出典を追加して記事の信頼性向上にご協力ください。(2010年6月) |
代謝(たいしゃ、metabolism)とは、生命の維持のために有機体が行う、外界から取り入れた無機物や有機化合物を素材として行う一連の合成や化学反応のことであり、新陳代謝の略称である[1]。これらの経路によって有機体はその成長と生殖を可能にし、その体系を維持している。代謝は大きく異化 (catabolism) と同化 (anabolism) の2つに区分される[1]。異化は高分子など有機物質を分解し低分子化することによってエネルギーを得る過程であり、例えば細胞呼吸がある[1]。同化はこの逆で、エネルギーを使って有機物質を合成する過程であり、例えばタンパク質・核酸・多糖・脂質の合成がある[1]。
- 1 目的
- 2 物質とエネルギーの代謝
- 3 物質代謝
- 3.1 異化
- 3.1.1 発酵
- 3.1.2 呼吸
- 3.1.3 光化学反応
- 3.2 同化
- 3.2.1 無機態炭素、窒素、硫黄の取り込み
- 3.2.2 ヌクレオチド、アミノ酸、炭水化物および脂肪酸の生合成
- 3.2.3 生体高分子の生合成
- 4 異化と同化の関連、代謝マップのつながり
- 5 代謝の調節
- 6 エネルギー代謝
- 7 二次代謝
- 8 薬物代謝(異物代謝)
- 9 脚注
- 10 参考文献
- 11 関連項目
- 12 外部リンク
- エネルギーを獲得する
- 摂取した栄養素を、生体を構成するための前駆体へ転換する
- 前駆体から生体の成分を合成する
- 細胞が使う生理活性物質を合成または分解する
- 物質代謝:物質の変換
- 異化:外部基質の分解反応
- 同化:生体高分子の合成反応
- エネルギー代謝:生体活動に関わるエネルギーの出入りや変換および利用[3]
- 化学エネルギー:化学エネルギーが基本となり以下のエネルギー、あるいは物質代謝に利用される
- 力学エネルギー:筋肉、鞭毛、繊毛、細胞分裂など
- 電気エネルギー:発電器官、神経伝達
- 光エネルギー:発光
異化と同化反応は関連している。例えば異化反応である解糖系の逆行は糖新生経路(糖の合成)であり、酸化的クエン酸回路(異化)の逆行である還元的クエン酸回路では炭酸固定(同化)が行われる。また、カルビン - ベンソン回路(同化)は解糖系の一種であるペントースリン酸経路(異化)が還元的に働いたものである。
しかしながら、この両者は反応の方向性とATPあるいは還元型ピリジンヌクレオチド (NADH or NADPH) が生成されるか否かに注目すると容易に区別がつく(ATPおよび還元型ピリジンヌクレオチドの生成を行うのが異化、異化により生成したエネルギーを用いて生体高分子の合成を行うのが同化)。
異化(異化作用)とは外部から取り入れた高分子量の有機物あるいは無機物を水やアンモニアなどの単純な低分子まで分解し、その過程でエネルギーを得てATPを合成する代謝である[4]。現生する生物は地球上に存在するほとんどの有機化合物を代謝できると言われているが、異化代謝系が各々に存在しているわけではなく、代表的なATP生成機構に最終的には集約されていく。それらの機構とは発酵、呼吸、光合成の3つである。光合成はカルビン - ベンソン回路が含まれる場合は同化反応となりうるが、光化学反応においては、NADPHおよびATPが生産されるために異化反応に分類される。またATP合成を主たる目的とした循環的光リン酸化はより異化反応的側面が強い。
- グルコース + ADP + Pi + NAD+ → ピルビン酸 + ATP + NADH
しかしながら、生じた還元型ピリジンヌクレオチド (NADH) は生物にとっては有害なピルビン酸の異化反応に使用される(以下乳酸発酵の例)。
最終電子受容体として酸素を用いる呼吸を『好気呼吸』それ以外の無機物を用いるものを『嫌気呼吸』という。化学合成独立栄養の場合は、多くは酸素を最終電子受容体として用いるが、嫌気呼吸の電子伝達系を併せ持つものも存在する。なお、嫌気呼吸の電子受容体には硝酸塩、硫酸塩、亜硝酸塩、二価鉄等の無機物や、トリメチルアミンオキサイド (TMAO) やジメチルスルフォキシド (DMSO) といった有機物を用いるものもある。
- 光化学系I → 光励起P700(光化学反応中心)
- 光励起P700(光化学反応中心) → 初発電子受容体A0
- 初発電子受容体A0 → フェレドキシン
- フェレドキシン → プラストキノン
- プラストキノン → シトクロムb6/f複合体
- シトクロムb6/f複合体 → 光化学系I(上に戻る)
無機態の炭素は主に二酸化炭素として固定される。炭酸固定経路は光合成のカルビン - ベンソン回路や還元的クエン酸回路、メタン生成経路などによる。カルビン回路は光化学反応によって生じたATPおよびNADPH、還元的クエン酸回路はピルビン酸:フェレドキシン酸化還元酵素による、通常のクエン酸回路の逆行、メタン生成経路はATP合成と炭酸固定が同時に行われる。炭酸固定によって生じた生産物は通常は糖としてあるいは異化の中間代謝物として、高次の生合成に組み込まれる。詳しくは当該記事へ。
- N2 + 6Fdred + 12ATP + 6H+ → 2NH3 + 12ADP + 12Pi
- 2H+ + 2Fdred + 4ATP → H2 + 4ADP + 4Pi
- NO3- + NAD(P)H + H+ → NO2- + NAD(P)+ + H2O
- NO2- + 6Fdred → NH3 + 2H2O
最終産物のアンモニアは下記の系によりアミノ酸に取り込まれる。 また、アンモニアに含まれる窒素の酸化レベルは有機物窒素と同一であり、還元型ピリジンヌクレオチドなどは必要としない。アンモニア同化反応は以下の3つがある。
- ケトグルタル酸(クエン酸回路中間体) + NH3 → グルタミン酸
- グルタミン酸 + NH3 → グルタミン
- アスパラギン酸 + NH3 → アスパラギン
- SO4- + ATP → APS + PPi
- PAPS + Protein-SH基 → Protein-S-SO3-(このProteinの末端は含硫黄アミノ酸であるシステイン)
- Protein-S-SO3- + 6Fdred → S2-(有機物として利用され得る硫黄) + S-S結合を有するタンパク質
- Protein S-S bond + NADPH → Protein-SH + NADP+
核酸 (DNA、RNA) のモノマーであるヌクレオチドはプリン、ピリミジン塩基に五炭糖であるリボースあるいはデオキシリボースの5'位にリン酸が結合している構造をとっている。プリン(アデニン、グアニン)ピリミジン(ウラシル、シトシン)ヌクレオチドはそれぞれ異なる経路にて合成される。まずピリミジンヌクレオチドの合成系は以下のとおりである。
- カルバモイルリン酸 + アスパラギン酸 → オロチン酸
- リボース5リン酸 + ATP → ホスホリボシル1ピロリン酸
- オロチン酸 + ホスホリボシル1ピロリン酸 → オロチジン5'リン酸 (OMP)
- オロチジン5'リン酸 → ウリジン5'リン酸 (UMP) + CO2
- ウリジン5'リン酸(UMP) + ATP → ウリジン三リン酸 (UTP)
- ウリジン三リン酸 + グルタミン → シチジン三リン酸 (CTP)
- リボース5リン酸 + ATP → ホスホリボシル1ピロリン酸
- ホスホリボシル1ピロリン酸 + アスパラギンあるいはグルタミン酸由来のアミノ基 → ホスホリボシルアミン
- ホスホリボシルアミン + グリシン + ATP → グリシナマイドヌクレオチド
- グリシナマイドヌクレオチド + グルタミン由来アミノ基 + ATP + ホルミルTHFA由来のアルデヒド基 → 5アミノイミダゾールリボヌクレオチド
- 5アミノイミダゾールリボヌクレオチド + ATP + CO2 + アスパラギン酸由来のアミノ基 → 5アミノイミダゾール4サクシノカルボキサミドリボヌクレオチド
- 5アミノイミダゾール4サクシノカルボキサミドリボヌクレオチド + ホルミルTHFA由来のアルデヒド基 → イノシン5'リン酸 (IMP)
- イノシン5'リン酸 + アスパラギン酸 + ATP → アデノシン三リン酸 (ATP)
- イノシン5'リン酸 + グルタミン + ATP → グアノシン三リン酸 (GTP)
上記の過程で合成されたリボヌクレオチド (RNA) はリボース部位が還元を受けることによってデオキシリボースとなり、デオキシリボヌクレオチド (DNA) が合成される。また、DNAにおいてアデニンと相補的塩基対を構成するチミンはピリミジン塩基でありながらはウラシル、シトシンとは異なる経路にて合成される。チミン合成系には葉酸およびコバミド(ビタミンB12の補酵素形)を要求することがわかっている。また、上記の新生経路(de novo経路)のみならず、使用済みの核酸を再利用するサルベージ経路も存在する。
- グルタミン酸族:グルタミン酸、グルタミン、アルギニン、プロリン
- アスパラギン酸族:アスパラギン酸、アスパラギン、リシン、メチオニン、スレオニン、イソロイシン
- 芳香族:トリプトファン、フェニルアラニン、チロシン
- セリン族:セリン、グリシン、システイン
- ピルビン酸族:アラニン、バリン、ロイシン
- グルタミン酸族:ケトグルタル酸(クエン酸回路)
- アスパラギン酸族:オキサロ酢酸(クエン酸回路)
- 芳香族:ホスホエノールピルビン酸(解糖系:EM経路、ED経路) + エリトロース4リン酸(ペントースリン酸経路)
- セリン族:3ホスホグリセリン酸(解糖系:EM経路、ED経路)
- ピルビン酸族:ピルビン酸(解糖系:EM経路、ED経路)
なお、上記の例は中央代謝系を基準にしたものであり、中央代謝系以外に回路を所持している、例えば植物などでは芳香族はシキミ酸経路、セリン族はカルビン - ベンソン回路由来のグリセリン酸リン酸より生合成を行う。なお、ヒスチジンのみが上記の族に属さずペントースリン酸経路由来のリボース5リン酸より合成される。
糖については、解糖系の逆行である糖新生系にて合成される。また、ペントースリン酸経路においては多種多様な糖が合成される。また還元的ペントースリン酸経路と呼称されるカルビン - ベンソン回路においても同様である。
- 核酸:ヌクレオチドのホスホジエステル結合ポリマー
- タンパク質:アミノ酸のペプチド結合ポリマー
- 多糖:単糖のグリコシド結合ポリマー
- ヌクレオチド:ヌクレオシド三リン酸
- アミノ酸:アミノアシルtRNA
- 糖:糖-ヌクレオシド二リン酸
多糖の合成については不明な部分が多いが、糖新生系あるいはカルビン - ベンソン回路にてデンプンが合成される。またもっとも現存量の多い有機物であるセルロースはドリコールというアルコールおよびタンパク質が多糖キャリアーとなって生合成が行われる。
- 糖・・・同化:糖新生系(解糖系の逆行)、異化:解糖系。
- アミノ酸・・・同化:解糖系とクエン酸回路を中心としたアミノ酸合成系、異化:解糖系とクエン酸回路を中心とした分解経路。詳細はアミノ酸の代謝分解
- 脂肪酸・・・同化:脂肪酸生合成系、異化:β酸化経路。
