal root anchor might predict subsequent medial meniscal root tear.
- Skeletal radiology.Skeletal Radiol.2014 Feb 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To determine whether subarticular marrow changes deep to the posterior horn medial meniscal root anchor might predict subsequent medial meniscal root tear.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen patients with MR-diagnosed posterior horn medial meniscal root (PHMMR) tear and a knee MRI antecedent t
- PMID 24531304
- Morphometrics of the entire human spinal cord and spinal canal measured from in vivo high-resolution anatomical magnetic resonance imaging.
- Fradet L1, Arnoux PJ, Ranjeva JP, Petit Y, Callot V.Author information 1*Department of Mechanical Engineering, École de technologie supérieure, Montreal, Quebec, Canada †Department of Medical Engineering, Research Center, Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada ‡Laboratoire de Biomécanique Appliquée, Aix-Marseille Université, IFSTTAR-, Faculté de Médecine secteur Nord, Marseille, Cedex, France; and §Centre de Résonance Magnétique Biologique et Médicale (CRMBM), Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Marseille, France.AbstractSTUDY DESIGN: Measurements of cervical and thoracolumbar human spinal cord (SC) geometry based on in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and investigation of morphological "invariants."
- Spine.Spine (Phila Pa 1976).2014 Feb 15;39(4):E262-9. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000125.
- STUDY DESIGN: Measurements of cervical and thoracolumbar human spinal cord (SC) geometry based on in vivo magnetic resonance imaging and investigation of morphological "invariants."OBJECTIVE: The current work aims at providing morphological features of the complete in vivo human normal SC and at inv
- PMID 24253776
Japanese Journal
- Surgical Resection of Amygdala and Uncus
- Surgical Resection of Amygdala and Uncus
Related Pictures

- 関
- 脳室、側脳室
- 英
- posterior horn (B), dorsal horn (B)
- ラ
- cornu posterius, cornu dorsale
- 同
- 後柱 posterior column columna posterior
- 関
- 脊髄
N. 158
KH. 91
KL. 665
B. C-25
- 後索路>後索-内側毛帯系以外の伝導路の起始細胞
- 入力間の相互干渉~
- 末梢からの入力と層の関係 (2007年度後期生理学授業プリント)
- 英
- dorsal horn, posterior horn
- I層にはAδ線維、C線維から興奮性入力を受けるニューロンが存在する
- II層にはC線維から興奮性入力を受けるニューロンしか存在しない
- 関
- posterior horn
- 関
- dorsal horn cell、dorsal horn neuron、posterior horn cell
- 関
- dorsal horn cell、dorsal horn neuron、posterior horn neuron
- 関
- after、afterward、afterwards、backward、behind、following、late、post、posteriorly、subsequent
- 関
- angle、angular、corner