- 関
- lateral pyramidal tract
- trace a line through or across; "cross your `t"
- any affliction that causes great suffering; "that is his cross to bear"; "he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns" (同)crown_of_thorns
- a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece
- extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; "cross members should be all steel"; "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully"; "transversal vibrations"; "transverse colon" (同)transverse, transversal, thwartwise
- to cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries" (同)traverse, span, sweep
- fold so as to resemble a cross; "she crossed her legs"
- meet and pass; "the trains crossed"
- use or deal in (as of stock or commercial transaction) in a pyramid deal
- (stock market) a series of transactions in which the speculator increases his holdings by using the rising market value of those holdings as margin for further purchases
- a polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex
- increase rapidly and progressively step by step on a broad base
- arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid
- enlarge ones holdings on an exchange on a continued rise by using paper profits as margin to buy additional amounts
- a brief treatise on a subject of interest; published in the form of a booklet (同)pamphlet
- an extended area of land (同)piece of land, piece of ground, parcel of land, parcel
- a system of body parts that together serve some particular purpose
- a drawing created by superimposing a semitransparent sheet of paper on the original image and copying on it the lines of the original image (同)trace
- the act of drawing a plan or diagram or outline
- the discovery and description of the course of development of something; "the tracing of genealogies"
- placed crosswise; "spoken with a straight face but crossed fingers"; "crossed forks"; "seated with arms across"
- (of a check) marked for deposit only as indicated by having two lines drawn across it
- 〈C〉(昔,罪人のはりつけの刑に用いた)『十字架』 / 《the C-》キリストがはりつけになった十字架;キリスト教の象徴としての十字架 / 〈C〉十字(キリスト教徒が右手で切る) / 〈C〉イエスのために耐える苦しみ,受難 / 〈C〉十字架像;(紋章などの)十字形 / 〈C〉キリスト教信仰;《集合的に》キリスト教徒 / 〈C〉十字記号(crisscross)(+または×) / 〈C〉《修飾語を伴って》十字勲章 / 《『the Cross』》南十字星(the Southern Cross) / 〈C〉(動物・植物の)(…間の)異種交配;雑種《+『between』+『名』+『and』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(ボクシングの)クロスパンチ / (信仰のしるしとして)〈人・自分〉‘に'『十字を切る』 / …'を'『交差させる』(『する』) / …‘に'『交差させて線を引く』;《英》〈小切手〉‘に'線引きする;…'を'横線(×印)をつけて消す《+『名』+『out』(『off』),+『out』(『off』)+『名』》 / …'を'『横切る』,横断する,渡る / 〈心〉'を'よぎる,‘に'ふと浮かぶ / …‘と'すれ違う,行き違う / …'を'妨げる,‘の'じゃまをする / …'を'交配する / 『交差する』,交わる / (…へ)『横切る』,渡る《+『over to』+『名』》 / すれ違いになる / 〈動物・植物が〉交配する,雑種になる / おこりっぽい,ふきげんな / (風が)反対の / 十文字に交差した,横切った
- (エジプト・メキシコなどの)『ピラミッド』 / ピラミッド形の物 / (幾何の)角錐(かくすい) / ピラミッド形になる / 〈物価などが〉上昇する,増加する / …‘を'ピラミッド形にする(積み上げる)
- 広大な土地(地域),(土地・海・空などの)広がり《+of+名》 / (器官の)管,(神経の)索
- (おもに宗教・政治などの宣伝用の)小冊子,パンフレット
- 跡を追うこと,追跡;透写,複写 / 〈C〉 / 透写(複写)によってできたもの(地図・図案など),透写図
- (十字形に)交差した / 十字を引いてある,線引きの
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/19 03:37:08」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Lateral corticospinal tract |
Lateral corticospinal tract labeled in red at upper left. |
Latin |
Tractus corticospinalis lateralis,
fasciculus cerebrospinalis lateralis |
Gray's |
subject #185 759 |
The lateral corticospinal tract (also called the crossed pyramidal tract or lateral cerebrospinal fasciculus) is the largest part of the corticospinal tract. It extends throughout the entire length of the medulla spinalis, and on transverse section appears as an oval area in front of the posterior column and medial to the posterior spinocerebellar tract.