- 中間代謝物を解糖系に含むもの
- ピルビン酸:アラニン、システイン、グリシン、セリン、スレオニン
- アセチルCoA:ロイシン、イソロイシン、トリプトファン
- アセトアセチルCoA:フェニルアラニン、チロシン、リシン、ロイシン、トリプトファン
- 中間代謝物をクエン酸回路に含むもの
- オキサロ酢酸:アスパラギン酸、アスパラギン
- フマル酸:チロシン、フェニルアラニン
- スクシニルCoA:イソロイシン、バリン、メチオニン
- 2-オキソグルタル酸(正確にはグルタミン酸):アルギニン、ヒスチジン、グルタミン、プロリン
主たる酵素反応の調節には、以下の 4 つがあげられる。
- 形質膜を用いた酵素の局所化
- 生体成分の異化および同化を異なる経路で行うこと
- 熱力学的な反応の調節(基質の濃度差やpHの変化)
- 酵素活性および酵素の発現量による調節
1. の酵素の局所化については、原核生物の場合は形質膜構造は原則として1つであり、細胞内、細胞外のほか膜内といった区別しかなされない。したがって、原核生物の代謝調節における 1. の依存度は真核生物ほどではない。一方真核生物は、ミトコンドリア、小胞体、リソソームといった多くの形質膜構造からなるオルガネラを有しており、個々の器官において特有の代謝系を有している。例えばミトコンドリアはクエン酸回路および電子伝達系のほかβ酸化系を有している。
2. の異化と同化を別経路に分ける点については上述の異化と代謝のつながりにも筆記している。例えば解糖系と糖新生系は多くの酵素に関しては同一であるが、一部不可逆反応を交えることにより、結果として別経路となっている。また、そのような不可逆反応を行う酵素は酵素活性そのものの調節を受けるアロステリック酵素である場合が多い(後述)。
3. の熱力学的な反応の調節については、基質の濃度差の変化に伴うケースが多い。例えば A→B→C という反応が存在し、細胞のフェーズとして C が必要であるとすると A あるいは B を何らかの形で外部から摂取し、細胞内の A あるいは B の濃度を高めることで C の生合成を助ける。その結果、最終的に C が使用されなくなり C の濃度が細胞内で増加したとすると B→C の反応は濃度差の解消により化学平衡に達する。B と C 間の反応が可逆であり B の濃度が減少すると今度は C から B へと反応が起きる。
4. の酵素活性そのものの調節や酵素の発現量による調節は特に後者は原核生物にて、非常によく研究が進んでいる。酵素活性の調節はアロステリック効果をはじめとした最終産物阻害を中心に、複雑なカスケード系あるいは酵素そのものの化学修飾(一例としてプロテインキナーゼを参照)などがある。酵素の発現量による調節はジャコブとモノーのオペロン説を中心に遺伝子発現と生体成分の協同的なモデルがある(一例としてラクトースオペロンを参照)。
エネルギー代謝とは物質代謝に対して生命現象をエネルギーという観点から見た、より熱力学的要素の強い代謝の視点である。具体的には、エネルギー獲得系は光・食物・ある種の細菌では無機物などを元に、ミトコンドリア内膜や葉緑体などの生体膜で H+ 輸送反応を介して生体のエネルギー通貨である ATP を合成する反応(ATP 合成系)である。エネルギー利用系は、筋肉を動かすミオシン等の収縮性タンパク質やイオン輸送を行うATPアーゼは ATP を加水分解する。分子合成は酵素リガーゼが ATP を消費して行う[3]。
また、この ATP の化学エネルギーをさかのぼると異化によって生じることから独立栄養生物による有機物生産が大元であり、それらの生産は太陽光[8]の還元力(特殊な環境においては地球科学的起源の水素、硫化水素と置き換えても良い)が出発点であることがわかる。太陽光の(あるいは地球に残存した)還元力は生体的な代謝のエネルギーのみならず、石油や天然ガスといった人間活動に使用しているエネルギーをも供給している。
- アルカロイド
- 植物が主として生産する窒素を含有する塩基性物質の総称。少量で顕著な生理活性を示し、種類も非常に多い。
- テルペノイド
- メバロン酸経路から生産されるイソプレンの重合した物質。有名なテルペンとしてはコレステロールなどがある。
- フェノール類
- 植物の木質成分の大半を占めるリグニンなどはフェノール類の重合体である。えてして反応性に乏しく、資化されにくい。
- 配糖体
- 主として植物の生産する糖のヒドロキシ基が何らかの化合物で置換された物質の総称。アントシアニンなどの色素のほか強心配糖体といった薬理作用を示すものも存在する。
- 抗生物質
- アオカビなど真菌や放線菌の生産する原核生物特異的に作用する生理活性物質。
- 特殊アミノ酸
- 植物が主として生産する、タンパク質に含まれない特殊なアミノ酸。植物自体への生理活性は現在のところ不明であるが、植物の生育とともに生産量や種類などが変化する。別名非タンパク質性アミノ酸。
- ^ a b c d e f 生化学辞典第2版、p.776-777 【代謝】
- ^ Friedrich C (1998). "Physiology and genetics of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria". Adv Microb Physiol 39: 235–89. doi:10.1016/S0065-2911(08)60018-1. PMID 9328649.
- ^ a b 生化学辞典第2版、p.192-193 【エネルギー代謝】
- ^ 生化学辞典第2版、p.115 【異化作用】
- ^ 生化学辞典第2版、p.115 【同化作用】
- ^ 生化学辞典第2版、p.246-247 【解糖系】
- ^ 生化学辞典第2版、p.365-366 【クエン酸回路】
- ^ 生化学辞典第2版、p.193 【エネルギーの流れ】
- 『生化学辞典第2版』 東京化学同人、1995年、第2版第6刷。ISBN 4-8079-0340-3。
- 代謝経路
- 代謝マップ
- 呼吸
- 光合成
- 生体高分子
- 恒常性
- 生理的熱量
- 新陳代謝
- 薬物代謝
- 基礎代謝
- メタボロミクス
- 代謝マップ Interactive Map of the Major Metabolic Pathways (英語)
代謝 (異化, 同化) |
タンパク質 |
タンパク質生合成 · アミノ酸 · アミノ酸合成 · アミノ酸の代謝分解
炭水化物 |
糖新生 · グリコーゲン合成 · 光合成 (炭素固定)
解糖系 · グリコーゲンの分解 · 発酵 · 細胞呼吸 · キシロース代謝
脂肪 |
β酸化 · 脂肪酸の合成
"Cell metabolism" redirects here. For the journal, see Cell Metabolism.
For the architectural movement, see Metabolism (architecture).
Structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a central intermediate in energy metabolism
Metabolism (from Greek: μεταβολή metabolē, "change") is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells of living organisms. These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. The word metabolism can also refer to all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms, including digestion and the transport of substances into and between different cells, in which case the set of reactions within the cells is called intermediary metabolism or intermediate metabolism.
Metabolism is usually divided into two categories. Catabolism, that breaks down organic matter and harvests energy by way of cellular respiration, and anabolism that uses energy to construct components of cells such as proteins and nucleic acids.
The chemical reactions of metabolism are organized into metabolic pathways, in which one chemical is transformed through a series of steps into another chemical, by a sequence of enzymes. Enzymes are crucial to metabolism because they allow organisms to drive desirable reactions that require energy that will not occur by themselves, by coupling them to spontaneous reactions that release energy. Enzymes act as catalysts that allow the reactions to proceed more rapidly. Enzymes also allow the regulation of metabolic pathways in response to changes in the cell's environment or to signals from other cells.
The metabolic system of a particular organism determines which substances it will find nutritious and which poisonous. For example, some prokaryotes use hydrogen sulfide as a nutrient, yet this gas is poisonous to animals.[1] The speed of metabolism, the metabolic rate, influences how much food an organism will require, and also affects how it is able to obtain that food.
