- come into fashion; become fashionable
- the quality of being good looking and attractive (同)fairness, loveliness, beauteousness
- be subject to or the object of; "The governor came in for a lot of criticism"
- be useful for a certain purpose
- reach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or position; "The water came to a boil"; "We came to understand the true meaning of life"; "Their anger came to a boil"; "I came to realize the true meaning of life"; "The shoes came untied"; "come into co
- be found or available; "These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled"
- come to pass; arrive, as in due course; "The first success came three days later"; "It came as a shock"; "Dawn comes early in June"
- happen as a result; "Nothing good will come of this"
- develop into; "This idea will never amount to anything"; "nothing came of his grandiose plans" (同)add up, amount
- be received; "News came in of the massacre in Rwanda" (同)come_in
- move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; "He came singing down the road"; "Come with me to the Casbah"; "come down here!"; "come out of the closet!"; "come into the room" (同)come_up
- to be the product or result; "Melons come from a vine"; "Understanding comes from experience" (同)follow
- cover a certain distance; "She came a long way"
- exist or occur in a certain point in a series; "Next came the student from France"
- experience orgasm; "she could not come because she was too upset"
- extend or reach; "The water came up to my waist"; "The sleeves come to your knuckles"
- have a certain priority; "My family comes first"
- holding office; "the in party"
- to or toward the inside of; "come in"; "smash in the door" (同)inwards, inward
- currently fashionable; "the in thing to do"; "large shoulder pads are in"
- directed or bound inward; "took the in bus"; "the in basket"
- 〈相手が〉(話し手の方へ)『来る』,やって来る;〈話し手が〉(相手の方へ)『行く』,伺う《+『to』(『into』)+『名』》 / (ある場所に)『着く』,到着する《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈時が〉『到来する』;〈順序が〉くる / (…に)『届く』,達する《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈事が〉(…に)『起こる』,生じる,降りかかる《+『to』+『名』》,(…から)起こる《+『from』(『of』)+『名』》 / 〈物が〉現れる,できる;〈子が〉生まれる / 〈考えなどが〉(人の)心に浮かぶ《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈人が〉(…の)『出身である』,生まれである《+『from』(『of』)+『名』》 / 〈商品などが〉利用できる,手に入る / (ある状態・結果に)『なる』,至る / 《命令形で促したり警告などを表して》さあ,これこれ / 《仮定法現在で,年月・時期などを表す語[句]の前で》…が来ると / 《仮定法現在》〈障害・難関など〉が来ても / 《『come the』+『名』の形で》(…の)ふるまいをする,(…)ぶる
- 《具体的な場所,位置》 / …『の中に』(『で』) / …『において』,…で / 《intoの代りに移動を表す動詞と共に》…『の中へ』 / (乗り物)『に乗って』 / …『の状熊に』(『で』) / …『に従事して』,に属して / …『を身につけて』,に覆われて / 《『in』do『ing』の形で》…『するときに』,する際に(when) / 《時間》 / …『して』,…『が経過したあと』 / …『の間に』 / …『については』,…の点では / 《方法・手段・材料》…『で』 / 《人を目的語にして,性質・能力があることを示して》…の中に / …の目的で,のつもりで,として / 《比率割合》…のうちで,につき / 《過去分詞に伴って》…に[…されて] / 『中へ』(に) / 『在宅して』,帰って / (乗り物などが)『到着して』,(時期・季節が)来て / 出回って,流行して / 《俗》流行の,当世風の / 《話》特定の人々にのみ理解される
- 『来たるべき』,『次の』 / 《話》前途有望な,今売り出し中の;新進の / (…の)『到来』,接近,致着(arrival)《+『of』+『名』》
- indiumの化学記号
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English Journal
- Antioxidant effects of gastrointestinal digested purple carrot extract on the human cells of colonic mucosa.
- Olejnik A1, Rychlik J2, Kidoń M3, Czapski J3, Kowalska K2, Juzwa W2, Olkowicz M2, Dembczyński R2, Moyer MP4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Jan 1;190:1069-77. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.06.080. Epub 2015 Jun 23.
- Purple carrot (PC) is a potential dietary constituent, which represents a valuable source of antioxidants and can modulate the reactive oxygen species (ROS) level in the gastrointestinal tract. Antioxidant capacity of a PC extract subjected to digestion process simulated in the artificial alimentary
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- Using Molecular Replacement Phasing to Study the Structure and Function of RNA.
- Marcia M1.
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).Methods Mol Biol.2016;1320:233-57. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2763-0_15.
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Japanese Journal
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インジウム indium