- 1 Description
- 2 Pathologies
- 3 References
- 4 Additional images
- 5 External links
Descending motor pathways carry motor signals from the brain down the spinal cord and to the target muscle or organ. They typically consist of an upper motor neuron and a lower motor neuron. The lateral corticospinal tract is a descending motor pathway that begins in the cerebral cortex, decussates in the pyramids of the lower medulla [1] (also known as the myelencephalon, the most posterior division of the brain[2] ) and proceeds down the contralateral side of the spinal cord. It is the largest part of the corticospinal tract. It extends throughout the entire length of the medulla spinalis, and on transverse section appears as an oval area in front of the posterior column and medial to the posterior spinocerebellar tract.
The lateral corticospinal tract leaves out of the anterior horns of the spinal cord. It controls fine movement of ipsilateral limbs (albeit contralateral to the corresponding motor cortex) as it lies distal to the pyramidal decussation. Control of more central axial and girdle muscles comes from the anterior corticospinal tract.[3]
This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (December 2012) |
Poliomyelitis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis arise out of complications in the lateral corticospinal tract. Both of these diseases result in muscle atrophy. In poliomyelitis, the poliovirus destroys motor neurons found in the brainstem and anterior horn of the spinal cord. This inhibits the lower motor neurons of the lateral corticospinal tract from travelling to the target muscle or organ and delivering the signal from the brain. In amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the lateral side of the spinal cord undergoes scarring. The astrocytes found in the spinal cord, which are vital to the healthy functioning of the central nervous system, fail to reabsorb a specific neurotransmitter. This causes the neurotransmitter to reach toxic levels and leads to scarring in the lateral regions of the spinal cord. This also disrupts neural signal transmission
- ^ Saladin, Kenneth (2012). Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 486–488. ISBN 978-0-07-337825-1.
- ^ Pinel, John (2011). Biopsychology. Boston: Pearson Education Inc. ISBN 978-0-2-5-83256-9 .
- ^ Blumenfeld, Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases, 2002
Additional images[edit]
Section of the medulla oblongata through the lower part of the decussation of the pyramids
Section of the medulla oblongata at the level of the decussation of the pyramids.
External links[edit]
- NeuroNames hier-798
- -845545463 at GPnotebook
- Lateral+corticospinal+tract at eMedicine Dictionary
- Overview at thebrain.mcgill.ca
- Neuroanatomy at UW sc97/text/P4/intro.htm
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Human brain: rhombencephalon, myelencephalon: medulla (TA A14.1.04, GA 9.767)
Dorsal |
Posterior median sulcus · Posterolateral sulcus · Area postrema · Vagal trigone · Hypoglossal trigone · Medial eminence
Grey: Cranial nuclei
afferent: GVA: VII,IX,X: Solitary/tract/Dorsal respiratory group · SVA: Gustatory nucleus · GSA: VIII-v (Lateral, Medial, Inferior)
efferent: GSE: XII · GVE: IX,X,XI: Ambiguus · SVE: X: Dorsal · IX: Inferior salivatory nucleus
Grey: other
Gracile nucleus · Cuneate nucleus · Accessory cuneate nucleus
White: Sensory/ascending
Sensory decussation · Medial lemniscus · Inferior cerebellar peduncle (Juxtarestiform body) · Ascending dorsal longitudinal fasciculus · MLF, III, IV and VI
White: Motor/descending
Descending dorsal longitudinal fasciculus · MLF, III, IV and VI
Ventral |
White: Motor/descending
Motor decussation · Olivocerebellar tract · Rubro-olivary tract
Grey matter
Ventral respiratory group · Arcuate nucleus of medulla · Inferior olivary nucleus · Rostral ventromedial medulla
Anterior median fissure · Anterolateral sulcus · Olive · Pyramid
Grey: Raphe/
reticular |
Reticular formation (Gigantocellular, Parvocellular, Ventral, Lateral, Paramedian) · Raphe nuclei (Obscurus, Magnus, Pallidus)