A striking feature of metabolism is the similarity of the basic metabolic pathways and components between even vastly different species.[2] For example, the set of carboxylic acids that are best known as the intermediates in the citric acid cycle are present in all known organisms, being found in species as diverse as the unicellular bacterium Escherichia coli and huge multicellular organisms like elephants.[3] These striking similarities in metabolic pathways are likely due to their early appearance in evolutionary history, and their retention because of their efficacy.[4][5]
- 1 Key biochemicals
- 1.1 Amino acids and proteins
- 1.2 Lipids
- 1.3 Carbohydrates
- 1.4 Nucleotides
- 1.5 Coenzymes
- 1.6 Minerals and cofactors
- 2 Catabolism
- 2.1 Digestion
- 2.2 Energy from organic compounds
- 3 Energy transformations
- 3.1 Oxidative phosphorylation
- 3.2 Energy from inorganic compounds
- 3.3 Energy from light
- 4 Anabolism
- 4.1 Carbon fixation
- 4.2 Carbohydrates and glycans
- 4.3 Fatty acids, isoprenoids and steroids
- 4.4 Proteins
- 4.5 Nucleotide synthesis and salvage
- 5 Xenobiotics and redox metabolism
- 6 Thermodynamics of living organisms
- 7 Regulation and control
- 8 Evolution
- 9 Investigation and manipulation
- 10 History
- 11 See also
- 12 References
- 13 Further reading
- 14 External links
Key biochemicals
Further information: Biomolecule, cell (biology) and biochemistry
Structure of a triacylglycerol lipid
Most of the structures that make up animals, plants and microbes are made from three basic classes of molecule: amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids (often called fats). As these molecules are vital for life, metabolic reactions either focus on making these molecules during the construction of cells and tissues, or by breaking them down and using them as a source of energy, by their digestion. These biochemicals can be joined together to make polymers such as DNA and proteins, essential macromolecules of life.
Type of molecule |
Name of monomer forms |
Name of polymer forms |
Examples of polymer forms |
Amino acids |
Amino acids |
Proteins (also called polypeptides) |
Fibrous proteins and globular proteins |
Carbohydrates |
Monosaccharides |
Polysaccharides |
Starch, glycogen and cellulose |
Nucleic acids |
Nucleotides |
Polynucleotides |
DNA and RNA |
Amino acids and proteins
Proteins are made of amino acids arranged in a linear chain joined together by peptide bonds. Many proteins are enzymes that catalyze the chemical reactions in metabolism. Other proteins have structural or mechanical functions, such as those that form the cytoskeleton, a system of scaffolding that maintains the cell shape.[6] Proteins are also important in cell signaling, immune responses, cell adhesion, active transport across membranes, and the cell cycle.[7] Amino acids also contribute to cellular energy metabolism by providing a carbon source for entry into the citric acid cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle),[8] especially when a primary source of energy, such as glucose, is scarce, or when cells undergo metabolic stress.[9]
Lipids are the most diverse group of biochemicals. Their main structural uses are as part of biological membranes both internal and external, such as the cell membrane, or as a source of energy.[7] Lipids are usually defined as hydrophobic or amphipathic biological molecules but will dissolve in organic solvents such as benzene or chloroform.[10] The fats are a large group of compounds that contain fatty acids and glycerol; a glycerol molecule attached to three fatty acid esters is called a triacylglyceride.[11] Several variations on this basic structure exist, including alternate backbones such as sphingosine in the sphingolipids, and hydrophilic groups such as phosphate as in phospholipids. Steroids such as cholesterol are another major class of lipids.[12]
Glucose can exist in both a straight-chain and ring form.
Carbohydrates are aldehydes or ketones, with many hydroxyl groups attached, that can exist as straight chains or rings. Carbohydrates are the most abundant biological molecules, and fill numerous roles, such as the storage and transport of energy (starch, glycogen) and structural components (cellulose in plants, chitin in animals).[7] The basic carbohydrate units are called monosaccharides and include galactose, fructose, and most importantly glucose. Monosaccharides can be linked together to form polysaccharides in almost limitless ways.[13]
The two nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, are polymers of nucleotides. Each nucleotide is composed of a phosphate attached to a ribose or deoxyribose sugar group which is attached to a nitrogenous base. Nucleic acids are critical for the storage and use of genetic information, and its interpretation through the processes of transcription and protein biosynthesis.[7] This information is protected by DNA repair mechanisms and propagated through DNA replication. Many viruses have an RNA genome, such as HIV, which uses reverse transcription to create a DNA template from its viral RNA genome.[14] RNA in ribozymes such as spliceosomes and ribosomes is similar to enzymes as it can catalyze chemical reactions. Individual nucleosides are made by attaching a nucleobase to a ribose sugar. These bases are heterocyclic rings containing nitrogen, classified as purines or pyrimidines. Nucleotides also act as coenzymes in metabolic-group-transfer reactions.[15]
Structure of the coenzyme acetyl-CoA.The transferable acetyl group is bonded to the sulfur atom at the extreme left.
Main article: Coenzyme
Metabolism involves a vast array of chemical reactions, but most fall under a few basic types of reactions that involve the transfer of functional groups of atoms and their bonds within molecules.[16] This common chemistry allows cells to use a small set of metabolic intermediates to carry chemical groups between different reactions.[15] These group-transfer intermediates are called coenzymes. Each class of group-transfer reactions is carried out by a particular coenzyme, which is the substrate for a set of enzymes that produce it, and a set of enzymes that consume it. These coenzymes are therefore continuously made, consumed and then recycled.[17]
One central coenzyme is adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal energy currency of cells. This nucleotide is used to transfer chemical energy between different chemical reactions. There is only a small amount of ATP in cells, but as it is continuously regenerated, the human body can use about its own weight in ATP per day.[17] ATP acts as a bridge between catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism breaks down molecules and anabolism puts them together. Catabolic reactions generate ATP and anabolic reactions consume it. It also serves as a carrier of phosphate groups in phosphorylation reactions.
A vitamin is an organic compound needed in small quantities that cannot be made in cells. In human nutrition, most vitamins function as coenzymes after modification; for example, all water-soluble vitamins are phosphorylated or are coupled to nucleotides when they are used in cells.[18] Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a derivative of vitamin B3 (niacin), is an important coenzyme that acts as a hydrogen acceptor. Hundreds of separate types of dehydrogenases remove electrons from their substrates and reduce NAD+ into NADH. This reduced form of the coenzyme is then a substrate for any of the reductases in the cell that need to reduce their substrates.[19] Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide exists in two related forms in the cell, NADH and NADPH. The NAD+/NADH form is more important in catabolic reactions, while NADP+/NADPH is used in anabolic reactions.
Structure of hemoglobin. The protein subunits are in red and blue, and the iron-containing heme groups in green. From
Minerals and cofactors
Further information: Metal Ions in Life Sciences, Metal metabolism, and bioinorganic chemistry
Inorganic elements play critical roles in metabolism; some are abundant (e.g. sodium and potassium) while others function at minute concentrations. About 99% of a mammal's mass is made up of the elements carbon, nitrogen, calcium, sodium, chlorine, potassium, hydrogen, phosphorus, oxygen and sulfur.[20] Organic compounds (proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) contain the majority of the carbon and nitrogen; most of the oxygen and hydrogen is present as water.[20]
The abundant inorganic elements act as ionic electrolytes. The most important ions are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, phosphate and the organic ion bicarbonate. The maintenance of precise ion gradients across cell membranes maintains osmotic pressure and pH.[21] Ions are also critical for nerve and muscle function, as action potentials in these tissues are produced by the exchange of electrolytes between the extracellular fluid and the cell's fluid, the cytosol.[22] Electrolytes enter and leave cells through proteins in the cell membrane called ion channels. For example, muscle contraction depends upon the movement of calcium, sodium and potassium through ion channels in the cell membrane and T-tubules.[23]
Transition metals are usually present as trace elements in organisms, with zinc and iron being most abundant of those.[24][25] These metals are used in some proteins as cofactors and are essential for the activity of enzymes such as catalase and oxygen-carrier proteins such as hemoglobin.[26] Metal cofactors are bound tightly to specific sites in proteins; although enzyme cofactors can be modified during catalysis, they always return to their original state by the end of the reaction catalyzed. Metal micronutrients are taken up into organisms by specific transporters and bind to storage proteins such as ferritin or metallothionein when not in use.[27][28]
Catabolism is the set of metabolic processes that break down large molecules. These include breaking down and oxidizing food molecules. The purpose of the catabolic reactions is to provide the energy and components needed by anabolic reactions. The exact nature of these catabolic reactions differ from organism to organism and organisms can be classified based on their sources of energy and carbon (their primary nutritional groups), as shown in the table below. Organic molecules are used as a source of energy by organotrophs, while lithotrophs use inorganic substrates and phototrophs capture sunlight as chemical energy. However, all these different forms of metabolism depend on redox reactions that involve the transfer of electrons from reduced donor molecules such as organic molecules, water, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide or ferrous ions to acceptor molecules such as oxygen, nitrate or sulfate.[29] In animals these reactions involve complex organic molecules that are broken down to simpler molecules, such as carbon dioxide and water. In photosynthetic organisms such as plants and cyanobacteria, these electron-transfer reactions do not release energy, but are used as a way of storing energy absorbed from sunlight.[7]
Classification of organisms based on their metabolism
Energy source |
sunlight |
photo- |
-troph |
Preformed molecules |
chemo- |
Electron donor |
organic compound |
organo- |
inorganic compound |
litho- |
Carbon source |
organic compound |
hetero- |
inorganic compound |
auto- |
The most common set of catabolic reactions in animals can be separated into three main stages. In the first, large organic molecules such as proteins, polysaccharides or lipids are digested into their smaller components outside cells. Next, these smaller molecules are taken up by cells and converted to yet smaller molecules, usually acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA), which releases some energy. Finally, the acetyl group on the CoA is oxidised to water and carbon dioxide in the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain, releasing the energy that is stored by reducing the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) into NADH.
Further information: Digestion and gastrointestinal tract
Macromolecules such as starch, cellulose or proteins cannot be rapidly taken up by cells and must be broken into their smaller units before they can be used in cell metabolism. Several common classes of enzymes digest these polymers. These digestive enzymes include proteases that digest proteins into amino acids, as well as glycoside hydrolases that digest polysaccharides into simple sugars known as monosaccharides.
