- to be on base at the end of an inning, of a player
- pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "The children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102" (同)decease, perish, go, exit, pass_away, expire, pass, kick the bucket, cash in one''s chips, buy the farm, conk, give-up the ghost, drop dead, pop_off, choke, croak, snuff it
- disappear or come to an end; "Their anger died"; "My secret will die with me!"
- suffer spiritual death; be damned (in the religious sense); "Whosoever..believes in me shall never die"
- a small cube with 1 to 6 spots on the six faces; used in gambling to generate random numbers (同)dice
- a cutting tool that is fitted into a diestock and used for cutting male (external) screw threads on screws or bolts or pipes or rods
- a device used for shaping metal
- cut or shape with a die; "Die out leather for belts" (同)die_out
- lose sparkle or bouquet; "wine and beer can pall" (同)pall, become flat
- be brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment, amusement, or shame; "I was dying with embarrassment when my little lie was discovered"; "We almost died laughing during the show"
- feel indifferent towards; "She died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery"
- languish as with love or desire; "She dying for a cigarette"; "I was dying to leave"
- suffer or face the pain of death; "Martyrs may die every day for their faith"
- unrefined in character; "low comedy"
- an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow" (同)depression
- a low level or position or degree; "the stock market fell to a new low"
- used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency (同)low-pitched
- very low in volume; "a low murmur"; "the low-toned murmur of the surf" (同)low-toned
- in a low position; near the ground; "the branches hung low"
- less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"
- literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"
- follow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons; "He has high blood pressure and must stick to a low-salt diet"
- the act of restricting your food intake (or your intake of particular foods) (同)dieting
- a legislative assembly in certain countries (e.g., Japan)
- a prescribed selection of foods
- the usual food and drink consumed by an organism (person or animal)
- eat sparingly, for health reasons or to lose weight
- any of a large group of nitrogenous organic compounds that are essential constituents of living cells; consist of polymers of amino acids; essential in the diet of animals for growth and for repair of tissues; can be obtained from meat and eggs and milk and legumes; "a diet high in protein"
- British political cartoonist (born in New Zealand) who created the character Colonel Blimp (1891-1963) (同)David Low, Sir David Low, Sir David Alexander Cecil Low
- 〈人・動物が〉『死ぬ』,〈植物が〉『枯れる』 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈音・光・風などが〉消えてゆく《+『away』》;〈火・感情などが〉次第に収まる《+『down』》;〈家系・習慣などが〉絶えてなくなる《+『out』》 / 〈機械が〉動かなくなる,止まる / 《話》《進行形で》死ぬほど望む
- さい,さいころ / ダイス,雄ねじ切り / (貨幣・メダルなどの)打ち型,打ち抜き型
- (高さ・位置が)『低い』,低い所にある / (価格・数量・程度などが)『低い』,少ない / (身分・地位などが)『低い』,卑しい / (人格・行為などが)『卑しい』,下劣な,下品な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(体が)『弱った』;元気のない,憂うつな / (供給が)不十分な;(…が)乏しい《+『in』(『on』)+『名』》 / (音・声が)低い,小さい / (生物が)下等な / 『低く』,低い所に / (価格・程度などが)『安く』,低く / 低い声(調子)で;静かに / 最低点,最低水準
- (牛の)モーという鳴き声 / (牛が)モーと鳴く
- (日本・デンマーク・スウェーデンなどの)『議会』,国会
- (日常の)『飲食物』,常食 / (健康・体重調節などのための)『規定食』,制限食 / (健康増進などのために)〈人〉‘に'規定食を取らせる / 規定食を取る,食物を制限する
- 蛋白(たんばく)質
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/11/08 12:17:02」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
A low-protein diet is a diet in which people reduce their intake of protein. A low-protein diet is often prescribed to people with kidney or liver disease. Also for those with inherited metabolic disorders, such as PKU and Homocystinuria.
Foods to avoid are any animal byproduct such as meats, eggs, fish, poultry, milk, yogurt, cheese, Pulses, peanut butter and nuts.
Foods that are naturally low in protein are vegetables, fruits, bread, cakes, pasta, corn and potatoes. People on a low-protein diet may also be given a protein substitute mixture or minerals and vitamin tablet to keep them healthy.