anat (n/s/m/p/4/e/b/d/c/a/f/l/g)/phys/devp
noco (m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
Anatomy of torso (primarily): the spinal cord (TA 14.1.02, GA 9.749)
External, dorsal |
Posterior median sulcus · Posterolateral sulcus
Grey matter/
Rexed laminae |
I–VI: Posterior horn
I: Marginal nucleus · II: Substantia gelatinosa of Rolando · III+IV: Nucleus proprius · Spinal lamina V · Spinal lamina VI
VII: Lateral horn
Intermediolateral nucleus · Posterior thoracic nucleus
VIII–IX: Anterior horn
Interneuron · Alpha motor neuron (Onuf's nucleus)
X: Other
Central gelatinous substance · Gray commissure
Central canal · Terminal ventricle
White matter |
Posterior/PCML: touch: Gracile · Cuneate
Lateral: proprioception: Spinocerebellar (Dorsal, Ventral) · pain/temp: Spinothalamic (Lateral, Anterior) · Posterolateral (Lissauer) · Spinotectal
Spinoreticular tract · Spino-olivary tract
Lateral: Corticospinal (Lateral) · Ep (Rubrospinal, Olivospinal)
Anterior: Corticospinal (Anterior) · Ep (Vestibulospinal, Reticulospinal, Tectospinal)
Anterior white commissure
External, ventral |
Anterior median fissure · Anterolateral sulcus
External, general |
Cervical enlargement · Lumbar enlargement · Conus medullaris · Filum terminale · Cauda equina
anat (n/s/m/p/4/e/b/d/c/a/f/l/g)/phys/devp
noco (m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
Brain and spinal cord: neural tracts and fasciculi
ascending |
1°: Pacinian corpuscle/Meissner's corpuscle → Posterior column (Gracile fasciculus/Cuneate fasciculus) → Gracile nucleus/Cuneate nucleus
2°: → sensory decussation/arcuate fibers (Posterior external arcuate fibers, Internal arcuate fibers) → Medial lemniscus/Trigeminal lemniscus → Thalamus (VPL, VPM)
3°: → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Postcentral gyrus
1° (Free nerve ending → A delta fiber) → 2° (Anterior white commissure → Lateral and Anterior Spinothalamic tract → Spinal lemniscus → VPL of Thalamus) → 3° (Postcentral gyrus) → 4° (Posterior parietal cortex)
2° ( Spinotectal tract → Superior colliculus of Midbrain tectum)
1° (Group C nerve fiber → Spinoreticular tract → Reticular formation) → 2° (MD of Thalamus) → 3° (Cingulate cortex)
descending |
flexion: Primary motor cortex → Posterior limb of internal capsule → Decussation of pyramids → Corticospinal tract (Lateral, Anterior) → Neuromuscular junction
flexion: Primary motor cortex → Genu of internal capsule → Corticobulbar tract → Facial motor nucleus → Facial muscles
flexion: Red nucleus → Rubrospinal tract
extension: Vestibulocerebellum → Vestibular nuclei → Vestibulospinal tract
extension: Vestibulocerebellum → Reticular formation → Reticulospinal tract
Midbrain tectum → Tectospinal tract → muscles of neck
Basal ganglia
direct: 1° (Motor cortex → Striatum) → 2° (GPi) → 3° (Lenticular fasciculus/Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus) → 4° (Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area) → 5° (Motor cortex)
indirect: 1° (Motor cortex → Striatum) → 2° (GPe) → 3° (Subthalamic fasciculus → Subthalamic nucleus) → 4° (Subthalamic fasciculus → GPi) → 5° (Lenticular fasciculus/Ansa lenticularis → Thalamic fasciculus → VL of Thalamus) → 6° (Thalamocortical radiations → Supplementary motor area) → 7° (Motor cortex)
nigrostriatal pathway: Pars compacta → Striatum
Cerebellar |
Vestibular nucleus → Vestibulocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum → Granule cell
Pontine nuclei → Pontocerebellar fibers → MCP → Deep cerebellar nuclei → Granule cell
Inferior olivary nucleus → Olivocerebellar tract → ICP → Hemisphere → Purkinje cell → Deep cerebellar nuclei
Dentate nucleus in Lateral hemisphere/pontocerebellum → SCP → Dentatothalamic tract → Thalamus (VL) → Motor cortex
Interposed nucleus in Intermediate hemisphere/spinocerebellum → SCP → Reticular formation, or → Cerebellothalamic tract → Red nucleus → Thalamus (VL) → Motor cortex
Fastigial nucleus in Flocculonodular lobe/vestibulocerebellum → Vestibulocerebellar tract → Vestibular nucleus
Unc. prop.