Microbes simply secrete digestive enzymes into their surroundings,[30][31] while animals only secrete these enzymes from specialized cells in their guts.[32] The amino acids or sugars released by these extracellular enzymes are then pumped into cells by active transport proteins.[33][34]
A simplified outline of the catabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats
Energy from organic compounds
Further information: Cellular respiration, fermentation, carbohydrate catabolism, fat catabolism and protein catabolism
Carbohydrate catabolism is the breakdown of carbohydrates into smaller units. Carbohydrates are usually taken into cells once they have been digested into monosaccharides.[35] Once inside, the major route of breakdown is glycolysis, where sugars such as glucose and fructose are converted into pyruvate and some ATP is generated.[36] Pyruvate is an intermediate in several metabolic pathways, but the majority is converted to acetyl-CoA and fed into the citric acid cycle. Although some more ATP is generated in the citric acid cycle, the most important product is NADH, which is made from NAD+ as the acetyl-CoA is oxidized. This oxidation releases carbon dioxide as a waste product. In anaerobic conditions, glycolysis produces lactate, through the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase re-oxidizing NADH to NAD+ for re-use in glycolysis. An alternative route for glucose breakdown is the pentose phosphate pathway, which reduces the coenzyme NADPH and produces pentose sugars such as ribose, the sugar component of nucleic acids.
Fats are catabolised by hydrolysis to free fatty acids and glycerol. The glycerol enters glycolysis and the fatty acids are broken down by beta oxidation to release acetyl-CoA, which then is fed into the citric acid cycle. Fatty acids release more energy upon oxidation than carbohydrates because carbohydrates contain more oxygen in their structures. Steroids are also broken down by some bacteria in a process similar to beta oxidation, and this breakdown process involves the release of significant amounts of acetyl-CoA, propionyl-CoA, and pyruvate, which can all be used by the cell for energy. M. tuberculosis can also grow on the lipid cholesterol as a sole source of carbon, and genes involved in the cholesterol use pathway(s) have been validated as important during various stages of the infection lifecycle of M. tuberculosis.[37]
Amino acids are either used to synthesize proteins and other biomolecules, or oxidized to urea and carbon dioxide as a source of energy.[38] The oxidation pathway starts with the removal of the amino group by a transaminase. The amino group is fed into the urea cycle, leaving a deaminated carbon skeleton in the form of a keto acid. Several of these keto acids are intermediates in the citric acid cycle, for example the deamination of glutamate forms α-ketoglutarate.[39] The glucogenic amino acids can also be converted into glucose, through gluconeogenesis (discussed below).[40]
Energy transformations
Oxidative phosphorylation
Further information: Oxidative phosphorylation, chemiosmosis and mitochondrion
In oxidative phosphorylation, the electrons removed from organic molecules in areas such as the protagon acid cycle are transferred to oxygen and the energy released is used to make ATP. This is done in eukaryotes by a series of proteins in the membranes of mitochondria called the electron transport chain. In prokaryotes, these proteins are found in the cell's inner membrane.[41] These proteins use the energy released from passing electrons from reduced molecules like NADH onto oxygen to pump protons across a membrane.[42]
Mechanism of ATP synthase. ATP is shown in red, ADP and phosphate in pink and the rotating stalk subunit in black.
Pumping protons out of the mitochondria creates a proton concentration difference across the membrane and generates an electrochemical gradient.[43] This force drives protons back into the mitochondrion through the base of an enzyme called ATP synthase. The flow of protons makes the stalk subunit rotate, causing the active site of the synthase domain to change shape and phosphorylate adenosine diphosphate – turning it into ATP.[17]
Energy from inorganic compounds
Further information: Microbial metabolism and nitrogen cycle
Chemolithotrophy is a type of metabolism found in prokaryotes where energy is obtained from the oxidation of inorganic compounds. These organisms can use hydrogen,[44] reduced sulfur compounds (such as sulfide, hydrogen sulfide and thiosulfate),[1] ferrous iron (FeII)[45] or ammonia[46] as sources of reducing power and they gain energy from the oxidation of these compounds with electron acceptors such as oxygen or nitrite.[47] These microbial processes are important in global biogeochemical cycles such as acetogenesis, nitrification and denitrification and are critical for soil fertility.[48][49]
Energy from light
Further information: Phototroph, photophosphorylation, chloroplast
The energy in sunlight is captured by plants, cyanobacteria, purple bacteria, green sulfur bacteria and some protists. This process is often coupled to the conversion of carbon dioxide into organic compounds, as part of photosynthesis, which is discussed below. The energy capture and carbon fixation systems can however operate separately in prokaryotes, as purple bacteria and green sulfur bacteria can use sunlight as a source of energy, while switching between carbon fixation and the fermentation of organic compounds.[50][51]
In many organisms the capture of solar energy is similar in principle to oxidative phosphorylation, as it involves the storage of energy as a proton concentration gradient. This proton motive force then drives ATP synthesis.[17] The electrons needed to drive this electron transport chain come from light-gathering proteins called photosynthetic reaction centres or rhodopsins. Reaction centers are classed into two types depending on the type of photosynthetic pigment present, with most photosynthetic bacteria only having one type, while plants and cyanobacteria have two.[52]
In plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, photosystem II uses light energy to remove electrons from water, releasing oxygen as a waste product. The electrons then flow to the cytochrome b6f complex, which uses their energy to pump protons across the thylakoid membrane in the chloroplast.[7] These protons move back through the membrane as they drive the ATP synthase, as before. The electrons then flow through photosystem I and can then either be used to reduce the coenzyme NADP+, for use in the Calvin cycle, which is discussed below, or recycled for further ATP generation.[53]
Further information: Anabolism
Anabolism is the set of constructive metabolic processes where the energy released by catabolism is used to synthesize complex molecules. In general, the complex molecules that make up cellular structures are constructed step-by-step from small and simple precursors. Anabolism involves three basic stages. First, the production of precursors such as amino acids, monosaccharides, isoprenoids and nucleotides, secondly, their activation into reactive forms using energy from ATP, and thirdly, the assembly of these precursors into complex molecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, lipids and nucleic acids.
Organisms differ in how many of the molecules in their cells they can construct for themselves. Autotrophs such as plants can construct the complex organic molecules in cells such as polysaccharides and proteins from simple molecules like carbon dioxide and water. Heterotrophs, on the other hand, require a source of more complex substances, such as monosaccharides and amino acids, to produce these complex molecules. Organisms can be further classified by ultimate source of their energy: photoautotrophs and photoheterotrophs obtain energy from light, whereas chemoautotrophs and chemoheterotrophs obtain energy from inorganic oxidation reactions.
Carbon fixation
Further information: Photosynthesis, carbon fixation and chemosynthesis
Plant cells (bounded by purple walls) filled with chloroplasts (green), which are the site of photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is the synthesis of carbohydrates from sunlight and carbon dioxide (CO2). In plants, cyanobacteria and algae, oxygenic photosynthesis splits water, with oxygen produced as a waste product. This process uses the ATP and NADPH produced by the photosynthetic reaction centres, as described above, to convert CO2 into glycerate 3-phosphate, which can then be converted into glucose. This carbon-fixation reaction is carried out by the enzyme RuBisCO as part of the Calvin – Benson cycle.[54] Three types of photosynthesis occur in plants, C3 carbon fixation, C4 carbon fixation and CAM photosynthesis. These differ by the route that carbon dioxide takes to the Calvin cycle, with C3 plants fixing CO2 directly, while C4 and CAM photosynthesis incorporate the CO2 into other compounds first, as adaptations to deal with intense sunlight and dry conditions.[55]
In photosynthetic prokaryotes the mechanisms of carbon fixation are more diverse. Here, carbon dioxide can be fixed by the Calvin – Benson cycle, a reversed citric acid cycle,[56] or the carboxylation of acetyl-CoA.[57][58] Prokaryotic chemoautotrophs also fix CO2 through the Calvin – Benson cycle, but use energy from inorganic compounds to drive the reaction.[59]
Carbohydrates and glycans
Further information: Gluconeogenesis, glyoxylate cycle, glycogenesis and glycosylation
In carbohydrate anabolism, simple organic acids can be converted into monosaccharides such as glucose and then used to assemble polysaccharides such as starch. The generation of glucose from compounds like pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, glycerate 3-phosphate and amino acids is called gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis converts pyruvate to glucose-6-phosphate through a series of intermediates, many of which are shared with glycolysis.[36] However, this pathway is not simply glycolysis run in reverse, as several steps are catalyzed by non-glycolytic enzymes. This is important as it allows the formation and breakdown of glucose to be regulated separately, and prevents both pathways from running simultaneously in a futile cycle.[60][61]
Although fat is a common way of storing energy, in vertebrates such as humans the fatty acids in these stores cannot be converted to glucose through gluconeogenesis as these organisms cannot convert acetyl-CoA into pyruvate; plants do, but animals do not, have the necessary enzymatic machinery.[62] As a result, after long-term starvation, vertebrates need to produce ketone bodies from fatty acids to replace glucose in tissues such as the brain that cannot metabolize fatty acids.[63] In other organisms such as plants and bacteria, this metabolic problem is solved using the glyoxylate cycle, which bypasses the decarboxylation step in the citric acid cycle and allows the transformation of acetyl-CoA to oxaloacetate, where it can be used for the production of glucose.[62][64]
Polysaccharides and glycans are made by the sequential addition of monosaccharides by glycosyltransferase from a reactive sugar-phosphate donor such as uridine diphosphate glucose (UDP-glucose) to an acceptor hydroxyl group on the growing polysaccharide. As any of the hydroxyl groups on the ring of the substrate can be acceptors, the polysaccharides produced can have straight or branched structures.[65] The polysaccharides produced can have structural or metabolic functions themselves, or be transferred to lipids and proteins by enzymes called oligosaccharyltransferases.[66][67]
Fatty acids, isoprenoids and steroids
Further information: Fatty acid synthesis, steroid metabolism
Simplified version of the steroid synthesis pathway with the intermediates isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP), geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP) and squalene shown. Some intermediates are omitted for clarity.
