- anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower; "the test tube held a column of white powder"; "a tower of dust rose above the horizon"; "a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite" (同)tower, pillar
- a vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands (同)chromatography column
- (architecture) a tall vertical cylindrical structure standing upright and used to support a structure (同)pillar
- a vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (such as a monument) (同)pillar
- an article giving opinions or perspectives (同)editorial, newspaper column
- a line of units following one after another
- a page or text that is vertically divided; "the newspaper devoted several columns to the subject"; "the bookkeeper used pages that were divided into columns"
- a vertical array of numbers or other information; "he added a column of numbers"
- any tubular or pillar-like supporting structure in the body
- located at or near or behind a part or near the end of a structure
- having or resembling columns; having columns of a specified kind (often used as a combining form); "a columned portico"; "trees with columned trunks"; "white-columned houses"
- (柱頭・台座のついた)『円柱』 / (…の)『円柱状の物』,柱《+『of』+『名』》 / (新聞などの)『欄』,段;(積み重ねた数字の)縦行;(印刷の)縦段 / コラム(署名した筆者による定期的寄稿欄) / (軍隊の)縦隊;(艦船・飛行機などの)縦列
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(生物学的に,位置が)後ろの,後部の / (時間・順序が)後の;(…より)後の《+『to』+『名』》(later) / しり(buttocks)
- 円柱のある
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Posterior column |
Cross-section of the spinal cord
(posterior column is labeled as dorsal column)
The posterior column is made up of the gracile fasciculus and cuneate fasciculus
Anatomical terminology |
The posterior column (dorsal column) refers to the area of white matter in the middle to posterior side of the spinal cord. It is made up of the gracile fasciculus and the cuneate fasciculus and itself is part of the posterior funiculus. It is part of an ascending pathway that is important for well-localized fine touch and conscious proprioception called the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway.[1]
Joint capsules, tactile and pressure receptors send a signal through the posterior root ganglia up through the gracile fasciculus for lower body sensory impulses and the cuneate fasciculus for upper body impulses. Once the gracile fasciculus reaches the gracile nucleus, and the cuneate fasciculus reaches the cuneate nucleus in the lower medulla oblongata, they begin to cross over as the internal arcuate fibers. Upon reaching the opposite side, they become the medial lemniscus, which is the second part of the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway.
Lesions in this pathway can diminish or completely abolish tactile sensations and movement or position sense below the lesion.
- ^ Luria, V; Laufer, E (Jul 2, 2007). "Lateral motor column axons execute a ternary trajectory choice between limb and body tissues.". Neural development 2: 13. doi:10.1186/1749-8104-2-13. PMID 17605791.
- "The Nervous System: Sensory and Motor Tracts of the Spinal Cord" (PDF). Napa Valley College / Southeast Community College Lincoln, Nebraska. Retrieved 19 May 2013.
The spinal cord
General features |
- Cervical enlargement
- Lumbar enlargement
- Conus medullaris
- Filum terminale
- Cauda equina
Grey matter |
Posterior grey column |
- Marginal nucleus
- Substantia gelatinosa of Rolando
- Nucleus proprius
- Spinal lamina V
- Spinal lamina VI
Lateral grey column |
- Intermediolateral nucleus
- Posterior thoracic nucleus
Anterior grey column |
- Interneuron
- Alpha motor neuron
Other |
- Rexed laminae
- Central gelatinous substance
- Gray commissure
- Central canal
- Terminal ventricle
White matter |
Sensory |
Posterior |
- Posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway:
- Gracile
- Cuneate
Lateral: |
- Spinocerebellar
- Spinothalamic
- Posterolateral
- Spinotectal
- Spinoreticular tract
- Spino-olivary tract
Motor |
Lateral |
- Corticospinal
- Extrapyramidal
- Rubrospinal
- Olivospinal
- Raphespinal
Anterior |
- Corticospinal
- Extrapyramidal
- Vestibulospinal
- Reticulospinal
- Tectospinal
Both |
- Anterior white commissure
External features |
- Ventral
- Anterior median fissure
- Anterolateral sulcus
- Dorsal
- Posterior median sulcus
- Posterolateral sulcus
Index of the central nervous system
Description |
- Anatomy
- meninges
- cortex
- association fibers
- commissural fibers
- lateral ventricles
- basal ganglia
- diencephalon
- mesencephalon
- pons
- cerebellum
- medulla
- spinal cord
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Addiction
- Cerebral palsy
- Meningitis
- Demyelinating diseases
- Seizures and epilepsy
- Headache
- Stroke
- Sleep
- Congenital
- Injury
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
- head and neck
- eponymous
- lesions
- Tests
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- general anesthetics
- analgesics
- dependence
- epilepsy
- cholinergics
- migraine
- Parkinson's
- vertigo
- other
Brain and spinal cord: neural tracts and fasciculi
ascending |
1°: |
