- 関
- embryonal、embryonic、embryonic day、embryonic stage、embryonically、fetal
- in an early stage of development; "the embryonic government staffed by survivors of the massacre"; "an embryonic nation, not yet self-governing" (同)embryotic
- of an organism prior to birth or hatching; "in the embryonic stage"; "embryologic development" (同)embryologic, embryonal
- perform (a play), especially on a stage; "we are going to stage `Othello" (同)present, represent
- a section or portion of a journey or course; "then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise" (同)leg
- a small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination (同)microscope stage
- a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience; "he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box"
- any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something; "All the worlds a stage"--Shakespeare; "it set the stage for peaceful negotiations"
- the theater as a profession (usually `the stage'
- plan, organize, and carry out (an event); "the neighboring tribe staged an invasion" (同)arrange
- attend a dance or a party without a female companion
- adult male deer
- of or relating to a fetus; "fetal development" (同)foetal
- getting rid of a stage of a multistage rocket
- travel by stagecoach
- written for or performed on the stage; "a staged version of the novel"
- =embryo
- (劇場・ホールなどの)『舞台』・on stage 舞台上で・《無冠詞》・off stage 舞台の陰で 《無冠詞》:ステージ;演壇;《the~》演劇;俳優業,演劇(舞台)の仕事 / (事件・活動などの)『舞台』,場所 / (発達などの)『段階』,時期 / (駅馬車などの止まる)駅,宿場;休憩地;(旅行における休憩地間の)旅程,行程 / =stagecoach / (多段ロケットの)段 / 〈劇〉‘を'『上演する』,〈試合など〉‘を'公開する / (特に劇的に)…‘を'実行する,やってのける
- 雄ジカ / 《米話》(社交的な集まりに)婦人を同伴しない男 / 男性用の,男性のみ出席する,男性向けの / 女性を同謀しないで
- 〈U〉足場 / 〈U〉〈C〉(劇の)上演,演出[方法]
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English Journal
- Early leptin intervention reverses perturbed energy balance regulating hypothalamic neuropeptides in the pre- and postnatal calorie-restricted female rat offspring.
- Gibson LC1, Shin BC, Dai Y, Freije W, Kositamongkol S, Cho J, Devaskar SU.
- Journal of neuroscience research.J Neurosci Res.2015 Jun;93(6):902-12. doi: 10.1002/jnr.23560. Epub 2015 Jan 29.
- Pre- and postnatal calorie restriction is associated with postnatal growth restriction, reduced circulating leptin concentrations, and perturbed energy balance. Hypothalamic regulation of energy balance demonstrates enhanced orexigenic (NPY, AgRP) and diminished anorexigenic (POMC, CART) neuropeptid
- PMID 25639584
- The ratios of 2nd to 4th digit may be a predictor of schizophrenia in male patients.
- Bolu A1, Oznur T, Develi S, Gulsun M, Aydemir E, Alper M, Toygar M.
- Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.).Clin Anat.2015 May;28(4):551-6. doi: 10.1002/ca.22527. Epub 2015 Mar 16.
- The production of androgens (mostly testosterone) during the early fetal stage is essential for the differentiation of the male brain. Some authors have suggested a relationship between androgen exposure during the prenatal period and schizophrenia. These two separate relationships suggest that digi
- PMID 25779956
- Pregnancy outcomes in advanced kidney disease.
- Feng Z1, Minard C, Raghavan R.
- Clinical nephrology.Clin Nephrol.2015 May;83(5):272-8.
- Maternal and fetal outcomes of pregnant women with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD stage 4 and 5) are not well chronicled. Since 1980, we could locate only five published case series'studying this population. This study examines nine pregnant women with severe CKD (defined as estimated GFR <
- PMID 25899576
Japanese Journal
- Sonography-based volume computer-aided display labor法
- 小林 浩一,後藤 美希,坂巻 健
- 超音波医学 advpub(0), 2015
- Sonography-based volume computer-aided display labor法を用いた分娩時の経会陰超音波検査は,児頭の下降や回旋の評価などにおいて,内診所見を補完することが可能である.また,鉗子や吸引で児頭を牽引する場合,その安全性や成功率を評価することができ,牽引を開始する方向を知ることができるため安全で確実な鉗子/吸引分娩に寄与する可能性がある.
- NAID 130005094214
- ゲメプロストを用いた後期人工流産処置時の出血リスク因子の検討
- 鈴木 陽介,中辻 友希,中江 彩 [他],山下 紗弥,橘 陽介,渡辺 慶子,信永 敏克,増原 完治
- 産婦人科の進歩 67(2), 47-52, 2015
- 妊娠12週から21週までの後期人工流産時処置において,子宮破裂や大量出血をきたし,輸血や子宮動脈塞栓術や子宮摘出などが必要となることがあり,時に母体死亡に至ることもある.後期人工流産処置施行時には海外では一般的にD&E(dilation and evacuation)が施行されるが,本邦ではゲメプロスト使用による分娩誘発が一般的である.ゲメプロストによる後期人工流産の出血リスクを検討するにあたり, …
- NAID 130005085376
- Erythropoietin Gene Expression: Developmental-Stage Specificity, Cell-Type Specificity, and Hypoxia Inducibility
- Suzuki Norio
- The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 235(3), 233-240, 2015
- … The first Epo-producing cells emerge in the neural crest and neuroepithelium of mid-stage embryos and support primitive erythropoiesis in the yolk sac. … Subsequently, Epo from the hepatocytes stimulates erythropoiesis in the fetal liver of later stage embryos in a paracrine manner. … In fact, erythroid lineage cells comprise the largest cell population in the fetal liver, and hepatocytes are distributed among the erythroid cell clusters. …
- NAID 130004822447
Related Links
- fetal stage, (in embryology) the interval from the end of the embryonic stage, at the end of the seventh or eighth week of gestation, to birth, 38 to 42 weeks ... Noah explained that the teratoma is formed during the fetal stage of ...
- Psychology Definition of FETAL STAGE: the final stage of human prenatal development, from the 8th or 9th week after fertilisation to the time of birth. It is preceded by the embryonic stage.
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