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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/25 11:02:01」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- インディペンデント・メディア・センター(Independent Media Center) - 世界最大の独立系メディアネットワーク
- 統合マーケティングコミュニケーション(Integrated Marketing Communication)
- 計器気象状態(Instrument Meteorological Conditions) - 航空機が計器飛行方式で飛行しなければならない気象状態。雲や視程などのいくつかの条件によって航空法で定められている。反対語は有視界気象状態(VMC)。
- インターネットメールコンソーシアム (Internet Mail Consortium) - 電子メールに関する技術の標準化推進団体
- 茨城県メディカルセンター(Ibarakiken Medical Center)
- 空腹期強収縮運動(Interdigestive Myoelectric Complex)
- 国際原料会議(International Materials Conference)
- 株式会社IMC - 船舶、舶用機器および船舶用部品の販売・修理ならびにその仲介業務等を行う日本の会社(旧社名アイ・エイチ・アイ・マリン)
- 伊藤機関工業(伊藤モーターサイクル、IMC) - かつて愛知県名古屋市に存在したオートバイメーカー、および同社が製造していたオートバイの名称。
- インディーズの総合ポータルサイト・indiesmusic.comの略称
- 国際マイクロ写真会議 (International Micro-graphic Congress)
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[Wiki en表示]
IMC may refer to:
- 1 Business
- 2 Computers
- 3 Mathematics competitions
- 4 Organizations
- 5 Other
- Integrated Marketing Communications, a body of academic and practical work promoting a management approach to marketing
- International Metalworking Companies, a precision tools conglomerate headquartered in Israel
- IMC, a subsidiary of Intel Corporation
- IMC Global, or International Minerals and Chemical, a mining and production business that merged into The Mosaic Company
- IMC, or IMC Financial Markets & Asset Management, is a privately held company headquartered in Amsterdam, NL with a core business in financial markets and asset management.
- International Market Centers, owner of furniture showroom space at World Market Center Las Vegas and High Point Market
- In-Memory Computing, also called In-Memory Processing
- Integrated Memory Controller, a feature of a CPU, like the AMD Opteron or Intel Nehalem
- .IMC audio format, a compressed iMUSE Cue
- IMS Credentials (IMC)
Mathematics competitions
- Intermediate Mathematical Challenge, a challenge for students aged between 11 and 16, organised by the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust
- International Mathematics Competition for University Students, an annual mathematics competition for undergraduate mathematics students
- Independent Media Center Also Indymedia or IMC. A global network of journalists that report on political and social issues.
- Independent Monitoring Commission, an organisation providing the British government with reports on paramilitary ceasefires in Northern Ireland
- Indian Muslim Council, an advocacy group based in the US
- Institute of Management Consultants USA, a national body certifying professional management consultants
- Integrated Marketing Communications
- Intel Mobile Communications, a part of the Intel Architecture Group
- Interactive Media Council, a USA non-profit organization dedicated to raising the standards of quality and excellence on the Internet
- Intermountain Medical Center, a hospital in Murray, UT, USA
- International Maritime Confederation, the umbrella association of maritime organizations and marine societies on the European level
- International Marketmakers Combination, one of Europe's leading derivatives trading houses. It was founded in 1989 at the Amsterdam Options Exchange. Currently they have offices in Amsterdam, Chicago, Hong Kong, Sydney, and Zug
- International Medical Center, a hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- International Medical Corps, a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization
- International Medieval Congress, annual academy congress on the study of the European Middle Ages (c. 300–1500) held at the University of Leeds
- International Music Council, a UNESCO-sponsored organization promoting the development of international music-making
- Internet Mail Consortium, an organization providing information about Internet e-mail standards and technologies
- Internet Marketing Conference, a conference about e-business
- Irish Medical Council, the Irish regulatory body for the medical professions
- Irish Mountaineering Club
- Irish Multiplex Cinemas, a chain of cinemas in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland owned by Ward Anderson
- Islamabad Model College, a chain of colleges in Islamabad, Pakistan
- Indy's Music Channel, television station in Indianapolis, Indiana
- The Infinite Monkey Cage, a popular science radio programme in the United Kingdom
- Isothermal microcalorimetry, a laboratory method for real-time monitoring and dynamic analysis of chemical, physical and biological processes
- Instrument meteorological conditions, weather conditions that require pilots to fly primarily by instruments
- International Championship for Manufacturers, a rally series and predecessor to the World Rally Championship
- International Mechanical Code, a convention published by the International Code Council (ICC) through the governmental consensus process
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- A Phase I/II Study of Erlotinib in Combination with the Anti-Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Receptor Monoclonal Antibody IMC-A12 (Cixutumumab) in Patients with Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer.
