- conformity with rules or standards; "the judge recognized the fairness of my claim" (同)equity
- ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty (同)fair-mindedness, candor, candour
- injustice by virtue of not conforming with rules or standards (同)inequity
- partiality that is not fair or equitable
- a commission delegated to ensure opportunities for the expression of opposing views
- 《古》美しさ / 色白,金髪 / 公平,公正,正々堂々
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/10 22:16:41」(JST)
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Fairness or being fair may refer to:
- Justice
- Equity (law), a legal principle allowing for the use of discretion and fairness when applying justice
- Social justice, equality and solidarity in a society
- Distributive justice, the perceived appropriateness of the distribution of goods, benefits, and other outcomes in a society, group, or organization (see also: teleology)
- Procedural justice, the perceived appropriateness of rules or procedures used to allocate goods, benefits, and other outcomes (see also: deontology)
- Interactional justice, the perceived appropriateness of interpersonal treatment
- Environmental justice, the perceived appropriateness of the use or treatment of the environment or people via the environment, typically as a function of interpersonal or international relations
- Perceptions associated with the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and superior temporal sulcus brain regions, in the case of procedural justice, and the anterior cingulate cortex, anterior insula, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, in the case of distributive justice
- Fairness, absence of bias in specific realms:
- In American broadcasting, presentation of controversies in accord with the Fairness Doctrine
- In computer science, fairness is a property of unbounded nondeterminism
- In network engineering, access to resources formally rated by a fairness measure
- In game theory, abstract principles for achieving fair division
- In economics, relation among economic factors where price matches fair value that is (not only bias-free but also) rational
- Fairness of human pigmentation, relatively light coloring, especially of skin
- Being fair, property of motion of a batted baseball that qualifies it as a fair ball
- Sportsmanship
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English Journal
- Perspective: organizational professionalism: relevant competencies and behaviors.
- Egener B, McDonald W, Rosof B, Gullen D.SourceDr. Egener is medical director, Foundation for Medical Excellence, Portland, Oregon. Dr. McDonald is emeritus executive vice president, American College of Physicians, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Rosof is clinical professor of medicine, Hofstra North Shore LIJ School of Medicine, Hempstead, New York. Dr. Gullen is assistant professor of medicine, Mayo Clinic Program on Professionalism, Scottsdale, Arizona.
- Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.Acad Med.2012 May;87(5):668-74.
- The professionalism behaviors of physicians have been extensively discussed and defined; however, the professionalism behaviors of health care organizations have not been systemically categorized or described. Defining organizational professionalism is important because the behaviors of a health car
- PMID 22450182
- Measuring concerns for severity: Re-examination of a health scale with purported equal interval properties.
- Nord E.SourceNorwegian Institute of Public Health, P.O. Box 4404 Nydalen, 0403 Oslo, Norway.
- Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands).Health Policy.2012 May;105(2-3):312-6. Epub 2012 Mar 22.
- Severity of illness is an important official criterion for priority setting in health care in a number of jurisdictions. An 8-point scale of severity and functional status has been used in a number of studies in Norway in order to estimate the strength of concerns for severity in population samples.
- PMID 22444761
- Children discard a resource to avoid inequity.
- Shaw A, Olson KR.SourceDepartment of Psychology.
- Journal of experimental psychology. General.J Exp Psychol Gen.2012 May;141(2):382-95. Epub 2011 Oct 17.
- Elucidating how inequity aversion (a tendency to dislike and correct unequal outcomes) functions as one develops is important to understanding more complex fairness considerations in adulthood. Although previous research has demonstrated that adults and children reduce inequity, it is unclear if peo
- PMID 22004168
Japanese Journal
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- 伊藤 友輔,古閑 宏幸,飯田 勝吉
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- NAID 40020459863
- 宇佐美 誠
- 学術の動向 : SCJフォーラム = Trends in the sciences : SCJ Forum 20(4), 54-57, 2015-04
- NAID 40020455354
- 大学生の特性としての許しと公正感の関連 : 道徳性の発達の観点から <研究論文>
- 末藤 尚代,岡本 祐子
- 広島大学大学院心理臨床教育研究センター紀要 13, 51-64, 2015-03-20
- … The purpose of this research is to prove the relation of dispositional forgiveness and "fairness", which is Kohlberg focused on in his theory of moral development of six stages. … Nagy's theory and some researches indicate that fairness is important in human's psychological health. … This research is enforced to university students, and marginal significance was indicated between fairness and dispositional forgiveness in total. …
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- fairnessとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]1 公平,公正in fairness (to a person)公平を期して(人の名誉のために)言うならばin (all) fairness((文修飾))公平に見て.2 美しさ;色白,金髪. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等から ...
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