- abnormal narrowing of a bodily canal or passageway (同)stricture
- a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel (同)bottleneck, chokepoint
- the action or process of compressing
- tight or narrow compression (同)coarctation
- a tight feeling in some part of the body; "he felt a constriction in her chest"; "she felt an alarming tightness in her chest"; "emotion caused a constriction of his throat" (同)tightness
- become tight or as if tight; "Her throat constricted" (同)constringe, narrow
- severe criticism
- 〈U〉締めつけること,圧縮・〈U〉(胸などが)締めつけられる感じ / 〈C〉締めつけるもの
- 締めつける,圧縮する
- 〈物など〉'を'締めつける,圧縮する
- 《しばしば複数形で》(…についての)非難,酷評《+on(upon)+名》 / (管状器官の)狭窄
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Stenosis |
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CT scan of a bronchial stenosis (arrow) that resulted from tracheobronchial injury |
MeSH |
D003251 |
A stenosis (/stəˈnoʊsəs/;[1][2] plural: stenoses, /stəˈnoʊˌsiːs/) (from Ancient Greek στένωσις, "narrowing") is an abnormal narrowing in a blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure. It is also sometimes called a stricture (as in urethral stricture).[3] The term coarctation is a synonym,[4] but is commonly used only in the context of aortic coarctation.
Restenosis is the recurrence of stenosis after a procedure.
- 1 Diagnosis
- 2 Causes
- 3 Types
- 4 See also
- 5 References
- 6 External links
Stenoses of the vascular type are often associated with unusual blood sounds resulting from turbulent flow over the narrowed blood vessel. This sound can be made audible by a stethoscope, but diagnosis is generally made or confirmed with some form of medical imaging.
- atherosclerosis causes stenotic lesions in arteries.
- birth defects
- diabetes
- iatrogenic, e.g. secondary to radiation therapy
- infection
- inflammation
- ischemia
- neoplasm – in such cases, the stenosis is often said to be "malignant" or "benign", although this attribute actually refers to the neoplasm itself.
- smoking
- ureteral
- urethral
The resulting syndrome depends on the structure affected.
Examples of vascular stenotic lesions include:
- Intermittent claudication (peripheral artery stenosis)
- Angina (coronary artery stenosis)
- Carotid artery stenosis which predispose to (strokes and transient ischaemic episodes)
- Renal artery stenosis
The types of stenoses in heart valves are:
- Pulmonary valve stenosis
- Mitral stenosis
- Tricuspid valve stenosis
- Aortic valve stenosis
Stenoses/strictures of other bodily structures/organs include:
- Pyloric stenosis (gastric outflow obstruction)
- Lumbar, cervical or thoracic spinal stenosis
- Subglottic stenosis (SGS)
- Tracheal stenosis
- Obstructive jaundice (biliary tract stenosis)
- Bowel obstruction
- Phimosis
- Non-communicating hydrocephalus
- Stenosing tenosynovitis
See also
- ^ OED 2nd edition, 1989, as /stɪ'nəʊsɪs/.
- ^ Entry "stenosis" in Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.
- ^ "Dorlands Medical Dictionary:stenosis". www.mercksource.com. http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands_split.jsp?pg=/ppdocs/us/common/dorlands/dorland/seven/000100588.htm#000100588. Retrieved 2010-05-05.
- ^ "coarctation" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
External links
- Tracheal Stenosis Audio and Video
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English Journal
- Safety of early carotid artery stenting after systemic thrombolysis: a single center experience.
- Sallustio F, Koch G, Rocco A, Rossi C, Pampana E, Gandini R, Meschini A, Diomedi M, Stanzione P, Di Legge S.SourceDepartment of Clinical Neurological Sciences, Stroke Unit, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Viale Oxford 81, 00133 Rome, Italy.
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Japanese Journal
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- 長崎醫學會雜誌 : Nagasaki Igakkai zasshi 85(4), 343-349, 2011-12-25
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- A stenosis (plural: stenoses; from Ancient Greek στ?νωσι?, "narrowing") is an abnormal narrowing in a blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure. It is also sometimes called a stricture (as in urethral stricture). The term coarctation is ...
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- 収縮性の, 閉塞性の, 筋収縮性の, 狭窄の, 収縮の
- 関
- constrict、constriction、contract、contractile、contractility、contraction、deflation、obliterans、obliterative、obstructive、occlusive、occlusively、shrink、stenoses、stenosis、stenotic、stricture
- 関
- constriction、constrictive、contract、contraction、convergence、convergent、deflation、shrink、stenoses、stenosis、stenotic、stricture
- 関
- constrict、constrictive、contract、contraction、convergence、convergent、deflation、shrink、stenoses、stenosis、stenotic、stricture
- 関
- constrict、constriction、constrictive、stenoses、stenosis、stenotic
- 関
- constrict、constriction、constrictive、stenoses、stenosis、stricture
- 関
- vascular stenosis、vasoconstriction