- raise to the second power
- (geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon; "you can compute the area of a square if you know the length of its sides" (同)foursquare
- the product of two equal terms; "nine is the second power of three"; "gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance" (同)second power
- make square; "Square the circle"; "square the wood with a file" (同)square_up
- something approximating the shape of a square
- a hand tool consisting of two straight arms at right angles; used to construct or test right angles; "the carpenter who built this room must have lost his square"
- any artifact having a shape similar to a plane geometric figure with four equal sides and four right angles; "a checkerboard has 64 squares"
- someone who doesnt understand what is going on (同)lame
- a formal and conservative person with old-fashioned views (同)square toes
- rigidly conventional or old-fashioned (同)straight
- without evasion or compromise; "a square contradiction"; "he is not being as straightforward as it appears" (同)straightforward, straight
- be compatible with; "one idea squares with another"
- cause to match, as of ideas or acts
- having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle; "a square peg in a round hole"; "a square corner"
- leaving no balance; "my account with you is now all square"
- pay someone and settle a debt; "I squared with him"
- position so as to be square; "He squared his shoulders"
- have a specified degree of importance; "My ex-husband means nothing to me"; "Happiness means everything"
- an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n (同)mean_value
- mean or intend to express or convey; "You never understand what I mean!"; "what do his words intend?" (同)intend
- denote or connote; "`maison means `house in French"; "An example sentence would show what this word means" (同)intend, signify, stand_for
- (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity; "a mean person"; "he left a miserly tip" (同)mingy, miserly, tight
- destine or designate for a certain purpose; "These flowers were meant for you"
- excellent; "famous for a mean backhand"
- rich in significance or implication; "a meaning look" (同)pregnant, significant
- the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous" (同)significance, signification, import
- the idea that is intended; "What is the meaning of this proverb?" (同)substance
- the superlative of `little that can be used with mass nouns and is usually preceded by `the; a quantifier meaning smallest in amount or extent or degree; "didnt care the least bit"; "he has the least talent of anyone"
- something that is of no importance; "it is the least I can do"; "that is the least of my concerns"
- used to form the superlative; "The garter snake is the least dangerous snake" (同)to the lowest degree
- considerable capital (wealth or income); "he is a man of means" (同)substance
- how a result is obtained or an end is achieved; "a means of control"; "an example is the best agency of instruction"; "the true way to success" (同)agency, way
- an instrumentality for accomplishing some end
- 『正方形』;四角な物;(チェス・チェッカーなどの盤の,正方形の)目,ます目 / (四角い)『広場』(街路の交差点にあって,しばしば中央に植木や芝などが植えてあり,小公園になっている);《おもに英》広場の回りの建物(街路)(《略》Sq.) / (四方を街路で囲まれた方形の)一区画,ブロック / 直角定規,かね尺 / (数の)『2乗』,平方(《略》sq.) / 《俗》旧式な人 / 『正方形の』,四角な,直角の,直角をなす / 角ばった,がっかりした / 『平方の』,2乗の(《略》『sq.』) / 《補語にのみ用いて》対等の,五分五分の(even);貸し借りにない / 正直な(honest),公正な(fair),正しい(just) / 率直な,はっきりした,きっぱりした(direct) / 実質のある,十分な / 《俗》しゃちほこばった / =squarely / …‘を'正方形(四角)にする;直角にする / …‘を'正方形(四角)に区切る《+『off』+『名』,+『名』+『off』》 / 〈肩・ひじなど〉‘を'張る / (人と)〈勘定〉‘を'決済する,清算する《+『名』〈勘定〉+『with』+『名』〈人〉》 / (…と)…‘を'一致させる,適合させる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 《受動態で》〈数〉‘を'2乗する;〈ある形・図形など〉‘の'平方積(面積)を求める / 〈人〉‘を'買収する,抱き込む,…‘に'わいろを使う / 〈試合の得点〉‘を'同点にする / (…と)一致する,適合する《+『with』+『名』》
- 〈人が〉…‘を'『意図する』,‘の'つもりである;…‘を'言おうとある;示そうとする / 〈単語・句・文章などが〉…‘を'『意味を持つ』,‘を'『意味する』 / (人に対して)…‘を'当てる,向ける《+『名』+『for』+『名』》 / 《受動態で》〈人・物〉‘を'(…)向きにする / 〈物事が〉…‘を'示す,表す / (結果として)〈物事が〉…‘を'もたらす,生じさせる / 《『mean』+『for』+『名』+『to』 do》《米話》(…が…するような)つもりでいる
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(品質・価値・才能などが)『劣った』,つまらない / (人・行為などが)『卑劣な』,さもしい / 《古》(身分・地位などが)卑しい / 《まれ》(身なり・建物などが)みずぼらしい,見るもあわれな / 《米話》(動物が)御しにくい;(一般に)扱いにくい
- 中庸,中道 / (数学で) / 平均[値];(特に)算術平均,相加平均 / (比例式の)中項,内項 / (両極端の)中間の,中央に位置する / (大きさ・品質・程度などが)平均的な,平均の
- (・・・の)『目的』,意義《+『of』+『名』》 / (吾・文の)『意味』(sense)《+『of』+『名』》 / 意味ありげな様子,意味深長 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》意味ありげな,意味常長な / 《複合吾を作って》・・・するつもりの,の意図をもった
- (littleの最上級;比較級はless) / (大きさ・程度が)『最も小さい』(『少ない』) / (重要性・身分が)最も低い / (大きさ・程度・重要性が)『最小』(『最少』,『最小限』)『の物事』 / 『最も少なく』(『低く』)
- 〈C〉《単数・複数扱い》『方法』,『手段』 / 《複数扱い》『資力』,『財産』,富
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English Journal
- Near infrared emission spectroscopy for rapid compositional analysis of Portland cements.