lower limb → 1° (muscle spindles → DRG) → 2° (Posterior thoracic nucleus → Dorsal/posterior spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellar vermis)
upper limb → 1° (muscle spindles → DRG) → 2° (Accessory cuneate nucleus → Cuneocerebellar tract → ICP → Anterior lobe of cerebellum)
Reflex arc
lower limb → 1° (Golgi tendon organ) → 2° (Ventral/anterior spinocerebellar tract→ SCP → Cerebellar vermis)
upper limb → 1° (Golgi tendon organ) → 2° ( Rostral spinocerebellar tract → ICP → Cerebellum)
anat (n/s/m/p/4/e/b/d/c/a/f/l/g)/phys/devp
noco (m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
anat (h/r/t/c/b/l/s/a)/phys (r)/devp/prot/nttr/nttm/ntrp
noco/auto/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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- 1. 同名半盲 homonymous hemianopia
- 2. 異所性および癒合性異常腎 renal ectopic and fusion anomalies
- 3. 気腫性尿路感染症 emphysematous urinary tract infections
- 4. 総胆管損傷の修復 repair of common bile duct injuries
- 5. 妊娠中の尿路感染症および無症候性細菌尿 urinary tract infections and asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy
English Journal
- Fezf2 expression in layer 5 projection neurons of mature mouse motor cortex.
- Tantirigama ML1, Oswald MJ1, Clare AJ2, Wicky HE2, Day RC2, Hughes SM2, Empson RM1.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2016 Mar 1;524(4):829-45. doi: 10.1002/cne.23875. Epub 2015 Aug 30.
- The mature cerebral cortex contains a wide diversity of neuron phenotypes. This diversity is specified during development by neuron-specific expression of key transcription factors, some of which are retained for the life of the animal. One of these key developmental transcription factors that is al
- PMID 26234885
- Direct and crossed effects of somatosensory electrical stimulation on motor learning and neuronal plasticity in humans.
- Veldman MP1, Zijdewind I2, Solnik S3,4, Maffiuletti NA5, Berghuis KM6, Javet M7, Négyesi J8, Hortobágyi T6,9.
- European journal of applied physiology.Eur J Appl Physiol.2015 Dec;115(12):2505-19. doi: 10.1007/s00421-015-3248-z. Epub 2015 Sep 3.
- PURPOSE: Sensory input can modify voluntary motor function. We examined whether somatosensory electrical stimulation (SES) added to motor practice (MP) could augment motor learning, interlimb transfer, and whether physiological changes in neuronal excitability underlie these changes.METHODS: Partici
- PMID 26335625
- Intraoperative brain mapping to identify corticospinal projections during resective epilepsy surgery in children with congenital hemiparesis.
- Yang TF1, Chen HH, Liang ML, Chen C, Chiu JW, Wang JC, Lai CJ, Liao KK, Chan RC.
- Child's nervous system : ChNS : official journal of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery.Childs Nerv Syst.2014 Sep;30(9):1559-64. doi: 10.1007/s00381-014-2436-1. Epub 2014 May 14.
- PURPOSE: The purpose of the study is to determine corticospinal organization using intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring (IONM) during resective epilepsy surgery for patients with congenital hemiparesis and intractable epilepsy.METHODS: Ten patients, aged 3-17, with intractable epilepsy underwe
- PMID 24825575
Japanese Journal
- Hemiplegia Cruciata Found in the Extramedullary Tumor of the Upper Cervical Spinal Cord. A Case Report.:A Case Report
- 川越 勝秀,酒匂 崇,橋口 雅尚,中川 雅裕,森本 典夫,森園 良幸
- 整形外科と災害外科 40(4), 1532-1535, 1992
- … Hemiplegia cruciata is produced by involvement of the crossed arm and uncrossed leg fibers of the pyramidal tract at the level of the decussation of the pyramid.Etiology has been reported to be hemorrhage, occlusion of the anterior spinal artery and trauma such as fracture of the odontoid process, but hardly due to spinal cord tumor. …
- NAID 130001632845
Related Links
- lateral corticospinal tract, a group of nerve fibers in the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord, originating in the cerebral cortex, that control voluntary movement of the body. lat·er·al cor·ti·co·spi·nal tract [TA] those fibers that cross to the ...
- Crossed pyramidal tract information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues. ... Introduction: Crossed pyramidal tract Description of Crossed pyramidal tract Crossed ...
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- 関
- crossed pyramidal tract
- 関
- crossbred、crossbreeding、crossing、crossing over、crosslink、crossreact、decussation、hybridization、hybridize、intersect、intersection、pass、pass through、passage、transect、transit、transversal、transverse
- 関
- corticobulbar tract、corticospinal tract、pyramidal、pyramidal decussation、pyramidal system
- 関
- cone、petrosal、pyramid、pyramidal system、pyramidal tract
- 関
- chase、follow up、follow-up、pursue、pursuit、trace
- 関
- crossing