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- 1. 成人の双極性障害(大うつ病エピソード):抗うつ薬の効果と副作用bipolar major depression in adults efficacy and adverse effects of antidepressants [show details]
…controlled, whose depression is severe and not responding to antimanic drugs, and who have a prior history of responding well to antidepressants plus antimanic drugs. The efficacy of antidepressants for acute bipolar …
- 2. 成人の双極性障害(大うつ病エピソード):治療法の選択bipolar major depression in adults choosing treatment [show details]
…of the antimanic drug – Optimize dose of the antimanic drug. Drug-drug interactions may render antimanic drugs less effective or increase adverse effects – Specific interactions of antimanic drugs with …
- 3. 小児の双極性障害(大うつ病エピソード):治療法の選択pediatric bipolar major depression choosing treatment [show details]
…currently treated with an antimanic drug, we suggest starting an antimanic drug as well as adjunctive psychotherapy. Support for this approach includes randomized trials . Choosing antimanic pharmacotherapy and …
- 4. 小児の双極性障害と薬物療法:一般原則pediatric bipolar disorder and pharmacotherapy general principles [show details]
…of stimulants, the risk/benefit ratio might favor an initial trial of stimulants rather than an antimanic drug. By contrast, if a patient with ADHD symptoms also has recurrent, distinct one- to two-day …
- 5. 小児の双極性障害:治療法の選択に関する概要pediatric bipolar disorder overview of choosing treatment [show details]
…observational study enrolled youth with mania who were treated in the community (n = 115), and found that antimanic medications (antipsychotics, lithium, or anticonvulsants) were never prescribed to 37 percent . …
English Journal
- Neuronal protective effect of Songling Xuemaikang capsules alone and in combination with carbamazepine on epilepsy in kainic acid-kindled rats.
- Yang H, Zhang R, Jia C, Chen M, Yin W, Wei L, Jiao H.
- Pharmaceutical biology. 2019 Dec;57(1)22-28.
- Epilepsy is a common life-threatening neurological disorder that is often drug-resistant and associated with cognitive impairment. The traditional Chinese patent medicine Songling Xuemaikang capsules (SXC) is clinically used for epilepsy therapy and alleviation of cognitive impairment. This study in
- PMID 30724642
- Embryotoxicity of ozonated diclofenac, carbamazepine, and oxazepam in zebrafish (Danio rerio).
- Pohl J, Ahrens L, Carlsson G, Golovko O, Norrgren L, Weiss J, Örn S.
- Chemosphere. 2019 Jun;225()191-199.
- Pharmaceutical residues are polluting the surface water environments worldwide. Sewage and wastewater treatment, therefore, needs to be improved in order to remove pharmaceutical residues from the effluent. One such treatment improvement is effluent ozonation. Even though ozonation has proven to be
- PMID 30875502
- Tamoxifen has an anti-manic effect but not protect the brain against oxidative stress in an animal model of mania induced by ouabain.
- Dal-Pont GC, Resende WR, Bianchini G, Gava FF, Peterle BR, Trajano KS, Varela RB, Quevedo J, Valvassori SS.
- Journal of psychiatric research. 2019 Jun;113()181-189.
- Studies have suggested the involvement of oxidative stress in the physiopathology of bipolar disorder. Preclinical data have shown that PKC inhibitors may act as mood-stabilizing agents and protect the brain in animal models of mania. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of Lithium (Li) o
- PMID 30981159
Japanese Journal
- 急性躁病の薬物療法 : 7つの留意点 (特集 双極性障害薬物療法のState of the Art(1))
- カルバマゼピン : 気分安定薬としての開発経緯と今日の役割 (特集 従来型向精神薬再考 : 従来型薬が使われるのはどのような場合か)
- Effect of Lithium on the Expression of Phosphodiesterase type 4B mRNA in the Rat Frontal Cortex and Hippocampus
- 簡野 宗明,高橋 道宏,大谷 浩一
- 山形大学紀要. 医学 : 山形医学 = Bulletin of the Yamagata University. Medical science : Yamagata medical journal 33(1), 17-22, 2015-02-15
- … Furthermore, this change may be associated with the antimanic and prophylactic effects of lithium. …
- NAID 110009889043
Related Links
- Antimanic drug: Antimanic drug, any drug that stabilizes mood by controlling symptoms of mania, the abnormal psychological state of excitement. Mania is a severe form of emotional disturbance in which a person is ...
- Antimanic definition, preventing, curing, or palliating the symptoms of mania. See more. Dictionary.com Thesaurus.com Everything After Z Word of the Day Video Word Facts Grammar Crossword Solver Daily Crossword All The ...
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- 英
- psychotropic drug, psychotropic drugs, psychotropic agent, psychoactive drug, psychotropic, psychotropics
- 関
- 精神疾患
- 中枢神経系に作用して精神機能に影響を及ぼす薬物の総称
- 英
- antimanic、antimanic agent、antimanic drug、antimaniacal
- 同
- 気分安定薬 mood-stabilizing drug
- 関
- 抗躁病
- 英
- antimanic
- 関
- 抗躁薬