- 関
- hypothermic phase
- unrefined in character; "low comedy"
- an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow" (同)depression
- a low level or position or degree; "the stock market fell to a new low"
- used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency (同)low-pitched
- very low in volume; "a low murmur"; "the low-toned murmur of the surf" (同)low-toned
- in a low position; near the ground; "the branches hung low"
- less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"
- literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"
- a unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed; "ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods" (同)geological period
- (ice hockey) one of three divisions into which play is divided in hockey games
- the end or completion of something; "death put a period to his endeavors"; "a change soon put a period to my tranquility"
- the interval taken to complete one cycle of a regularly repeating phenomenon
- a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations; "in England they call a period a stop" (同)point, full_stop, stop, full point
- (Persian folklore) a supernatural being descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done
- a beautiful and graceful girl
- the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity)
- the somatic sensation of cold or heat
- British political cartoonist (born in New Zealand) who created the character Colonel Blimp (1891-1963) (同)David Low, Sir David Low, Sir David Alexander Cecil Low
- (高さ・位置が)『低い』,低い所にある / (価格・数量・程度などが)『低い』,少ない / (身分・地位などが)『低い』,卑しい / (人格・行為などが)『卑しい』,下劣な,下品な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(体が)『弱った』;元気のない,憂うつな / (供給が)不十分な;(…が)乏しい《+『in』(『on』)+『名』》 / (音・声が)低い,小さい / (生物が)下等な / 『低く』,低い所に / (価格・程度などが)『安く』,低く / 低い声(調子)で;静かに / 最低点,最低水準
- (牛の)モーという鳴き声 / (牛が)モーと鳴く
- (あることが続く)『期間』 / (歴史的な)『時代』 / (試合の)『一区切り』,ピリオド / 授業時間,時限: / (循環して起こる現象などの)周期 / (回転運動などの)周期 / 紀(地質時代の区分の一つ;era(代)の下,epoch(世)の上) / 《おもに米》『ピリオド』,終止符(《英》full stop;Mr.,U.S.など略語の符号(.)も含む) / 《複数形で》《文》掉尾(とうび)文(多くの節から成り,論理的に緊密な構成をもっている文) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》ある時代[特有]の,時代物の / (文の終わりに感嘆詞的に)以上,終わり・月経(期間)
- 〈C〉〈U〉『温度』,気温 / 〈C〉〈U〉(人・動物の)『体温』 / 《a ~》平常より高い熱,高熱
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English Journal
- Spatio-temporal topsoil organic carbon mapping of a semi-arid Mediterranean region: The role of land use, soil texture, topographic indices and the influence of remote sensing data to modelling.
- Schillaci C1, Acutis M2, Lombardo L3, Lipani A4, Fantappiè M5, Märker M6, Saia S7.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2017 Dec 1;601-602:821-832. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.239. Epub 2017 Jun 2.
- PMID 28578240
- Understanding the drivers of extensive plant damage in boreal and Arctic ecosystems: Insights from field surveys in the aftermath of damage.
- Bjerke JW1, Treharne R2, Vikhamar-Schuler D3, Karlsen SR4, Ravolainen V5, Bokhorst S6, Phoenix GK2, Bochenek Z7, Tømmervik H8.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2017 Dec 1;599-600:1965-1976. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.050. Epub 2017 May 23.
- PMID 28558420
- Effect of water stage and tree stand composition on spatiotemporal differentiation of spring water chemistry draining Carpathian flysch slopes (Gorce Mts).
- Jasik M1, Małek S2, Żelazny M3.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2017 Dec 1;599-600:1630-1637. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.079. Epub 2017 May 19.
- PMID 28535591
Japanese Journal
- ISS「きぼう」における氷の結晶成長とパターン形成実験(<特集>国際宇宙ステーション時代の結晶成長その2)
- 古川 義純,横山 悦郎,吉崎 泉,島岡 太郎,曽根 武彦,友部 俊之
- 日本結晶成長学会誌 39(2), 61-67, 2012-07
- 過冷却水中で成長する氷結晶のパターンは,成長条件によってきわめて薄い円盤状から,六方対称の発達した樹枝状まで大きく変化する.円盤結晶の形態不安定化とパターン形成の機構を解明するために,国際宇宙ステーション「きぼう」において氷の結晶成長実験を実施した.氷は,a軸およびc軸方向への成長がそれぞれ付着成長と沿面成長に対応し,異方性の強い樹枝状結晶を生成する.これまで,樹枝の先端(a軸方向)の成長速度は, …
- NAID 110009489613
- Photosynthesis-nitrogen relationship in a Hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) canopy: a comparison with Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica)
- Kobayashi H,Inoue S,Gyokusen K
- PHOTOSYNTHETICA 50(2), 317-320, 2012-06
- … A pronounced decrease in the slope of the linear regression lines due to low temperature was observed in February and March. … During this period, P-max of C. … obtusa is less tolerant to low temperatures than C. …
- NAID 120004996741
- 尾瀬地域におけるアカシボの発達過程 (雪氷の生態学 : 彩雪の生物群集)
- 福原 晴夫,木村 直哉,北村 淳 [他]
- 低温科学 70(-) (-), 37-47, 2012
- … 尾瀬沼においては融雪水と湖水位の上昇により, アカシボを含んだ氷雪が湖面に浮上するため, stageは明確ではないが, 同様に発達をすると考えられる.A large scale of red snow phenomena “Akashibo”appeared at Ozegahara Mire and Lake Ozenuma in Oze District during snow melting period. …
- NAID 40019324488
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- 英
- hypothermic phase, low phase
- 同
- 低温期 low-temperature period
- 関
- 卵胞期
- 関
- low-temperature period
- 関
- ambient、around、circumferential、surrounding
- 関
- deficient、inadequate、insufficiency、insufficient、insufficiently、poorly、scanty
- 関
- duration、phase、stage、term、time
- 関
- hypothermia、hypothermic
- 関
- thermo