持続血糖測定システム, CGMS
- (physical chemistry) a sample of matter in which substances in different phases are in equilibrium; "in a static system oil cannot be replaced by water on a surface"; "a system generating hydrogen peroxide"
- instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity; "he bought a new stereo system"; "the system consists of a motor and a small computer"
- a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole; "a vast system of production and distribution and consumption keep the country going" (同)scheme
- a complex of methods or rules governing behavior; "they have to operate under a system they oppose"; "that language has a complex system for indicating gender" (同)system of rules
- a group of physiologically or anatomically related organs or parts; "the body has a system of organs for digestion"
- a procedure or process for obtaining an objective; "they had to devise a system that did not depend on cooperation"
- the living body considered as made up of interdependent components forming a unified whole; "exercise helped him get the alcohol out of his system"
- of a function or curve; extending without break or irregularity
- continuing in time or space without interruption; "a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light"- James Jeans; "a continuous bout of illness lasting six months"; "lived in continuous fear"; "a continuous row of warehouses"; "a continuous line has no gaps or breaks in it"; "moving midweek holidays to the nearest Monday or Friday allows uninterrupted work weeks" (同)uninterrupted
- the act of observing something (and sometimes keeping a record of it); "the monitoring of enemy communications plays an important role in war times"
- a monosaccharide sugar that has several forms; an important source of physiological energy
- 〈C〉(関連した部分から成る)『体系』,系統,組織[網],装置 / 〈C〉(教育・政治などの)『制度』,機構;《the~》体制 / 〈C〉(思想・学問などの)『体系』,学説 / 〈C〉(…の)『方法』,方式,やり方《+of doing》 / 〈U〉正しい方針(筋道,順序) / 〈U〉《the~》(身体の)組織,系統 / 〈U〉《the~,one's~》身体,全身
- (時間的・空間的に)『切り目なく続く』;続けざまの,途切れない
- ブドウ糖
- (17,8世紀音楽での)通奏低音
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English Journal
- Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Quality of hypoglycemia detection.
- Zijlstra E, Heise T, Nosek L, Heinemann L, Heckermann S.SourceProfil Institut für Stoffwechselforschung GmbH, Neuss, Germany.
- Diabetes, obesity & metabolism.Diabetes Obes Metab.2012 Sep 13. doi: 10.1111/dom.12001. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIMS: To evaluate the accuracy of a (widely used) continuous glucose monitoring system and its ability to detect hypoglycemic events.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 18 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus used continuous glucose monitoring (Guardian REAL-Time CGMS) during two 9-day in-house peri
- PMID 22974231
- Comparison of Glucose Fluctuations between Day- and Night-Time Measured Using a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System in Diabetic Dogs.
- Mori A, Kurishima M, Oda H, Saeki K, Arai T, Sako T.SourceDepartment of Veterinary Nursing & Technology, School of Veterinary Science, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University.
- The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science.J Vet Med Sci.2012 Sep 10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Monitoring of blood glucose concentration is important to evaluate the diabetic status of dogs. Continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMS) have been applied in veterinary medicine for glucose monitoring in diabetic dogs. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the daily glycemic profiles obtained
- PMID 22971722
Japanese Journal
- 血糖値管理の現状とシステム制御情報技術(<特集>医療福祉ニーズに応えるシステム制御情報技術)
- Acute-Phase Glucose Fluctuation Is Negatively Correlated With Myocardial Salvage After Acute Myocardial Infarction:– Involvement of Monocyte Subsets –
- Teraguchi Ikuko,Imanishi Toshio,Ozaki Yuichi,Tanimoto Takashi,Ueyama Minoru,Orii Makoto,Shiono Yasutsugu,Shimamura Kunihiro,Ishibashi Kohei,Yamano Takashi,Ino Yasushi,Yamaguchi Tomoyuki,Hirata Kumiko,Kubo Takashi,Sanke Tokio,Akasaka Takashi
- Circulation Journal, 2013
- … This study investigated the impact of glucose fluctuation on myocardial salvage following successful recanalization of primary AMI. … Glycemic variability, as indicated by the mean amplitude of glycemic excursion (MAGE), was measured on a continuous glucose monitoring system. …
- NAID 130003382180
- Comparison of Glucose Fluctuations between Day- and Night-Time Measured Using a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System in Diabetic Dogs
- MORI Akihiro,KURISHIMA Miyuki,ODA Hitomi [他],SAEKI Kaori,ARAI Toshiro,SAKO Toshinori
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 75(1), 113-117, 2013
- … Monitoring of blood glucose concentration is important to evaluate the diabetic status of dogs. … Continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMS) have been applied in veterinary medicine for glucose monitoring in diabetic dogs. …
- NAID 130002090088
Related Links
- Glucose meters are a great tool, but sometimes you need to keep a closer eye on your blood sugar levels. That's where a device called a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) can help. This FDA-approved system tracks your blood ...
- Dexcom G4® PLATINUM System with Share (Pediatric) Dexcom Studio Mobile Apps Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitoring. Know where your glucose has been, where it is, and where it is going. Products Dexcom G4 ...
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- 英
- continuous glucose monitoring system, CGMS
- 同
- CGMシステム
- 関
- 糖尿病
持続血糖測定システム continuous glucose monitoring system
- 連続的な、連続する、連続性の、持続的な、持続性の、持続型の、継続的な、稽留の
- 関
- a sequence of、barrage、consecutive、consecutively、continual、continually、continue、continued、continuity、continuously、insurmountable、long-lasting、permanent、permanently、persistent、persistently、persisting、plateau、progressively、repository、sequence、sequential、serial、serially、series、successive、successively、sustained、tonic、tonically
- 関
- method、series、strain
- 関
- guard、oversight、scrutiny、surveillance