Fatty acids are made by fatty acid synthases that polymerize and then reduce acetyl-CoA units. The acyl chains in the fatty acids are extended by a cycle of reactions that add the acyl group, reduce it to an alcohol, dehydrate it to an alkene group and then reduce it again to an alkane group. The enzymes of fatty acid biosynthesis are divided into two groups: in animals and fungi all these fatty acid synthase reactions are carried out by a single multifunctional type I protein,[68] while in plant plastids and bacteria separate type II enzymes perform each step in the pathway.[69][70]
Terpenes and isoprenoids are a large class of lipids that include the carotenoids and form the largest class of plant natural products.[71] These compounds are made by the assembly and modification of isoprene units donated from the reactive precursors isopentenyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate.[72] These precursors can be made in different ways. In animals and archaea, the mevalonate pathway produces these compounds from acetyl-CoA,[73] while in plants and bacteria the non-mevalonate pathway uses pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate as substrates.[72][74] One important reaction that uses these activated isoprene donors is steroid biosynthesis. Here, the isoprene units are joined together to make squalene and then folded up and formed into a set of rings to make lanosterol.[75] Lanosterol can then be converted into other steroids such as cholesterol and ergosterol.[75][76]
Further information: Protein biosynthesis, amino acid synthesis
Organisms vary in their ability to synthesize the 20 common amino acids. Most bacteria and plants can synthesize all twenty, but mammals can only synthesize eleven nonessential amino acids, so nine essential amino acids must be obtained from food.[7] Some simple parasites, such as the bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae, lack all amino acid synthesis and take their amino acids directly from their hosts.[77] All amino acids are synthesized from intermediates in glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, or the pentose phosphate pathway. Nitrogen is provided by glutamate and glutamine. Amino acid synthesis depends on the formation of the appropriate alpha-keto acid, which is then transaminated to form an amino acid.[78]
Amino acids are made into proteins by being joined together in a chain of peptide bonds. Each different protein has a unique sequence of amino acid residues: this is its primary structure. Just as the letters of the alphabet can be combined to form an almost endless variety of words, amino acids can be linked in varying sequences to form a huge variety of proteins. Proteins are made from amino acids that have been activated by attachment to a transfer RNA molecule through an ester bond. This aminoacyl-tRNA precursor is produced in an ATP-dependent reaction carried out by an aminoacyl tRNA synthetase.[79] This aminoacyl-tRNA is then a substrate for the ribosome, which joins the amino acid onto the elongating protein chain, using the sequence information in a messenger RNA.[80]
Nucleotide synthesis and salvage
Further information: Nucleotide salvage, pyrimidine biosynthesis, and purine metabolism
Nucleotides are made from amino acids, carbon dioxide and formic acid in pathways that require large amounts of metabolic energy.[81] Consequently, most organisms have efficient systems to salvage preformed nucleotides.[81][82] Purines are synthesized as nucleosides (bases attached to ribose).[83] Both adenine and guanine are made from the precursor nucleoside inosine monophosphate, which is synthesized using atoms from the amino acids glycine, glutamine, and aspartic acid, as well as formate transferred from the coenzyme tetrahydrofolate. Pyrimidines, on the other hand, are synthesized from the base orotate, which is formed from glutamine and aspartate.[84]
Xenobiotics and redox metabolism
Further information: Xenobiotic metabolism, drug metabolism, Alcohol metabolism and antioxidants
All organisms are constantly exposed to compounds that they cannot use as foods and would be harmful if they accumulated in cells, as they have no metabolic function. These potentially damaging compounds are called xenobiotics.[85] Xenobiotics such as synthetic drugs, natural poisons and antibiotics are detoxified by a set of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes. In humans, these include cytochrome P450 oxidases,[86] UDP-glucuronosyltransferases,[87] and glutathione S-transferases.[88] This system of enzymes acts in three stages to firstly oxidize the xenobiotic (phase I) and then conjugate water-soluble groups onto the molecule (phase II). The modified water-soluble xenobiotic can then be pumped out of cells and in multicellular organisms may be further metabolized before being excreted (phase III). In ecology, these reactions are particularly important in microbial biodegradation of pollutants and the bioremediation of contaminated land and oil spills.[89] Many of these microbial reactions are shared with multicellular organisms, but due to the incredible diversity of types of microbes these organisms are able to deal with a far wider range of xenobiotics than multicellular organisms, and can degrade even persistent organic pollutants such as organochloride compounds.[90]
A related problem for aerobic organisms is oxidative stress.[91] Here, processes including oxidative phosphorylation and the formation of disulfide bonds during protein folding produce reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide.[92] These damaging oxidants are removed by antioxidant metabolites such as glutathione and enzymes such as catalases and peroxidases.[93][94]
Thermodynamics of living organisms
Further information: Biological thermodynamics
Living organisms must obey the laws of thermodynamics, which describe the transfer of heat and work. The second law of thermodynamics states that in any closed system, the amount of entropy (disorder) cannot decrease. Although living organisms' amazing complexity appears to contradict this law, life is possible as all organisms are open systems that exchange matter and energy with their surroundings. Thus living systems are not in equilibrium, but instead are dissipative systems that maintain their state of high complexity by causing a larger increase in the entropy of their environments.[95] The metabolism of a cell achieves this by coupling the spontaneous processes of catabolism to the non-spontaneous processes of anabolism. In thermodynamic terms, metabolism maintains order by creating disorder.[96]
Regulation and control
Further information: Metabolic pathway, metabolic control analysis, hormone, regulatory enzymes, and cell signaling
As the environments of most organisms are constantly changing, the reactions of metabolism must be finely regulated to maintain a constant set of conditions within cells, a condition called homeostasis.[97][98] Metabolic regulation also allows organisms to respond to signals and interact actively with their environments.[99] Two closely linked concepts are important for understanding how metabolic pathways are controlled. Firstly, the regulation of an enzyme in a pathway is how its activity is increased and decreased in response to signals. Secondly, the control exerted by this enzyme is the effect that these changes in its activity have on the overall rate of the pathway (the flux through the pathway).[100] For example, an enzyme may show large changes in activity (i.e. it is highly regulated) but if these changes have little effect on the flux of a metabolic pathway, then this enzyme is not involved in the control of the pathway.[101]
Effect of insulin on glucose uptake and metabolism. Insulin binds to its receptor (1), which in turn starts many protein activation cascades (2). These include: translocation of Glut-4 transporter to the plasma membrane and influx of glucose (3), glycogen synthesis (4), glycolysis (5) and fatty acid synthesis (6).
There are multiple levels of metabolic regulation. In intrinsic regulation, the metabolic pathway self-regulates to respond to changes in the levels of substrates or products; for example, a decrease in the amount of product can increase the flux through the pathway to compensate.[100] This type of regulation often involves allosteric regulation of the activities of multiple enzymes in the pathway.[102] Extrinsic control involves a cell in a multicellular organism changing its metabolism in response to signals from other cells. These signals are usually in the form of soluble messengers such as hormones and growth factors and are detected by specific receptors on the cell surface.[103] These signals are then transmitted inside the cell by second messenger systems that often involved the phosphorylation of proteins.[104]
A very well understood example of extrinsic control is the regulation of glucose metabolism by the hormone insulin.[105] Insulin is produced in response to rises in blood glucose levels. Binding of the hormone to insulin receptors on cells then activates a cascade of protein kinases that cause the cells to take up glucose and convert it into storage molecules such as fatty acids and glycogen.[106] The metabolism of glycogen is controlled by activity of phosphorylase, the enzyme that breaks down glycogen, and glycogen synthase, the enzyme that makes it. These enzymes are regulated in a reciprocal fashion, with phosphorylation inhibiting glycogen synthase, but activating phosphorylase. Insulin causes glycogen synthesis by activating protein phosphatases and producing a decrease in the phosphorylation of these enzymes.[107]
Further information: Molecular evolution and phylogenetics
Evolutionary tree showing the common ancestry of organisms from all three domains of life. Bacteria are colored blue, eukaryotes red, and archaea green. Relative positions of some of the phyla included are shown around the tree.
The central pathways of metabolism described above, such as glycolysis and the citric acid cycle, are present in all three domains of living things and were present in the last universal ancestor.[3][108] This universal ancestral cell was prokaryotic and probably a methanogen that had extensive amino acid, nucleotide, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.[109][110] The retention of these ancient pathways during later evolution may be the result of these reactions having been an optimal solution to their particular metabolic problems, with pathways such as glycolysis and the citric acid cycle producing their end products highly efficiently and in a minimal number of steps.[4][5] Mutation changes that affect non-coding DNA segments may merely affect the metabolic efficiency of the individual for whom the mutation occurs.[111] The first pathways of enzyme-based metabolism may have been parts of purine nucleotide metabolism, while previous metabolic pathways were a part of the ancient RNA world.[112]
Many models have been proposed to describe the mechanisms by which novel metabolic pathways evolve. These include the sequential addition of novel enzymes to a short ancestral pathway, the duplication and then divergence of entire pathways as well as the recruitment of pre-existing enzymes and their assembly into a novel reaction pathway.[113] The relative importance of these mechanisms is unclear, but genomic studies have shown that enzymes in a pathway are likely to have a shared ancestry, suggesting that many pathways have evolved in a step-by-step fashion with novel functions created from pre-existing steps in the pathway.[114] An alternative model comes from studies that trace the evolution of proteins' structures in metabolic networks, this has suggested that enzymes are pervasively recruited, borrowing enzymes to perform similar functions in different metabolic pathways (evident in the MANET database)[115] These recruitment processes result in an evolutionary enzymatic mosaic.[116] A third possibility is that some parts of metabolism might exist as "modules" that can be reused in different pathways and perform similar functions on different molecules.[117]
As well as the evolution of new metabolic pathways, evolution can also cause the loss of metabolic functions. For example, in some parasites metabolic processes that are not essential for survival are lost and preformed amino acids, nucleotides and carbohydrates may instead be scavenged from the host.[118] Similar reduced metabolic capabilities are seen in endosymbiotic organisms.[119]
Investigation and manipulation
Further information: Protein methods, proteomics, metabolomics and metabolic network modelling
Metabolic network of the
Arabidopsis thaliana citric acid cycle. Enzymes and metabolites are shown as red squares and the interactions between them as black lines.
