- cause to be enthusiastic; "Her playing brought down the house"
- to a lower intensity; "he slowly phased down the light until the stage was completely black"
- soft fine feathers (同)down feather
- (American football) a complete play to advance the football; "you have four downs to gain ten yards"
- fine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs) (同)pile
- (usually plural) a rolling treeless highland with little soil
- understood perfectly; "had his algebra problems down" (同)down pat, mastered
- extending or moving from a higher to a lower place; "the down staircase"; "the downward course of the stream" (同)downward
- spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position; "dont fall down"; "rode the lift up and skied down"; "prices plunged downward" (同)downwards, downward, downwardly
- cause to come or go down; "The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect"; "The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet" (同)knock down, cut_down, push down, pull down
- shoot at and force to come down; "the enemy landed several of our aircraft" (同)shoot down, land
- away from a more central or a more northerly place; "was sent down to work at the regional office"; "worked down on the farm"; "came down for the wedding"; "flew down to Florida"
- becoming progressively lower; "the down trend in the real estate market"
- being or moving lower in position or less in some value; "lay face down"; "the moon is down"; "our team is down by a run"; "down by a pawn"; "the stock market is down today"
- being put out by a strikeout; "two down in the bottom of the ninth"
- bring down or defeat (an opponent)
- from an earlier time; "the story was passed down from father to son"
- in an inactive or inoperative state; "the factory went down during the strike"; "the computer went down again"
- not functioning (temporarily or permanently); "we cant work because the computer is down"
- paid in cash at time of purchase; "put ten dollars down on the necklace"
- shut; "the shades were down"
- travel or traverse (a distance); "This car does 150 miles per hour"; "We did 6 miles on our hike every day"
- the syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization (同)doh, ut
- proceed or get along; "How is she doing in her new job?"; "How are you making out in graduate school?"; "Hes come a long way" (同)fare, make_out, come, get along
- create or design, often in a certain way; "Do my room in blue"; "I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest" (同)make
- carry on or function; "We could do with a little more help around here" (同)manage
- get (something) done; "I did my job" (同)perform
- bring into a different state; "this may land you in jail" (同)land
- induce or persuade; "The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well"
- take something or somebody with oneself somewhere; "Bring me the box from the other room"; "Take these letters to the boss"; "This brings me to the main point" (同)convey, take
- go or come after and bring or take back; "Get me those books over there, please"; "Could you bring the wine?"; "The dog fetched the hat" (同)get, convey, fetch
- cause to happen or to occur as a consequence; "I cannot work a miracle"; "wreak havoc"; "bring comments"; "play a joke"; "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area" (同)work, play, wreak, make for
- attract the attention of; "The noise and the screaming brought the curious"
- be accompanied by; "Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?"
- cause to come into a particular state or condition; "Long hard years of on the job training had brought them to their competence"; "bring water to the boiling point"
- English physician who first described Downs syndrome (1828-1896) (同)John L. H. Down
- (高い所から)『下へ』,降りて,地面へ / (地理・地図上)南へ,下町へ;(風・流れなどが)『下(しも)手へ』;《英》(都会・大学から)地方へ,離れて / (価格・品質・温度などが)『下がって』,(数量・スピードなどが)少なく,減じて,(濃度が)薄く / (健康・風の勢いなどが)『衰えて』,気分が沈んで / (時代などが)下がって,…に至るまで / (身分・地位が)下がって / (紙面に)書き留めて,記録して / (頭金を)現金で,即金で / 最後まで,徹底的に / しっかりと,動けないように / (高い所から)…『を下がって』;…『に沿って』;…の向こうに / …の下流に / …以来 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『下りの』,下への / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(列車・バスなどが)下りの / 《補語にのみ用いて》下に,下がって / 《補語にのみ用いて》弱まった,おさまった;落胆した,元気のない / 《補語にのみ用いて》(勝負で)負けて,すって / 《補語にのみ用いて》《おもに米話》(野球で)アウト / …‘を'打倒する,負かす,撃ち落とす / …‘を'飲み干す,飲み込む / 下り,下降 / 《複数形で》不運,逆境
- (鳥の)綿毛,うぶ毛,下羽 / (植物・果実の表面の)柔らかい毛
- なだらかな草原地,丘陵地帯(特にイングランド南部の小高い白亜質の草原地the Downsを言う)
- 《疑問文・否定文を作る》 / 《否定命令文を作る》 / 《助動詞とbe動詞のどちらも含まない文に用いて付加疑問を作る》 / 《強意語として》 / 《文》《助動詞とbe動詞のどちらも含まない文に用いて倒置文を作る》 / 《あいづちを打つ場合に》 / 《先行する動詞またはそれを含む述部の代用》 / 《so,nor,neitherで始まる簡略文で》 / …‘を'『する』,行う,果たす / 《通例have done,時にbe doneの形で》…‘を'『終える』,済ませる / …‘を'作る,作り出す / …‘を'『処理する』,整える,片付ける / 〈学課〉‘を'『勉強する』,専攻する / 〈利益・害など〉‘を'与える,もたらす / 〈人〉‘に'『役立つ』,用が足りる(serve) / …の速度で進む,距離を行く / …‘を'見物する / 〈劇〉‘を'上演する;…‘の'役を演じる / …の役目(仕事)をする / 《おもに英》…‘を'だます,かつぐ / 《話》…をへとへとにさせる / 『する』;活動する / 《通例have done,時にbe doneの形で》(…を)『終える』,済ます《+『with』+『名』》 / 〈事が〉『運ぶ』;〈人が〉暮らしていく,健康である / 〈物が〉(…に)『間に合う』,十分である;〈人が〉(…に)役に立つ,向く《+『for』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》すべきこと / 〈C〉《おもに英》大宴会,大パーティー / 〈C〉《英話》詐欺,ぺてん
- ド(全音階の第1音)
- 〈物〉‘を'『持ってくる』 / 〈人が〉(…に)〈人〉‘を'『連れてくる』《+『名』〈人〉+『to』+『名』》 / 〈物事が〉(…に)〈人〉‘を'『来させる』,引き寄せる《+『名』+『to』+『名』》 / 〈物事〉をもたらす,引き起こす / (ある状態・結果・動作などに)…‘を'『する』 / (…に対して)〈訴訟〉を起こす《+『名』+『for』(『against』)+『名』》
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English Journal
- Membrane Disruption and Enhanced Inhibition of Cell-Wall Biosynthesis: A Synergistic Approach to Tackle Vancomycin-Resistant Bacteria.
- Yarlagadda V1, Samaddar S1, Paramanandham K2, Shome BR2, Haldar J3.
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Japanese Journal
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