- the act of converging (coming closer) (同)converging, convergency
- the approach of an infinite series to a finite limit (同)convergency
- the occurrence of two or more things coming together
- the number of inhabitants (either the total number or the number of a particular race or class) in a given place (country or city etc.); "people come and go, but the population of this town has remained approximately constant for the past decade"; "the African-American population of Salt Lake City has been increasing"
- the act of populating (causing to live in a place); "he deplored the population of colonies with convicted criminals"
- (statistics) the entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn; "it is an estimate of the mean of the population" (同)universe
- a group of organisms of the same species inhabiting a given area; "they hired hunters to keep down the deer population"
- the people who inhabit a territory or state; "the population seemed to be well fed and clothed"
- create by putting components or members together; "She pieced a quilt"; "He tacked together some verses"; "They set up a committee" (同)piece, put together, set_up, tack, tack together
- get people together; "assemble your colleagues"; "get together all those who are interested in the project"; "gather the close family members" (同)gather, get together
- a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel (同)bottleneck, chokepoint
- the action or process of compressing
- tight or narrow compression (同)coarctation
- a tight feeling in some part of the body; "he felt a constriction in her chest"; "she felt an alarming tightness in her chest"; "emotion caused a constriction of his throat" (同)tightness
- fill with inhabitants; "populate the forest with deer and wild boar for hunting"
- inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of; "People lived in Africa millions of years ago"; "The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted"; "this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean"; "deer are populating the woods" (同)dwell, live, inhabit
- move or draw together at a certain location; "The crowd converged on the movie star"
- come together so as to form a single product; "Social forces converged to bring the Fascists back to power"
- be adjacent or come together; "The lines converge at this point" (同)meet
- approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit
- 1点に集まること;〈C〉1点に集まった箇所
- 〈U〉〈C〉『人口』,住民の数 / 《the~》《集合的に》(一定地域の)『全体民』 / 《the~》(特定階層の)人々,連中 / 〈U〉〈C〉(一定の区域内にいる)動植物の個体数
- (ある目的で)〈人・物〉'を'『集める』,集合させる / (部品を集めて)〈機械など〉'を'『組み立てる』 / …'を'整とんする,きちんと並べる / (人が)集まる,会合する(meet)
- 〈U〉締めつけること,圧縮・〈U〉(胸などが)締めつけられる感じ / 〈C〉締めつけるもの
- (植民のために)…‘に'人を移住させる,植民する / 《しばしば受動態で》〈ある所〉‘に'住む
- (同一点・同一場所に)集まる,集中する《+『on』+『名』》 / (物理・数学で)収れんする / …'を'1点に集める
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- 数学の用語で収束のこと。極限を参照。
- 物理学(光学)の用語で、凸レンズや凹面鏡によって光が一点に集まること。収斂火災の原因ともなる。
- 生物学の用語で収斂進化のこと。(参照→相似_(生物学))
- 医学・薬学用語で収斂作用のこと。
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Convergence may refer to:
- 1 Computing and technology
- 2 Economy
- 3 Gatherings
- 4 Literature
- 5 Mathematics
- 6 Music
- 7 Natural sciences
- 8 Other
- 9 See also
Computing and technology
- Convergence (evolutionary computing), a means of modeling the tendency for genetic characteristics of populations to stabilize over time
- Convergence (routing), the status of a set of routers having the same knowledge of the surrounding network topology
- Convergence (SSL), a distributed replacement for the CA system used by Secure Sockets Layer
- Convergence (telecommunications), the combination of multiple services through lines of telecommunication from a single provider
- Technological convergence, the tendency for different technological systems to evolve toward performing similar tasks
- Convergence (economics), a possible phenomenon also known as the Catch-up effect
- Convergence (accounting), the goal of and work towards establishing a single set of accounting standards that will be used internationally
- Digital convergence, the convergence of the information technology, telecommunications, consumer electronics, and entertainment industries into digital media conglomerates
- Convergence (goth festival), the annual net.goth party
- CONvergence (convention), a speculative fiction convention in Minnesota
- Convergence (Net-25 program), an I.T. Show on NET25 in the Philippines
- Convergence (ABC convention), an annual gathering of gay men of size and their admirers in North America
- Convergence Festival, an annual sustainable living festival in Ireland
- Convergence (book series), edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen
- Convergence (novel), by Charles Sheffield
- Convergence (comics), the name for two separate events published by DC Comics:
- A 4-part crossover storyline that united the four Weirdoverse titles in 1997.
- A 2015 crossover storyline spanning the DC comics multiverse.