Classically, metabolism is studied by a reductionist approach that focuses on a single metabolic pathway. Particularly valuable is the use of radioactive tracers at the whole-organism, tissue and cellular levels, which define the paths from precursors to final products by identifying radioactively labelled intermediates and products.[120] The enzymes that catalyze these chemical reactions can then be purified and their kinetics and responses to inhibitors investigated. A parallel approach is to identify the small molecules in a cell or tissue; the complete set of these molecules is called the metabolome. Overall, these studies give a good view of the structure and function of simple metabolic pathways, but are inadequate when applied to more complex systems such as the metabolism of a complete cell.[121]
An idea of the complexity of the metabolic networks in cells that contain thousands of different enzymes is given by the figure showing the interactions between just 43 proteins and 40 metabolites to the right: the sequences of genomes provide lists containing anything up to 45,000 genes.[122] However, it is now possible to use this genomic data to reconstruct complete networks of biochemical reactions and produce more holistic mathematical models that may explain and predict their behavior.[123] These models are especially powerful when used to integrate the pathway and metabolite data obtained through classical methods with data on gene expression from proteomic and DNA microarray studies.[124] Using these techniques, a model of human metabolism has now been produced, which will guide future drug discovery and biochemical research.[125] These models are now used in network analysis, to classify human diseases into groups that share common proteins or metabolites.[126][127]
Bacterial metabolic networks are a striking example of bow-tie[128][129][130] organization, an architecture able to input a wide range of nutrients and produce a large variety of products and complex macromolecules using a relatively few intermediate common currencies.
A major technological application of this information is metabolic engineering. Here, organisms such as yeast, plants or bacteria are genetically modified to make them more useful in biotechnology and aid the production of drugs such as antibiotics or industrial chemicals such as 1,3-propanediol and shikimic acid.[131] These genetic modifications usually aim to reduce the amount of energy used to produce the product, increase yields and reduce the production of wastes.[132]
Further information: History of biochemistry and history of molecular biology
Santorio Santorio in his steelyard balance, from
Ars de statica medicina, first published 1614
The term metabolism is derived from the Greek Μεταβολισμός – "Metabolismos" for "change", or "overthrow".[133] The first documented references of metabolism were made by Ibn al-Nafis in his 1260 AD work titled Al-Risalah al-Kamiliyyah fil Siera al-Nabawiyyah (The Treatise of Kamil on the Prophet's Biography) which included the following phrase "Both the body and its parts are in a continuous state of dissolution and nourishment, so they are inevitably undergoing permanent change.".[134] The history of the scientific study of metabolism spans several centuries and has moved from examining whole animals in early studies, to examining individual metabolic reactions in modern biochemistry. The first controlled experiments in human metabolism were published by Santorio Santorio in 1614 in his book Ars de statica medicina.[135] He described how he weighed himself before and after eating, sleep, working, sex, fasting, drinking, and excreting. He found that most of the food he took in was lost through what he called "insensible perspiration".
In these early studies, the mechanisms of these metabolic processes had not been identified and a vital force was thought to animate living tissue.[136] In the 19th century, when studying the fermentation of sugar to alcohol by yeast, Louis Pasteur concluded that fermentation was catalyzed by substances within the yeast cells he called "ferments". He wrote that "alcoholic fermentation is an act correlated with the life and organization of the yeast cells, not with the death or putrefaction of the cells."[137] This discovery, along with the publication by Friedrich Wöhler in 1828 of a paper on the chemical synthesis of urea,[138] and is notable for being the first organic compound prepared from wholly inorganic precursors. This proved that the organic compounds and chemical reactions found in cells were no different in principle than any other part of chemistry.
It was the discovery of enzymes at the beginning of the 20th century by Eduard Buchner that separated the study of the chemical reactions of metabolism from the biological study of cells, and marked the beginnings of biochemistry.[139] The mass of biochemical knowledge grew rapidly throughout the early 20th century. One of the most prolific of these modern biochemists was Hans Krebs who made huge contributions to the study of metabolism.[140] He discovered the urea cycle and later, working with Hans Kornberg, the citric acid cycle and the glyoxylate cycle.[141][64] Modern biochemical research has been greatly aided by the development of new techniques such as chromatography, X-ray diffraction, NMR spectroscopy, radioisotopic labelling, electron microscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. These techniques have allowed the discovery and detailed analysis of the many molecules and metabolic pathways in cells.
See also
Metabolism portal |
Underwater diving portal |
- Anthropogenic metabolism
- Antimetabolite
- Basal metabolic rate
- Calorimetry
- Isothermal microcalorimetry
- Inborn error of metabolism
- Iron-sulfur world theory, a "metabolism first" theory of the origin of life.
- Primary nutritional groups
- Respirometry
- Stream metabolism
- Sulfur metabolism
- Thermic effect of food
- Water metabolism
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- ^ Thykaer J, Nielsen J (2003). "Metabolic engineering of beta-lactam production". Metab Eng 5 (1): 56–69. doi:10.1016/S1096-7176(03)00003-X. PMID 12749845. González-Pajuelo M, Meynial-Salles I, Mendes F, Andrade J, Vasconcelos I, Soucaille P (2005). "Metabolic engineering of Clostridium acetobutylicum for the industrial production of 1,3-propanediol from glycerol". Metab Eng 7 (5–6): 329–36. doi:10.1016/j.ymben.2005.06.001. PMID 16095939. Krämer M, Bongaerts J, Bovenberg R, Kremer S, Müller U, Orf S, Wubbolts M, Raeven L (2003). "Metabolic engineering for microbial production of shikimic acid". Metab Eng 5 (4): 277–83. doi:10.1016/j.ymben.2003.09.001. PMID 14642355.
- ^ Koffas M, Roberge C, Lee K, Stephanopoulos G (1999). "Metabolic engineering". Annu Rev Biomed Eng 1: 535–57. doi:10.1146/annurev.bioeng.1.1.535. PMID 11701499.
- ^ "Metabolism". The Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 2007-02-20.
- ^ Dr. Abu Shadi Al-Roubi (1982), "Ibn Al-Nafis as a philosopher", Symposium on Ibn al-Nafis, Second International Conference on Islamic Medicine: Islamic Medical Organization, Kuwait (cf. Ibn al-Nafis As a Philosopher, Encyclopedia of Islamic World [1])
- ^ Eknoyan G (1999). "Santorio Sanctorius (1561–1636) – founding father of metabolic balance studies". Am J Nephrol 19 (2): 226–33. doi:10.1159/000013455. PMID 10213823.
- ^ Williams, H. S. (1904) A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences Harper and Brothers (New York) Retrieved on 2007-03-26
- ^ Dubos J. (1951). "Louis Pasteur: Free Lance of Science, Gollancz. Quoted in Manchester K. L. (1995) Louis Pasteur (1822–1895)—chance and the prepared mind". Trends Biotechnol 13 (12): 511–515. doi:10.1016/S0167-7799(00)89014-9. PMID 8595136.
- ^ Kinne-Saffran E, Kinne R (1999). "Vitalism and synthesis of urea. From Friedrich Wöhler to Hans A. Krebs". Am J Nephrol 19 (2): 290–4. doi:10.1159/000013463. PMID 10213830.
- ^ Eduard Buchner's 1907 Nobel lecture at http://nobelprize.org Accessed 2007-03-20
- ^ Kornberg H (2000). "Krebs and his trinity of cycles". Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 1 (3): 225–8. doi:10.1038/35043073. PMID 11252898.
- ^ Krebs HA, Henseleit K (1932). "Untersuchungen über die Harnstoffbildung im tierkorper". Z. Physiol. Chem. 210: 33–66. doi:10.1515/bchm2.1932.210.1-2.33.
Krebs H, Johnson W (April 1937). "Metabolism of ketonic acids in animal tissues". Biochem J 31 (4): 645–60. PMC 1266984. PMID 16746382.
Further reading
Library resources about
- Online books
- Resources in your library
- Resources in other libraries
- Rose, S. and Mileusnic, R., The Chemistry of Life. (Penguin Press Science, 1999), ISBN 0-14-027273-9
- Schneider, E. D. and Sagan, D., Into the Cool: Energy Flow, Thermodynamics, and Life. (University Of Chicago Press, 2005), ISBN 0-226-73936-8
- Lane, N., Oxygen: The Molecule that Made the World. (Oxford University Press, USA, 2004), ISBN 0-19-860783-0
- Price, N. and Stevens, L., Fundamentals of Enzymology: Cell and Molecular Biology of Catalytic Proteins. (Oxford University Press, 1999), ISBN 0-19-850229-X
- Berg, J. Tymoczko, J. and Stryer, L., Biochemistry. (W. H. Freeman and Company, 2002), ISBN 0-7167-4955-6
- Cox, M. and Nelson, D. L., Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), ISBN 0-7167-4339-6
- Brock, T. D. Madigan, M. T. Martinko, J. and Parker J., Brock's Biology of Microorganisms. (Benjamin Cummings, 2002), ISBN 0-13-066271-2
- Da Silva, J.J.R.F. and Williams, R. J. P., The Biological Chemistry of the Elements: The Inorganic Chemistry of Life. (Clarendon Press, 1991), ISBN 0-19-855598-9
- Nicholls, D. G. and Ferguson, S. J., Bioenergetics. (Academic Press Inc., 2002), ISBN 0-12-518121-3
External links
Wikiversity has learning materials about Topic:Biochemistry |
Wikibooks has more on the topic of: Metabolism |
Look up metabolism in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
External links
General information
- Metabolism, Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis The Virtual Library of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at biochemweb.org
- The Biochemistry of Metabolism
- Advanced Animal Metabolism Calculators/ Interactive Learning Tools
- Microbial metabolism Simple overview. School level.
- Metabolic Pathways of Biochemistry Graphical representations of major metabolic pathways.
- Chemistry for biologists Introduction to the chemistry of metabolism. School level.
