- stab or pierce with a horn or tusk; "the rhino horned the explorer" (同)tusk
- the material (mostly keratin) that covers the horns of ungulates and forms hooves and claws and nails
- a high pommel of a Western saddle (usually metal covered with leather) (同)saddle horn
- a device having the shape of a horn; "horns at the ends of a new moon"; "the hornof an anvil"; "the cleat had two horns"
- a noisemaker (as at parties or games) that makes a loud noise when you blow through it
- an alarm device that makes a loud warning sound
- any hard protuberance from the head of an organism that is similar to or suggestive of a horn
- one of the bony outgrowths on the heads of certain ungulates
- a noise made by the driver of an automobile to give warning;
- belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part; "the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals"
- having a horn or horns or hornlike parts or horns of a particular kind; "horned viper"; "great horned owl"; "the unicorn--a mythical horned beast"; "long-horned cattle"
- 〈C〉(牛・羊・ヤギ・シカなどの)『角』;(カタツムリの)触角;(ミミズクの)耳 / 〈U〉(細工の材料としての)角 / 〈C〉角製の物,角笛 / 〈C〉『警笛』 / 〈C〉ホルン(金管楽器で,初めは動物の角で作ったが,現在は金属やプラスチックで作る);フレンチホルモン(French horn);《俗》トランペット / 〈C〉角状のもの;新月(三日月)のとがった先端 / …‘を'角で突く / 角でできた,角製の
- (植物の)背部の,背の
- 《しばしば複合語を作って》「…のある」の意を表す / 《古》三日月形をした
- ほう(驚き・賞賛・冷笑などの発声);お‐い(呼びかけ・注意などの発声)
- 娼婦・売春婦:(whoreの発音をくずしたもの)
- ホーン岬(みさき)(『Cape~』;南米の南端にある)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/10/23 20:16:06」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
The term posterior horn (also dorsal horn, posterior cornu, dorsal cornu) may refer to either of two separate anatomical structures within the central nervous system:
- posterior horn of lateral ventricle in the brain, which passes forward, laterally and slightly downward, from the corpus callosum into the occiptal lobe
- posterior horn of spinal cord, the dorsal (towards the back) grey matter section of the spinal cord that receives several types of sensory information from the body including light touch, proprioception, and vibration
See also
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English Journal
- Distribution of glycinergic neurons in the brain of glycine transporter-2 transgenic Tg(glyt2:Gfp) adult zebrafish: Relationship to brain-spinal descending systems.
- Barreiro-Iglesias A, Mysiak KS, Adrio F, Rodicio MC, Becker CG, Becker T, Anadón R.SourceDepartment of Cell Biology and Ecology, CIBUS, Faculty of Biology, University of Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Centre for Neuroregeneration, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH16 4SB, United Kingdom.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2013 Feb 1;521(2):389-425. doi: 10.1002/cne.23179.
- We used a Tg(glyt2:gfp) transgenic zebrafish expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) under control of the glycine transporter 2 (GLYT2) regulatory sequences to study for the first time the glycinergic neurons in the brain of an adult teleost. We also performed in situ hybridization using a GL
- PMID 22736487
- Electrophysiological features of lower motor neuron involvement in progressive supranuclear palsy.
- Gawel M, Jamrozik Z, Szmidt-Salkowska E, Slawek J, Gawel D, Rowińska-Marcińska K, Kaminska A.SourceDepartment of Neurology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland. Electronic address: mgawel@wum.edu.pl.
- Journal of the neurological sciences.J Neurol Sci.2013 Jan 15;324(1-2):136-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2012.10.023. Epub 2012 Nov 10.
- BACKGROUND: Abnormalities of the spinal cord were considered uncommon in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), and therefore spinal symptoms were not included among PSP characteristic features. However there have been some neuropathological reports of spinal cord lesions in patients with PSP. The ai
- PMID 23146616
- Early spread of hyperexcitability to caudal dorsal horn networks after a chemically-induced lesion of the rat spinal cord in vitro.
- Deumens R, Mazzone GL, Taccola G.SourceInstitute of Neuroscience, Université catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium. Electronic address: deumensr@gmail.com.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2013 Jan 15;229C:155-163. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2012.10.036. Epub 2012 Oct 24.
- Hyperexcitability of dorsal horn neurons has been shown to play a key role in neuropathic pain following chronic experimental spinal cord injury. With a neonatal in vitro spinal cord injury model, we show that a chemically-induced lesion leads to rapid gain-of-function of sublesional dorsal horn net
- PMID 23103212
Japanese Journal
- 神経障害性疼痛の病態 : 脊髄後角の分子メカニズム (特集 痛みの神経学 : 末梢神経から脳まで)
- 山中 博樹,野口 光一
- Brain and nerve : 神経研究の進歩 64(11), 1255-1265, 2012-11
- NAID 40019487340
- Evaluation of Formalin-Induced Pain Behavior and Glutamate Release in the Spinal Dorsal Horn Using In Vivo Microdialysis in Conscious Rats
- Vidal-Torres Alba,Carceller Alicia,Zamanillo Daniel [他]
- Journal of pharmacological sciences 120(2), 129-132, 2012-10
- NAID 40019455343
Related Links
- dorsal horn n. See posterior horn. dorsal horn Etymology: L, dorsalis, back; AS, horn See posterior horn. ... After the nerve is damaged, it degrades and rebuilds itself at the site of the injury, but remodeling also occurs, possibly over ...
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- 関
- 脳室、側脳室
- 英
- posterior horn (B), dorsal horn (B)
- ラ
- cornu posterius, cornu dorsale
- 同
- 後柱 posterior column columna posterior
- 関
- 脊髄
N. 158
KH. 91
KL. 665
B. C-25
- 後索路>後索-内側毛帯系以外の伝導路の起始細胞
- 入力間の相互干渉~
- 末梢からの入力と層の関係 (2007年度後期生理学授業プリント)
- 英
- dorsal horn, posterior horn
- I層にはAδ線維、C線維から興奮性入力を受けるニューロンが存在する
- II層にはC線維から興奮性入力を受けるニューロンしか存在しない
- 関
- dorsal horn、spinal cord posterior horn
- 関
- dorsal horn cell、posterior horn cell、posterior horn neuron
- 関
- dorsal horn neuron、posterior horn cell、posterior horn neuron
- 関
- dorsally、dorsum、notal
- 関
- angle、angular、corner