In the United Kingdom, low-protein products and substitutes are prescribed through the health service.
Low protein, vegetarian diets have been hypothesized to be linked to longer life.[1]
- ^ "Vegetarian low protein diet could be key to long life." Telegraph.co.uk.
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English Journal
- Return of hunger following a relatively high carbohydrate breakfast is associated with earlier recorded glucose peak and nadir.
- Chandler-Laney PC1, Morrison SA2, Goree LL1, Ellis AC1, Casazza K1, Desmond R3, Gower BA1.
- Appetite.Appetite.2014 Sep;80:236-41. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2014.04.031. Epub 2014 May 10.
- The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that a breakfast meal with high carbohydrate/low fat results in an earlier increase in postprandial glucose and insulin, a greater decrease below baseline in postprandial glucose, and an earlier return of appetite, compared with a low carbohydrate/high
- PMID 24819342
- Dose-dependent functionality and toxicity of green tea polyphenols in experimental rodents.
- Murakami A.
- Archives of biochemistry and biophysics.Arch Biochem Biophys.2014 Sep 1;557:3-10. doi: 10.1016/j.abb.2014.04.018. Epub 2014 May 9.
- A large number of physiologically functional foods are comprised of plant polyphenols. Their antioxidative activities have been intensively studied for a long period and proposed to be one of the major mechanisms of action accounting for their health promotional and disease preventive effects. Green
- PMID 24814373
- Low-protein diet for diabetic nephropathy.
- Otoda T1, Kanasaki K, Koya D.
- Current diabetes reports.Curr Diab Rep.2014 Sep;14(9):523. doi: 10.1007/s11892-014-0523-z.
- Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of progressive kidney disease, leading to end-stage renal disease and renal replacement therapy. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and/or angiotensin receptor blockers have been considered effective at slowing the progression of kidney function deteri
- PMID 24986448
Japanese Journal
- Diet-induced changes in Ucp1 expression in bovine adipose tissues.
- Asano Hiroki,Yamada Tomoya,Hashimoto Osamu,Umemoto Takenao,Sato Ryo,Ohwatari Shiori,Kanamori Yohei,Terachi Tomohiro,Funaba Masayuki,Matsui Tohru
- General and comparative endocrinology 184, 87-92, 2013-04-00
- … Next, we examined expression level of Ucp1 and other brown adipocyte-selective genes such as Pgc1α, Cidea, Dio2, Cox1, Cox7a1 and Cox8b in WAT of 30-month-old steers fed either diet with low protein/energy content (roughage diet) or that with high protein/energy content (concentrate diet) for 20months. …
- NAID 120005242571
- バレイショ澱粉を配合した低タンパク質飼料の給与が肥育豚の窒素排泄量およびアンモニア揮散量に及ぼす影響
- 本多 昭幸,嶋澤 光一,尾野 喜孝
- 日本畜産學會報 = The Japanese journal of zootechnical science 83(3), 271-280, 2012-08-25
- NAID 10031060916
- バレイショ澱粉を配合した低タンパク質飼料の給与が肥育豚の窒素排泄量およびアンモニア揮散量に及ぼす影響
Related Links
- Low-Protein Diet: A low diet, a diet in which people are required to reduce their intake of protein, is used by persons with abnormal kidney or liver function to prevent worsening of their disease.
- A low protein diet is necessary for the treatment and management of liver and kidney disease. Sample low protein menu and guidelines for eating less protein ... Boost calories to compensate Decreasing protein in the diet may also ...
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- 英
- low-protein diet, low protein diet
- 同
- 低タンパク食、低タンパク質食、蛋白質制限食、タンパク制限食 protein restricted diet
- 関
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低タンパク食 : 約 26,300 件
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タンパク制限食 : 約 1,380,000 件
蛋白制限食 : 約 31,000 件
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- 尿毒症症状の軽減・予防
低蛋白食、低タンパク食、low-protein diet
- 関
- deficient、inadequate、insufficiency、insufficient、insufficiently、poorly、scanty
- 食べ物、食事。食生活、食習慣。ダイエット、食事療法、治療食、規定食、節食
- 関
- feeding, nutrition
- 関
- diet