- utter a hoarse sound, like a raven (同)cronk
- a harsh hoarse utterance (as of a frog) (同)croaking
- any of several fishes that make a croaking noise
- the lean flesh of a saltwater fish caught along Atlantic coast of southern U.S.
- small silvery marine food fish found off California (同)chenfish, kingfish, Genyonemus lineatus
- like the sounds of frogs and crows; "a guttural voice"; "acres of guttural frogs" (同)guttural
- a fish of the Pacific coast of North America (同)surffish, surf fish, Umbrina roncador
- (蛙・烏などの)カーカー(ガーガー)という鳴き声;(人の)しわがれ声 / (蛙・烏などが)カーカー(ガーガー)と鳴く / (不吉な感じで)しわがれ声で話す / (特に)〈不満なこと〉'を'低いしわがれ声で話す
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/26 13:29:18」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Croak may refer to:
- The sound that some frogs make
- Slang for die
People [edit]
- Alex Croak, athlete
- James Croak, visual artist
- John Bernard Croak, soldier
See also [edit]
- All pages beginning with "Croak"
- All pages with titles containing "Croak"
- Croaker (disambiguation)
- Ribbit (disambiguation)
English Journal
- Description and seasonal detection of two potential whale calls recorded in the Indian Ocean.
- Sousa AG1, Harris D1.
- The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.J Acoust Soc Am.2015 Sep;138(3):1379-88. doi: 10.1121/1.4928719.
- Unidentified acoustic signals are recorded by hydrophones placed in the world's oceans. Some of these sounds are suspected to originate from marine mammals. In this study, two acoustic signals recorded by two arrays at Diego Garcia in the northern Indian Ocean are described. Data were available betw
- PMID 26428776
- Movements and habitat use of an endangered snake, Hoplocephalus bungaroides (Elapidae): implications for conservation.
- Croak BM1, Crowther MS, Webb JK, Shine R.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2013 Apr 22;8(4):e61711. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061711. Print 2013.
- A detailed understanding of how extensively animals move through the landscape, and the habitat features upon which they rely, can identify conservation priorities and thus inform management planning. For many endangered species, information on habitat use either is sparse, or is based upon studies
- PMID 23613912
- Phylogeography and dispersal in the velvet gecko (Oedura lesueurii), and potential implications for conservation of an endangered snake (Hoplocephalus bungaroides).
- Dubey S1, Croak B, Pike D, Webb J, Shine R.
- BMC evolutionary biology.BMC Evol Biol.2012 May 14;12:67. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-12-67.
- BACKGROUND: To conserve critically endangered predators, we also need to conserve the prey species upon which they depend. Velvet geckos (Oedura lesueurii) are a primary prey for the endangered broad-headed snake (Hoplocephalus bungaroides), which is restricted to sandstone habitats in southeastern
- PMID 22583676
- Habitat selection in a rocky landscape: experimentally decoupling the influence of retreat site attributes from that of landscape features.
- Croak BM1, Pike DA, Webb JK, Shine R.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2012;7(6):e37982. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037982. Epub 2012 Jun 12.
- Organisms selecting retreat sites may evaluate not only the quality of the specific shelter, but also the proximity of that site to resources in the surrounding area. Distinguishing between habitat selection at these two spatial scales is complicated by co-variation among microhabitat factors (i.e.,
- PMID 22701592
Japanese Journal
- 七ヶ用水の両生類, は虫類および哺乳類(<特集>七ヶ用水の生物相)
- 一方向変化を伴う試験条件下における疲労き裂進展抵抗の弾・塑性破壊力学的評価
- 幡中 憲治,藤満 達郎
- 日本機械学會論文集. A編 54(501), 901-909, 1988-05-25
- … The da/dN plotted against this parameter forms a straight line independent of ratchet deformation on double logarithmic controlling the croak growth rate under test condition including ratchet deformation. …
- NAID 110002377606
- 田北 徹
- 長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (38), p1-55, 1974-12
- … The fish begins to croak in juvenile stage of more than 120mm. …
- NAID 120005230228
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- croakの意味 - 英和辞書 - 英語辞書 - goo辞書 | スタートページに設定 メニューへスキップ 本文へスキップ 辞書トップ 国語 類語 英和 和英 中日 日中 文例集 検定&クイズ サイトマップ 入力補助 [ ON | OFF] 辞書すべて 国語 類語 英和 和英 ...
- Everything demanded to be tasted, even when its burn forced you to croak out a plea for ice water. Why croakers croak when and where they do remains unclear. Today, his descendants still sing with a croak, even with perfectly ...
- 名前 carp - エラーの警告 (呼び出し元の観点から) cluck - スタックバックトレースを伴うエラーの警告 (デフォルトではエクスポートされません) croak - エラーを出してdieします (呼び出し元の観点から) confess - スタックバックトレースを ...
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- 関
- bluegill、mackerel、mahi-mahi、perch、Perciformes、Sparus、sunfish