- undergo conjugation
- unite chemically so that the product is easily broken down into the original compounds
- formed by the union of two compounds; "a conjugated protein" (同)conjugated
- of an organic compound; containing two or more double bonds each separated from the other by a single bond (同)conjugated
- joined together especially in a pair or pairs (同)conjugated, coupled
- (of a pinnate leaflet) having only one pair of leaflets
- add inflections showing person, number, gender, tense, aspect, etc.; "conjugate the verb"
- deviate behavior (同)deviance
- the error of a compass due to local magnetic disturbances
- a variation that deviates from the standard or norm; "the deviation from the mean" (同)divergence, departure, difference
- the difference between an observed value and the expected value of a variable or function
- 〈動詞〉'を'活用(変化)させる / 〈動詞が〉活用(変化)する / 〈単細胞生物が〉接合する / (特に対になって)結合した,接合の
- 〈C〉〈U〉(…から)外れること,(…からの)脱線,逸脱《+『from』+『名』》 / 〈C〉偏差;磁針の自差
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English Journal
- Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome due to hemorrhagic brain infarction: a case report.
- Tanaka T1, Uno H, Miyashita K, Nagatsuka K.
- Journal of medical case reports.J Med Case Rep.2014 Jul 23;8:259. doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-8-259.
- INTRODUCTION: Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome is a condition featuring hyponatremia and dehydration caused by head injury, operation on the brain, subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain tumor and so on. However, there are a few reports of cerebral salt-wasting syndrome caused by cerebral infarction. We descr
- PMID 25055823
- Development of a monoclonal antibody-based immunochemical assay for liquiritin and its application to the quality control of licorice products.
- Fujii S1, Morinaga O, Uto T, Nomura S, Shoyama Y.
- Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.J Agric Food Chem.2014 Apr 16;62(15):3377-83. doi: 10.1021/jf404731z. Epub 2014 Apr 3.
- Liquiritin was reacted with a keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) to synthesize a liquiritin-KLH conjugate as an immunogen for mice. A hybridoma cell line named 2F8 secreted a monoclonal antibody (mAb) against liquiritin, which was applied to an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for liquiritin.
- PMID 24621071
- Iterative image-domain decomposition for dual-energy CT.
- Niu T, Dong X, Petrongolo M, Zhu L.
- Medical physics.Med Phys.2014 Apr;41(4):041901. doi: 10.1118/1.4866386.
- PURPOSE: Dual energy CT (DECT) imaging plays an important role in advanced imaging applications due to its capability of material decomposition. Direct decomposition via matrix inversion suffers from significant degradation of image signal-to-noise ratios, which reduces clinical values of DECT. Exis
- PMID 24694132
Japanese Journal
- Large Deviation Principles for Posterior Distributions of the Normal Parameters
- Shikimi Takuhisa
- 経営と経済 91(4), 149-160, 2012-03
- … If Pθis a normal distribution with mean θ and known variance σ2, and if theprior of is chosen from the conjugate family N(μ,v2) or proportionalto the Lebesgue measure, then it follows that the posterior distributionsgiven X1,...,Xn obey a large deviation principle with a rate function. …
- NAID 40019251252
- 一般口演 斜視3 共同偏視に対する外眼筋手術成績と患者満足度調査 (第67回日本弱視斜視学会(2))
Related Links
- deviation [de″ve-a´shun] 1. a turning away from the regular standard or course. 2. in ophthalmology, strabismus. 3. in statistics, the difference between a sample value and the mean. axis deviation an axis shift in the frontal plane, as ...
- Conjugate deviation of eyes definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! ... conjugate deviation of eyes n. The turning of eyes in parallel and at the same time, as ...
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- 英
- conjugate deviation
- 同
- 共役偏位、眼球共同偏倚?
共同偏視 BET.212,217
- 大脳:側方注視の随意運動の皮質中枢(前頭葉の皮質中枢)=中前頭回の尾側部, Area8
- ↓
- ↓
- 中脳:CNIIIとCNIVの神経核の間の高さで交叉
- ↓
- ↓
- 同側:動眼神経核
- 対側:同側の動眼神経核から内側縦束を通じで対側の動眼神経核へ
- (言語)(動詞)を活用/変化させる。
- (化学)~を共役させる。
- (生物)接合する。(言語)動詞が活用/変化する。
- 抱合する、接合する、結合する、共役する
- 関
- associate、bind、binding、bond、bonding、combine、complex、conjoin、conjugated、conjugation、conjunction、connect、connection、couple、coupling、dock、engage、engagement、join、juncture、ligate、linkage、mating、symphysial、union、zygote、zygotic
- 関
- conjugate、conjugation、couple、coupling