- Pacinian corpuscle/Meissner's corpuscle → Posterior column (Gracile fasciculus/Cuneate fasciculus) → Gracile nucleus/Cuneate nucleus
2°: |
- → sensory decussation/arcuate fibers (Posterior external arcuate fibers, Internal arcuate fibers) → Medial lemniscus/Trigeminal lemniscus → Thalamus (VPL, VPM)
3°: |
- → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Postcentral gyrus
pain |
Fast/lateral |
- 1° (Free nerve ending → A delta fiber) → 2° (Anterior white commissure → Lateral and Anterior Spinothalamic tract → Spinal lemniscus → VPL of Thalamus) → 3° (Postcentral gyrus) → 4° (Posterior parietal cortex)
2° (Spinomesencephalic tract → Superior colliculus of Midbrain tectum)
Slow/medial |
- 1° (Group C nerve fiber → Spinoreticular tract → Reticular formation) → 2° (MD of Thalamus) → 3° (Cingulate cortex)
descending |
Pyramidal |
- flexion: Primary motor cortex → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Decussation of pyramids → Corticospinal tract (Lateral, Anterior) → Neuromuscular junction
Extrapyramidal |
flexion: |
- Primary motor cortex → Genu of internal capsule → Corticobulbar tract → Facial motor nucleus → Facial muscles
flexion: |
- Red nucleus → Rubrospinal tract
extension: |
- Vestibulocerebellum → Vestibular nuclei → Vestibulospinal tract
extension: |
- Vestibulocerebellum → Reticular formation → Reticulospinal tract
- Midbrain tectum → Tectospinal tract → muscles of neck
Basal ganglia |
direct: |
1° (Motor cortex → Striatum) → 2° (GPi) → 3° (Lenticular fasciculus/Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus) → 4° (Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area) → 5° (Motor cortex)
indirect: |
1° (Motor cortex → Striatum) → 2° (GPe) → 3° (Subthalamic fasciculus → Subthalamic nucleus) → 4° (Subthalamic fasciculus → GPi) → 5° (Lenticular fasciculus/Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus) → 6° (Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area) → 7° (Motor cortex)
nigrostriatal pathway: |
Cerebellar |
Afferent |
- Vestibular nuclei → Vestibulocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum → Granule cell
- Pontine nuclei → Pontocerebellar fibers → MCP → Deep cerebellar nuclei → Granule cell
- Inferior olivary nucleus → Olivocerebellar tract → ICP → Hemisphere → Purkinje cell → Deep cerebellar nuclei
Efferent |
- Dentate nucleus in Lateral hemisphere/pontocerebellum → SCP → Dentatothalamic tract → Thalamus (VL) → Motor cortex
- Interposed nucleus in Intermediate hemisphere/spinocerebellum → SCP → Reticular formation, or → Cerebellothalamic tract → Red nucleus → Thalamus (VL) → Motor cortex
- Fastigial nucleus in Flocculonodular lobe/vestibulocerebellum → Vestibulocerebellar tract → Vestibular nuclei
Spinocerebellar |
proprioception |
- lower limb → 1° (muscle spindles → DRG) → 2° (Posterior thoracic nucleus → Dorsal/posterior spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellar vermis)
- upper limb → 1° (muscle spindles → DRG) → 2° (Accessory cuneate nucleus → Cuneocerebellar tract → ICP → Anterior lobe of cerebellum)
Reflex arc |
- lower limb → 1° (Golgi tendon organ) → 2° (Ventral/anterior spinocerebellar tract→ SCP → Cerebellar vermis)
- upper limb → 1° (Golgi tendon organ) → 2° (Rostral spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum)
Index of the central nervous system
Description |
- Anatomy
- meninges
- cortex
- association fibers
- commissural fibers
- lateral ventricles
- basal ganglia
- diencephalon
- mesencephalon
- pons
- cerebellum
- medulla
- spinal cord
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Addiction
- Cerebral palsy
- Meningitis
- Demyelinating diseases
- Seizures and epilepsy
- Headache
- Stroke
- Sleep
- Congenital
- Injury
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
- head and neck
- eponymous
- lesions
- Tests
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- general anesthetics
- analgesics
- dependence
- epilepsy
- cholinergics
- migraine
- Parkinson's
- vertigo
- other
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English Journal
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- Dunlap MD1, Grant JW.
- Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO.J Assoc Res Otolaryngol.2014 Aug;15(4):511-28. doi: 10.1007/s10162-014-0456-x. Epub 2014 May 21.
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- Spine.Spine (Phila Pa 1976).2014 Jul 15;39(16):1267-73. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000386.
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Related Pictures

- 関
- 脳室、側脳室
- 英
- posterior horn (B), dorsal horn (B)
- ラ
- cornu posterius, cornu dorsale
- 同
- 後柱 posterior column columna posterior
- 関
- 脊髄
N. 158
KH. 91
KL. 665
B. C-25
- 後索路>後索-内側毛帯系以外の伝導路の起始細胞
- 入力間の相互干渉~
- 末梢からの入力と層の関係 (2007年度後期生理学授業プリント)
- 英
- posterior column, dorsal column, posterior funiculus, dorsal funiculus
- ラ
- funiculus posterior, funiculus dorsalis
- 同
- 後柱、脊髄後柱 ←後索が一般的
- 関
- dorsal cord、posterior column、楔状束
- 英
- posterior column
- 同
- dorsal column?
- 関
- 後角
- 関
- after、afterward、afterwards、backward、behind、following、late、post、posteriorly、subsequent