- Weickhardt A, Doebele R, Oton A, Lettieri J, Maxson D, Reynolds M, Brown A, Jackson MK, Dy G, Adjei A, Fetterly G, Lu X, Franklin W, Varella-Garcia M, Hirsch FR, Wynes MW, Youssoufian H, Adjei A, Camidge DR.Source*University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, Colorado; †Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York; ‡Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, Colorado School of Public Health and University of Colorado, Aurora, Colorado; and §Imclone, Bridgewater, New Jersey.
- Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.J Thorac Oncol.2012 Feb;7(2):419-26.
- INTRODUCTION: : This phase I/II study evaluated the safety and antitumor effect of the combination of erlotinib with cixutumumab, a recombinant fully humanized anti-insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor IgG1 monoclonal antibody, in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).METHODS: : Patients with
- PMID 22237261
- N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide in the management of patients in the medical emergency department (PROMPT): correlation with disease severity, utilization of hospital resources, and prognosis in a large, prospective, randomized multicentre trial.
- Luchner A, Möckel M, Spanuth E, Möcks J, Peetz D, Baum H, Spes C, Wrede CE, Vollert J, Müller R, Katus H, Giannitsis E.SourceKliniken und Polikliniken für Innere Medizin I und II, Universitätsklinikum, F.J. Strauss Allee 11, D-93055 Regensburg, Germany.
- European journal of heart failure.Eur J Heart Fail.2012 Jan 20. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIMS: N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is a potent marker of heart failure and other cardiac diseases. The value of NT-proBNP testing in the medical emergency department (ED) was assessed in patients >65 years old.METHODS AND RESULTS: This large, prospective, randomized, contr
- PMID 22265921
- Phase I/II Trial and Pharmacokinetic Study of Cixutumumab in Pediatric Patients With Refractory Solid Tumors and Ewing Sarcoma: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group.
- Malempati S, Weigel B, Ingle AM, Ahern CH, Carroll JM, Roberts CT, Reid JM, Schmechel S, Voss SD, Cho SY, Chen HX, Krailo MD, Adamson PC, Blaney SM.SourceDepartment of Pediatrics, Oregon Health and Science University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, CDRC-P, Portland, OR 97239-3098; malempat@ohsu.edu.
- Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.J Clin Oncol.2012 Jan 20;30(3):256-62. Epub 2011 Dec 19.
- PURPOSE A phase I/II study of cixutumumab (IMC-A12) in children with refractory solid tumors was conducted. This study was designed to assess the toxicities, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of cixutumumab in children to determine a recommended phase II dose and to assess antitumor activity in
- PMID 22184397
Japanese Journal
- 三次元集積デバイスにおけるマイクロ接合の信頼性向上技術(<特集>電子デバイスの高速・高密度実装とインテグレーション技術論文)
- 折井 靖光,佐久間 克幸,末岡 邦昭,小原 さゆり,鳥山 和重,松本 圭司,乃万 裕一,岡本 圭司,青木 豊広
- 電子情報通信学会論文誌. C, エレクトロニクス J94-C(11), 402-410, 2011-11-01
- … する三次元集積デバイス技術が注目されている.半導体を積層するときの接続ピッチは微細となり,マイクロ接合の技術が要求される.マイクロ接合においては,はんだ量が少ないため接合部すべてが金属間化合物(IMC,Inter-Metallic Compound)となることが予測される.接合部がIMC化されることによる信頼性の問題をチップとパッケージの相互干渉であるCPI(Chip Package Interaction)の観点から研究した結果を報告する. …
- NAID 110008761543
- II型糖尿病患者におけるインプラント治療の長期経過症例
- 福井 達真,柴田 俊一,小川 雅之,大森 俊和,岩崎 ひとみ,青芝 秀幸,松井 孝介,塚原 隆司,藤原 周
- 岐阜歯科学会雑誌 38(2), 85-90, 2011-10-20
- … 告する.患者は58歳,男性.1997年1月に左下の歯ぐきが腫れたと訴え来院.下顎左側第2小臼歯の歯根破折が認められた.患者は糖尿病治療中でありかかりつけ医に対診後,患歯の抜歯を行った.患者が抜歯部位にインプラント治療を強く希望した.1998年1月にIMZ(R) Twin Plus Implant System(株式会社アスパックジャパン)シリンダータイプを埋入,同年7月に上部構造物を装着した.アバットメントにはIMC インサートを用いないタイプとした。 …
- NAID 110008708632
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- 英
- intima-media complex, IMC
- 同
- integrated management of childhood illness