- Rebouças JP1, Rohwedder JJR2, Pasquini C2.
- Analytica chimica acta.Anal Chim Acta.2018 Sep 18;1024:136-144. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2018.03.035. Epub 2018 Mar 30.
- PMID 29776539
- Validity of an ultra-wideband local positioning system to measure locomotion in indoor sports.
- Serpiello FR1, Hopkins WG1,2, Barnes S1, Tavrou J1, Duthie GM1,3, Aughey RJ1, Ball K1.
- Journal of sports sciences.J Sports Sci.2018 Aug;36(15):1727-1733. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2017.1411867. Epub 2017 Dec 1.
- PMID 29192842
- Improved liver R2* mapping by pixel-wise curve fitting with adaptive neighborhood regularization.
- Wang C1,2,3, Zhang X2, Liu X1, He T4,5, Chen W1,2, Feng Q2, Feng Y2.
- Magnetic resonance in medicine.Magn Reson Med.2018 Aug;80(2):792-801. doi: 10.1002/mrm.27071. Epub 2018 Jan 15.
- PMID 29334128
Japanese Journal
- Iterative Multi-cell Channel Estimation for Inter-cell Interference Suppression
- Abe Taisuke,Saba Takahiko
- Journal of Signal Processing 19(4), 131-134, 2015
- … In this paper, we propose an iterative multicell minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimation scheme. … From computer simulation, we can show that the proposed scheme estimates the covariance matrix effectively, and achieves a higher channel estimation performance than the multi-cell least square (LS) channel estimation scheme. …
- NAID 130005090484
- Expose Spliced Photographic Basing on Boundary and Noise Features
- IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E98.D(7), 1426-1429, 2015
- … Then the algorithm gets prediction error image using non-negative linear least-square prediction. … For a tampered image, its noise satisfies Gaussian distribution with zero mean. … The proposed method checks the similarity between noise distribution and a zero-mean Gaussian distribution, and follows with the local flatness and texture measurement. …
- NAID 130005086170
- Detection of Butter Adulteration with Lard by Employing ¹H-NMR Spectroscopy and Multivariate Data Analysis
- Fadzillah Nurrulhidayah Ahmad,Man Yaakob bin Che,Rohman Abdul [他],Rosman Arieff Salleh,Ismail Amin,Mustafa Shuhaimi,khatib Alfi
- Journal of Oleo Science 64(7), 697-703, 2015
- … Since the spectra obtained were too complex to be analyzed visually by the naked eyes, the classification of spectra was carried out.The multivariate calibration of partial least square (PLS) regression was used for modelling the relationship between actual value of lard and predicted value. …
- NAID 130005085915
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- 英
- least square mean, least-square mean, LSM
- http://aoki2.si.gunma-u.ac.jp/lecture/mb-arc/arc014/033.html
- http://software.ssri.co.jp/statweb2/gloss/glossary_s.html#s054
- 英
- least square mean, least-square mean, LSM
- (過去-過去分詞meant)
- 関
- avenue、average、even、gateway、implication、imply、instrumental、mean value、meaning、means、policy、purport、represent、semantic、sense、tool
- 関
- avenue、fashion、gateway、instrumental、manner、mean、method、mode、policy、procedure、process、tool、way
- 関
- consequence、implication、imply、mean、purport、represent、semantic、sense、significance
- 関
- sq