- Convergence (logic), the property that different transformations of the same state have a transformation to the same end state
- Convergence (mathematics), the process of some functions and sequences approaching a limit under certain conditions
- Convergence of random variables, different forms of stochastic convergence
- A property of dynamical systems studied in stability theory
- Convergence (David Arkenstone and David Lanz album), 1996
- Convergence (Dave Douglas album), 1999
- Convergence (Front Line Assembly album)
Natural sciences
- Convergent boundary, the movement of two tectonic plates coming closer
- Convergent evolution, the acquisition of the same biological trait in unrelated lineages
- Convergence (eye), simultaneous inward movement of eyes toward each other
- Convergence (sustainability science), progress towards equity within biological planetary limits in sustainability science
- Convergence of evidence
- Convergence zone, a region in the atmosphere where two prevailing flows meet and interact.
- Convergence zones of sonars, see Sonar.
- For multiple gun convergence, see Gun harmonisation.
- Convergence (Guatemala), a political party in Guatemala
- Convergence (Mexico), a political party in Mexico
- Convergence (relationship), the tendency to become more alike as a relationship progresses
- Convergence (New Jersey), an office campus in Whippany, New Jersey
- Convergence (painting), a 1952 oil painting by Jackson Pollock
- Convergence (journal), an academic journal that covers the fields of communications and media
- Language convergence, the tendency of languages whose speaker communities overlap significantly to influence each other and become more similar as a result
- Convergence (Christianity), a movement or trend within the theology and/or practice of Christianity
See also
- Converge (disambiguation)
- Convergent
- Transmedia storytelling
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English Journal
- Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) rescues mice from γ-ray irradiation by accelerating hematopoiesis and curtailing immunosuppression.
- Cho J1, Bing SJ1, Kim A2, Lee NH3, Byeon SH3, Kim GO4, Jee Y1.
- Pharmaceutical biology.Pharm Biol.2017 Dec;55(1):306-319.
- CONTEXT: Beetroot [Beta vulgaris Linné (Chenopodiaceae)], a vegetable usually consumed as a food or a medicinal plant in Europe, has been reported to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Since the lymphohematopoietic system is the most sensitive tissue to ionizing radiation, protectin
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- pH-switchable bacteria detection using zwitterionic fluorescent polymer.
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- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2017 Apr 15;90:187-194. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.11.051. Epub 2016 Nov 23.
- Recently, RNA viral infections caused by respiratory viruses, such as influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, coronavirus, and Middle East respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and Zika virus, are a major public health threats in the world. Although myriads of diagnostic method
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Japanese Journal
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- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 85(E1), E62-E65, 2015-03-31
- 子宮広間膜異常裂孔ヘルニアは非常に希な症例である。症例は49歳女性。既往歴・手術歴なし。自然分娩歴1回。某日、夜間に腹痛・嘔吐を主訴に救急外来受診となった。来院時、下腹部に軽度圧痛あり。CT上、骨盤内小腸拡張および少量腹水貯留認め、イレウスの診断で入院となった。翌朝になり腹膜刺激症状出現。前日の造影CTにて子宮左側に腸管の収束像がみられ、子宮近傍の内ヘルニア疑いで同日、腹腔鏡下手術を施行した。術中 …
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- Tsubakino Daisuke,Hara Shinji
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- … The conversion is successfullyachieved for a class of weighting functions, and the resultant observer realizes exponential convergence of the estimation error withan arbitrary decay rate in terms of the L2 norm. …
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- convergenceとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]1 一点への集合,集中;(意見などの)合致;集合状態,集合点(⇔divergence).2 (各地の文化などの)同時発生.3 《生理》(両眼の)収束.4 《気象》速度収束(度);質量収束 ...
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- 英
- population、assembly、aggregation、convergence、assemblage、assemble、(細胞が)populate、come together
- 関
- アセンブリー、集める、個体群、凝集、組立、構築、収束、集団、収斂、人口、人種、定植、輻輳、母集団、集合体、居住、組み立てる、アセンブリ、アセンブル、アッセンブリー、ポピュレーション、会合体、一体となる
- 関
- aggregation、amass、architectural、architecture、assemblage、assembly、build、collect、come together、construct、convergence、gather、organize、populate、population、structure
- 関
- aggregation、assemblage、assemble、assembly、cluster、collective、come together、convergence、general population、group、mass、populate、race、racial
- 関
- constriction、constrictive、contract、contraction、convergence、convergent、deflation、shrink、stenoses、stenosis、stenotic、stricture
- 関
- constrict、constrictive、contract、contraction、convergence、convergent、deflation、shrink、stenoses、stenosis、stenotic、stricture