- fasten with tacks; "tack the notice on the board"
- (nautical) the act of changing tack (同)tacking
- a short nail with a sharp point and a large head
- sailing a zigzag course
- the heading or position of a vessel relative to the trim of its sails
- turn into the wind; "The sailors decided to tack the boat"; "The boat tacked" (同)wear round
- a mountain mahogany
- very hard unsalted biscuit or bread; a former ships staple (同)pilot biscuit, pilot bread, sea_biscuit, ship_biscuit
- someone who attacks (同)aggressor, assailant, assaulter
- 〈C〉(頭部の平たい)びょう・〈C〉〈U〉(風の向きと帆の位置で決まる)船の針路 / 〈C〉(帆の位置を変えて行う)針路変更 / 〈C〉〈U〉方針,やり方 / 〈C〉(裁縫の)しつけ,仮縫い / …‘を'びょうで留める《+down+名,+名+down》 / (…に)…‘を'付け加える《+名+on(onto)+名》 / …‘を'仮縫いする / (風上に向けて)〈船〉‘の'針路を変える;〈船〉‘を'ジグザグに進ませる / (船の)針路を変える;ジグザグに進む
- (兵士・船員用などの)堅パン,乾パン
- ありがと
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/06/14 17:58:34」(JST)
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Look up tack in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Tack may refer to:
- 1 People
- 2 Implements, and creative or constructive tasks and materials
- 3 Sailing
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
- Augustus Vincent Tack (1870–1949), American painter
Implements, and creative or constructive tasks and materials
- Tack (sewing) (also baste or pin), quick, temporary stitching intended to be removed
- Blu Tack, a reusable putty-like pressure-sensitive adhesive used for attaching paper items to walls
- Horse tack, harness and equipment to allow horse-back riding
- Thumbtack or drawing pin, a short nail or pin easily placed and removed by hand
- Tack, a type of cut nail, used in upholstery, shoe making and saddle manufacture
- Tack weld, a specific short and often temporary type of weld
- A tack as a part of the tacking maneuver; in which a sailing boat turns its bow through the wind
- Tack (sailing), the lower corner of a sail's leading edge
- Tack (square sail), a type of rigging unique to square sails
Other uses
- Hardtack, a hard cracker or biscuit used for food on sea voyages and by soldiers during the American Civil War
- Scottish lease, as held by a tacksman
- Tack, another name for stickiness in chemistry
See also
- Tacking (disambiguation)
- Tact (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Metal and nutrient dynamics in decomposing tree litter on a metal contaminated site.
- Van Nevel L1, Mertens J2, Demey A3, De Schrijver A3, De Neve S4, Tack FM5, Verheyen K3.
- Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987).Environ Pollut.2014 Jun;189:54-62. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2014.02.009. Epub 2014 Mar 14.
- In a forest on sandy, metal polluted soil, we examined effects of six tree species on litter decomposition rates and accompanied changes in metal (Cd, Zn) and nutrient (base cations, N, C) amounts. Decomposition dynamics were studied by means of a litterbag experiment lasting for 30 months. The deco
- PMID 24631973
- Community Survey of Rabies Knowledge and Exposure to Bats in Homes - Sumter County, South Carolina, USA.
- Lankau EW1, Cox SW, Ferguson SC, Blanton JD, Tack DM, Petersen BW, Rupprecht CE.
- Zoonoses and public health.Zoonoses Public Health.2014 May 10. doi: 10.1111/zph.12135. [Epub ahead of print]
- Subsequent to a human rabies death in Sumter County, South Carolina, we assessed the frequency of exposures to bats in homes and citizens' rabies knowledge. A self-administered survey was mailed to 6033 randomly selected Sumter County addresses. The survey inquired about household exposures to bats
- PMID 24815566
- Tuning of automatic exposure control strength in lumbar spine CT.
- D'Hondt A1, Cornil A, Bohy P, De Maertelaer V, Gevenois PA, Tack D.
- The British journal of radiology.Br J Radiol.2014 May;87(1037):20130707. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20130707. Epub 2014 Mar 10.
- Objective: To investigate the impact of tuning the automatic exposure control (AEC) strength curve (specific to Care Dose 4D®; Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany) from "average" to "strong" on image quality, radiation dose and operator dependency during lumbar spine CT examinations. Methods: Tw
- PMID 24754342
- Non-invasive quantification of the beta cell mass by SPECT with ¹¹¹In-labelled exendin.
- Brom M1, Woliner-van der Weg W, Joosten L, Frielink C, Bouckenooghe T, Rijken P, Andralojc K, Göke BJ, de Jong M, Eizirik DL, Béhé M, Lahoutte T, Oyen WJ, Tack CJ, Janssen M, Boerman OC, Gotthardt M.
- Diabetologia.Diabetologia.2014 May;57(5):950-9. doi: 10.1007/s00125-014-3166-3. Epub 2014 Feb 1.
- AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: A reliable method for in vivo quantification of pancreatic beta cell mass (BCM) could lead to further insight into the pathophysiology of diabetes. The glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor, abundantly expressed on beta cells, may be a suitable target for imaging. We investigated the pot
- PMID 24488022
Japanese Journal
- 総合格闘技のための科学的根拠に基づくストレングス&コンディショニングのガイドライン
- Tack Chris
- Strength & conditioning journal : 日本ストレングス&コンディショニング協会機関誌 22(7), 46-55, 2015-08
- NAID 40020548058
- 海外情報 タッキングはいつ適用されるのか : 米国最高裁は陪審員の知識が最良であると判断 Hana Financial, Inc. v. Hana Bank 574 US_, 135 S. Ct. 907 (2015)
- Goldman Beth M.,Aghnami Eileen,事務局 [訳]
- A.I.P.P.I. = 一般社団法人日本国際知的財産保護協会月報 : Journal of the Japanese Group of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property 60(7), 651-654, 2015-07
- NAID 40020548505
- 恥骨上腹壁瘢痕ヘルニアに対して腹腔鏡下修復術を施行した1例
- 中野 敢友,井谷 史嗣,淺海 信也,大川 広,吉本 匡志,伊藤 雅典,門田 一晃,黒瀬 洋平,日置 勝義,石井 龍宏,貞森 裕,大野 聡,金 仁洙,高倉 範尚
- 岡山医学会雑誌 127(1), 31-34, 2015-04-01
- … Parietex composite mesh was used for fixation through all layers of the abdominal wall with non-absorbable sutures and tack fixation. … On the pubic side, after the pubis had been exposed by separating it from the bladder, we performed mesh fixation through all layers of the abdominal wall immediately above the pubis with the sutures placed inside the mesh, combined with tack mesh fixation directly to the pubis. …
- NAID 120005600978
- Quantum efficiency and dark current evaluation of a backside illuminated CMOS image sensor
- Vereecke Bart,Cavaco Celso,De Munck Koen,Haspeslagh Luc,Minoglou Kyriaki,Moore George,Sabuncuoglu Deniz,Tack Klaas,Wu Bob,Osman Haris
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(4S), 04DE09, 2015-03-23
- We report on the development and characterization of monolithic backside illuminated (BSI) imagers at imec. Different surface passivation, anti-reflective coatings (ARCs), and anneal conditions were i …
- NAID 150000110436
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