- Sparknotes SAT biochemistry Overview of biochemistry. School level.
- MIT Biology Hypertextbook Undergraduate-level guide to molecular biology.
Human metabolism
- Topics in Medical Biochemistry Guide to human metabolic pathways. School level.
- http://themedicalbiochemistrypage.org/ THE Medical Biochemistry Page] Comprehensive resource on human metabolism.
- Flow Chart of Metabolic Pathways at ExPASy
- IUBMB-Nicholson Metabolic Pathways Chart
- SuperCYP: Database for Drug-Cytochrome-Metabolism
Metabolic pathways
- Interactive Flow Chart of the Major Metabolic Pathways
- Metabolism reference Pathway
- Guide to Glycolysis School level.
- The Nitrogen cycle and Nitrogen fixation at the Wayback Machine
- Downloadable guide to photosynthesis School level.
- What is Photosynthesis? Collection of photosynthesis articles and resources.
Articles related to Metabolism
Index of biochemical families
Carbohydrates |
- Alcohols
- Glycoproteins
- Glycosides
Lipids |
- Eicosanoids
- Fatty acids
- Glycerides
- Phospholipids
- Sphingolipids
- Steroids
Nucleic acids |
Proteins |
Other |
Metabolism catabolism, anabolism
General |
- Metabolic pathway
- Metabolic network
- Primary nutritional groups
metabolism |
Aerobic respiration |
- Glycolysis → Pyruvate decarboxylation → Citric acid cycle → Oxidative phosphorylation (electron transport chain + ATP synthase)
Anaerobic respiration |
- Electron acceptors are other than oxygen
Fermentation |
- Glycolysis →
- Substrate-level phosphorylation
paths |
Protein metabolism |
- Protein synthesis
- Catabolism
Carbohydrate metabolism
(carbohydrate catabolism
and anabolism) |
Human |
- Glycolysis ⇄ Gluconeogenesis
- Glycogenolysis ⇄ Glycogenesis
- Pentose phosphate pathway
- Fructolysis
- Galactolysis
Nonhuman |
- Photosynthesis
- Anoxygenic photosynthesis
- Chemosynthesis
- Carbon fixation
- Xylose metabolism
- Radiotrophism
Lipid metabolism
(lipolysis, lipogenesis) |
Fatty acid metabolism |
- Fatty acid degradation (Beta oxidation)
- Fatty acid synthesis
Other |
- Steroid metabolism
- Sphingolipid metabolism
- Eicosanoid metabolism
- Ketosis
- Reverse cholesterol transport
Amino acid |
- Amino acid synthesis
- Urea cycle
metabolism |
- Purine metabolism
- Nucleotide salvage
- Pyrimidine metabolism
Other |
- Metal metabolism
- Ethanol metabolism
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Index of biochemical families
Carbohydrates |
- Alcohols
- Glycoproteins
- Glycosides
Lipids |
- Eicosanoids
- Fatty acids
- Glycerides
- Phospholipids
- Sphingolipids
- Steroids
Nucleic acids |
Proteins |
Other |
Metabolism: carbohydrate metabolism: glycolysis/gluconeogenesis enzymes
Glycolysis |
- Hexokinase (HK1, HK2, HK3, Glucokinase)→/Glucose 6-phosphatase←
- Glucose isomerase
- Phosphofructokinase 1 (Liver, Muscle, Platelet)→/Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase←
- Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (Aldolase A, B, C)
- Triosephosphate isomerase
- Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
- Phosphoglycerate kinase
- Phosphoglycerate mutase
- Enolase
- Pyruvate kinase (PKLR, PKM2)
Gluconeogenesis only |
to oxaloacetate: |
- Pyruvate carboxylase
- Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
from lactate (Cori cycle): |
from alanine (Alanine cycle): |
from glycerol: |
- Glycerol kinase
- Glycerol dehydrogenase
Regulatory |
- Fructose 6-P,2-kinase:fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase
- Bisphosphoglycerate mutase
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Index of nutrition
Description |
- Vitamins
- Cofactors
- Metal metabolism
- Fats
- metabolism
- intermediates
- lipoproteins
- Sugars
- Glycolysis
- Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis
- Fructose and galactose
Disease |
- Vitamins
- Carbohydrate
- Lipid
- Metals
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
- Drugs
- Vitamins
- Mineral supplements
Metabolism: carbohydrate metabolism · pentose phosphate pathway enzymes
oxidative |
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
- 6-phosphogluconolactonase
- Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
nonoxidative |
- Phosphopentose isomerase
- Phosphopentose epimerase
- Transketolase
- Transaldolase
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
- Metabolism: carbohydrate metabolism
- fructose and galactose enzymes
Fructose / Fructolysis |
- Hepatic fructokinase
- Aldolase B
- Triokinase
Sorbitol |
- Sorbitol dehydrogenase
- Aldose reductase
Galactose / Galactolysis |
- Galactokinase
- Galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase/UDP-glucose 4-epimerase
- Aldose reductase
Lactose |
Mannose |
- Mannose phosphate isomerase
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Index of nutrition
Description |
- Vitamins
- Cofactors
- Metal metabolism
- Fats
- metabolism
- intermediates
- lipoproteins
- Sugars
- Glycolysis
- Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis
- Fructose and galactose
Disease |
- Vitamins
- Carbohydrate
- Lipid
- Metals
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
- Drugs
- Vitamins
- Mineral supplements
- Metabolism: carbohydrate metabolism
- proteoglycan enzymes
glycosaminoglycan anabolism |
- L-xylulose reductase
- L-gulonolactone oxidase
- UDP-glucuronate 5'-epimerase
- Xylosyltransferase
- Sulfotransferase
- Heparan sulfate
- EXT1
- EXT2
- Chondroitin sulfate
glycosaminoglycan catabolism |
Hunter, Hurler |
- Iduronate-2-sulfatase
- Iduronidase
Sanfilippo, Sly |
- Heparan sulfamidase
- N-acetyltransferase
- Alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase
- Glucuronidase
- N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase
Morquio/Maroteaux-Lamy |
- Arylsulfatase B
- Galactosamine-6 sulfatase
- Beta-galactosidase (GLB1)
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Metabolism: carbohydrate metabolism · glycoprotein enzymes
Anabolism |
- Dolichol kinase
- GCS1
- Oligosaccharyltransferase
Catabolism |
- Neuraminidase
- Beta-galactosidase
- Hexosaminidase
- mannosidase
- alpha-Mannosidase
- beta-mannosidase
- Aspartylglucosaminidase
- Fucosidase
Transport |
M6P tagging |
- N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Metabolism, lipid metabolism, glycolipid enzymes
Sphingolipid |
To glycosphingolipid |
- Glycosyltransferase
- Sulfotransferase
To ceramide |
- From ganglioside
- Beta-galactosidase
- Hexosaminidase A
- Neuraminidase
- Glucocerebrosidase
- From globoside
- Hexosaminidase B
- Alpha-galactosidase
- Beta-galactosidase
- Glucocerebrosidase
- From sphingomyelin
- Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase
- Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1
- From sulfatide
- Arylsulfatase A
- Galactosylceramidase
To sphingosine |
- Ceramidase
Other |
- Palmitoyl protein thioesterase
- Tripeptidyl peptidase I
- CLN3
- CLN5
- CLN6
- CLN8
Ceramide synthesis |
- Serine C-palmitoyltransferase (SPTLC1)
- Ceramide glucosyltransferase (UGCG)
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Metabolism: lipid metabolism - eicosanoid metabolism enzymes
Precursor |
- Phospholipase C
- Diacylglycerol lipase
Prostanoids |
- PGE synthase
- Prostaglandin-E2 9-reductase
Leukotrienes |
- 5-Lipoxygenase activating protein/Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase
- LTA4 hydrolase (B4 synthesis)
- LTC4 synthase
- Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
Ungrouped |
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Metabolism: lipid metabolism / fatty acid metabolism, triglyceride and fatty acid enzymes
Synthesis |
Malonyl-CoA synthesis |
- ATP citrate lyase
- Acetyl-CoA carboxylase
Fatty acid synthesis/
Fatty acid synthase |
- Beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase
- Β-Ketoacyl ACP reductase
- 3-Hydroxyacyl ACP dehydrase
- Enoyl ACP reductase
Fatty acid desaturases |
- Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1
Triacyl glycerol |
- Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
- Thiokinase
Degradation |
Acyl transport |
- Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I
- Carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase
- Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II
Beta oxidation |
General |
- Acyl CoA dehydrogenase (ACADL
- Enoyl-CoA hydratase
- Acetyl-CoA C-acyltransferase
Unsaturated |
- Enoyl CoA isomerase
- 2,4 Dienoyl-CoA reductase
Odd chain |
- Propionyl-CoA carboxylase
Other |
- Hydroxyacyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase
To acetyl-CoA |
- Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase
Aldehydes |
- Long-chain-aldehyde dehydrogenase
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Index of nutrition
Description |
- Vitamins
- Cofactors
- Metal metabolism
- Fats
- metabolism
- intermediates
- lipoproteins
- Sugars
- Glycolysis
- Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis
- Fructose and galactose
Disease |
- Vitamins
- Carbohydrate
- Lipid
- Metals
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
- Drugs
- Vitamins
- Mineral supplements
Metabolism: lipid metabolism – ketones/cholesterol synthesis enzymes/steroid metabolism
Mevalonate pathway |
To HMG-CoA |
- Acetyl-Coenzyme A acetyltransferase
- HMG-CoA synthase (regulated step)
Ketogenesis |
- HMG-CoA lyase
- 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase
- Thiophorase
To Mevalonic acid |
- Mevalonate kinase
- Phosphomevalonate kinase
- Pyrophosphomevalonate decarboxylase
- Isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase
Geranyl- |
- Dimethylallyltranstransferase
- Geranyl pyrophosphate
To cholesterol |
To lanosterol |
- Farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase
- Squalene monooxygenase
- Lanosterol synthase
7-Dehydrocholesterol path |
- Lanosterol 14α-demethylase
- Sterol-C5-desaturase-like
- 7-Dehydrocholesterol reductase
Desmosterol path |
- 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase
To Bile acids |
- Cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase
- Sterol 27-hydroxylase
Steroidogenesis |
To pregnenolone |
To corticosteroids |
- aldosterone: 18-hydroxylase
- cortisol/cortisone: 17α-hydroxylase
- 11β dehydrogenase
- both: 3β dehydrogenase
- 21α-hydroxylase
- 11β-hydroxylase
To sex hormones |
To androgens |
- 17α-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase
- 3β dehydrogenase
- 17β dehydrogenase
- 5α reductase
To estrogens |
Other/ungrouped |
- Steroid metabolism: sulfatase
- sulfotransferase
- Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein
- Cholesterol total synthesis
- Reverse cholesterol transport
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Index of hormones
Description |
- Glands
- Hormones
- thyroid
- mineralocorticoids
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Diabetes
- Congenital
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- calcium balance
- corticosteroids
- oral hypoglycemics
- pituitary and hypothalamic
- thyroid
Metabolism: Protein metabolism, synthesis and catabolism enzymes
Essential amino acids are in Capitals
K→acetyl-CoA |
- Saccharopine dehydrogenase
- Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase
- Branched chain aminotransferase
- Branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex
- Isovaleryl coenzyme A dehydrogenase
- Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase
- Methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase
- 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase
- Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase/Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase
- Arylformamidase
- Kynureninase
- 3-hydroxyanthranilate oxidase
- Aminocarboxymuconate-semialdehyde decarboxylase
- Aminomuconate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
G |
→citrate |
glycine→serine→ |
- Serine hydroxymethyltransferase
- Serine dehydratase
- glycine→creatine: Guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase
- Creatine kinase
alanine→ |
cysteine→ |
threonine→ |
- L-threonine dehydrogenase
α-ketoglutarate |
- Histidine ammonia-lyase
- Urocanate hydratase
- Formiminotransferase cyclodeaminase
proline→ |
- Proline oxidase
- Pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase
- 1-Pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase/ALDH4A1
arginine→ |
- Ornithine aminotransferase
- Ornithine decarboxylase
- Agmatinase
→alpha-ketoglutarate→TCA |
Other |
- cysteine+glutamate→glutathione: Gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase
- Glutathione synthetase
- Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
- glutamate→glutamine: Glutamine synthetase
- Glutaminase
succinyl-CoA |
- Branched chain aminotransferase
- Branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex
- Enoyl-CoA hydratase
- 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase
- 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase
- Methylmalonate semialdehyde dehydrogenase
- Branched chain aminotransferase
- Branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex
- 3-hydroxy-2-methylbutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase
- generation of homocysteine: Methionine adenosyltransferase
- Adenosylhomocysteinase
- regeneration of methionine: Methionine synthase/Homocysteine methyltransferase
- Betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase
- conversion to cysteine: Cystathionine beta synthase
- Cystathionine gamma-lyase
→succinyl-CoA→TCA |
- Propionyl-CoA carboxylase
- Methylmalonyl CoA epimerase
- Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
G→fumarate |
- Phenylalanine hydroxylase
- Tyrosine aminotransferase
- 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase
- Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase
- Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase
- tyrosine→melanin: Tyrosinase
G→oxaloacetate |
asparagine→aspartate→ |
- Asparaginase/Asparagine synthetase
- Aspartate transaminase
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Metabolism: amino acid metabolism - urea cycle enzymes
Main cycle |
mitochondrial matrix:
- Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I
- Ornithine transcarbamylase
- Argininosuccinate synthetase
- Argininosuccinate lyase
- Arginase
Regulatory/transport |
- N-Acetylglutamate synthase
- Ornithine translocase
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Enzymes involved in neutrotransmission
monoamine |
histidine → histamine |
anabolism: |
catabolism: |
- Histamine N-methyltransferase
- Amine oxidase
tyrosine→dopamine→epinephrine |
anabolism: |
- Tyrosine hydroxylase
- Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase
- Dopamine beta hydroxylase
- Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
catabolism: |
- Catechol-O-methyl transferase
- Monoamine oxidase
glutamate→GABA |
anabolism: |
catabolism: |
- 4-aminobutyrate transaminase
tryptophan→serotonin→melatonin |
- Tryptophan hydroxylase
- Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase
- Acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase
arginine→NO |
- Nitric oxide synthase (NOS1, NOS2, NOS3)
choline→Acetylcholine |
anabolism: |
- Choline acetyltransferase
catabolism: |
- Cholinesterase (Acetylcholinesterase, Butyrylcholinesterase)
Index of the central nervous system
Description |
- Anatomy
- meninges
- cortex
- association fibers
- commissural fibers
- lateral ventricles
- basal ganglia
- diencephalon
- mesencephalon
- pons
- cerebellum
- medulla
- spinal cord
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Cerebral palsy
- Meningitis
- Demyelinating diseases
- Seizures and epilepsy
- Headache
- Stroke
- Sleep
- Congenital
- Injury
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
- head and neck
- eponymous
- lesions
- Tests
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- general anesthetics
- analgesics
- addiction
- epilepsy
- cholinergics
- migraine
- Parkinson's
- vertigo
- other
- Metabolism: amino acid metabolism
- nucleotide enzymes
Purine metabolism |
Anabolism |
R5P→IMP: |
- Ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase
- Amidophosphoribosyltransferase
- Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase
- AIR synthetase (FGAM cyclase)
- Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase
- Phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase
- IMP synthase
- Adenylosuccinate synthase
- Adenylosuccinate lyase
- reverse
- IMP dehydrogenase
- GMP synthase
- reverse
Nucleotide salvage |
- Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
- Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
Catabolism |
- Adenosine deaminase
- Purine nucleoside phosphorylase
- Guanine deaminase
- Xanthine oxidase
- Urate oxidase
Pyrimidine metabolism |
Anabolism |
- Carbamoyl phosphate synthase II
- Aspartate carbamoyltransferase
- Dihydroorotase
- Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
- Orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase/Uridine monophosphate synthetase
Catabolism |
- Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase
- Dihydropyrimidinase/DPYS
- Beta-ureidopropionase/UPB1
Deoxyribonucleotides |
- Ribonucleotide reductase
- Nucleoside-diphosphate kinase
- DCMP deaminase
- Thymidylate synthase
- Dihydrofolate reductase
Index of inborn errors of metabolism
Description |
- Metabolism
- Enzymes and pathways: citric acid cycle
- pentose phosphate
- glycoproteins
- glycosaminoglycans
- phospholipid
- cholesterol and steroid
- sphingolipids
- eicosanoids
- amino acid
- urea cycle
- nucleotide
Disorders |
- Citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
- Glycoprotein
- Proteoglycan
- Fatty-acid
- Phospholipid
- Cholesterol and steroid
- Eicosanoid
- Amino acid
- Purine-pyrimidine
- Heme metabolism
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
Enzymes involved in the metabolism of heme and porphyrin
Porphyrin biosynthesis |
early mitochondrial: |
- Aminolevulinic acid synthase
cytosolic: |
- Porphobilinogen synthase
- Porphobilinogen deaminase
- Uroporphyrinogen III synthase
- Uroporphyrinogen III decarboxylase
late mitochondrial: |
- Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
- Protoporphyrinogen oxidase
- Ferrochelatase
Heme degradation
to bile |
spleen: |
- Heme oxygenase
- Biliverdin reductase
liver: |
Index of cells from bone marrow
Description |
- Immune system
- Cells
- Physiology
- coagulation
- proteins
- granule contents
- colony-stimulating
- heme and porphyrin
Disease |
- Red blood cell
- Monocyte and granulocyte
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Histiocytosis
- Symptoms and signs
- Blood tests
Treatment |
- Transfusion
- Drugs
- thrombosis
- bleeding
- other
Metabolism - non-mevalonate pathway enzymes
- DXP synthase
- DXP reductoisomerase
- 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase
- 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase
- 4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase
- 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate synthase
- 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase
Metabolism of vitamins, coenzymes, and cofactors
Fat soluble vitamins |
Vitamin A |
Vitamin E |
- Alpha-tocopherol transfer protein
Vitamin D |
- liver (Sterol 27-hydroxylase or CYP27A1)
- renal (25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1-alpha-hydroxylase or CYP27B1)
- degradation (1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 24-hydroxylase or CYP24A1)
Vitamin K |
- Vitamin K epoxide reductase
Water soluble vitamins |
Thiamine (B1) |
Niacin (B3) |
- Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase
- Formamidase
Pantothenic acid (B5) |
Folic acid (B9) |
- Dihydropteroate synthase
- Dihydrofolate reductase
- Serine hydroxymethyltransferase
- Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
Vitamin B12 |
Vitamin C |
Riboflavin (B2) |
Nonvitamin cofactors |
Tetrahydrobiopterin |
- GTP cyclohydrolase I
- 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase
- Sepiapterin reductase
Molybdenum cofactor |
- Gephyrin
Index of nutrition
Description |
- Vitamins
- Cofactors
- Metal metabolism
- Fats
- metabolism
- intermediates
- lipoproteins
- Sugars
- Glycolysis
- Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis
- Fructose and galactose
Disease |
- Vitamins
- Carbohydrate
- Lipid
- Metals
- Other
- Symptoms and signs
Treatment |
- Drugs
- Vitamins
- Mineral supplements
Food science
- Allergy
- Chemistry
- Engineering
- Foodservice
- Microbiology
- New product development
- Nutrition
- Packaging
- Politics
- Processing
- Quality
- Sensory analysis
- Technology
Metabolism map
Cellulose and sucrose
Starch and glycogen
Pentose phosphate pathway
Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
Small amino acid synthesis
Branched amino acid
Aromatic amino
acid synthesis
Aspartate amino acid
group synthesis
Porphyrins and
Glutamate amino
acid group
All pathway labels on this image are links, simply click to access the article. |
A high resolution labeled version of this image is available here. |